As the title says need help with wiring installation.

Here is my situation. My building is located in an light industrial area and with some welders located on my power line the three phase power is not clean enough for cnc equipment. I have three mills all on phase converters and do not have any problem with them now. I purchased an older Mitsubishi DWC 110 G wire EDM. Going to also hook it up to a phase converter. Will go with a 10hp phase converter (Almost twice size needed).

My problem, cannot find an electrician that can figure out how or more specifically where to connect the wiring to my EDM. I will feed a transformer that came with the machine with my phase converter, with an output on transformer of 220V, which is what the book calls for. However, we cannot find where to hook up line from transformer to the EDM. There is a power box that is connected to machine, but it appears to be another transformer to feel electronics? So where are the bars to attach the three phase to the EDM? Secondly the book calls for single phase 110 also. Is that a seperate line that needs to feed the electronics or is that pulling off the three phase.

Hoping for some help here, before we have to start pulling off panels to find a place to hook the wiring up. No other EDM's in my area so odds of finding electrician with knowledge of EDM's isn't going to happen. Would appreciate any help that anyone here could offer. Once we determine where to look, they will figure it our, just need a starting point. Thanks