
One thing that's wearing me out with my self build CNC - certainly with is with intricate parts - is the time overhead for a tool change.

Basically, when prompted for a tool change, becuase I don't have sufficient Z clearance (temporarily, my Z 'reach' small!), I need to move the table suffiicently in the X & Y direction to clear the part - I can then lower the cutter out of the collet.

I'm doing this 'table move' manually at the moment & even though I'm using a contour shuttle, the constant jogging about makes me feel more like I'm playing some form of video game rather than operating a CNC machine!

If I understand it correctly, machine coords can be used to take the spindle to a set, repeatable location - this sounds perfect, for tool changes

However, when I click on the machine coords button - I can't seem to zero machine coords to zero (as seen on the the DROs)

I tried this yesterday, only to find out I'd zero the working coords - & I was half way through a cut, I don't have home switches yet, so my time was wasted!)

So...to the point - which bit am I missing to set the 0,0,0 location for machine coords?