no decrease at all on the power meter, meaning the power supply is good and the laser tube is shot???

the laser bed does seem to be a little closer to the laser on one end then the other but i honestly don't know how to adjust it. I have tried all different spots on the bed at all different distances and it does not seem to matter. it simply can only cut a nice clean cut for about 10" worth of distance, any more and it needs a break in between. I have not checked if the mirrors are possibly out of whack in different spots then the one where i made the adjustments, that might be worth checking. although i always get a crisp clean line where its trying to cut, it just cant get through.

I air conditioned the workspace, no difference. less sweating of the laser tip, coolant holds 17 degrees no problem. yes it is a real commercial type chiller with a coil.

I'm here right now making more cuts, wasting more material. speed it up, more passes, slow it down, less passes, distance on table, less power more passes, you name it, I've tried it. ultimately, it needs a 5 or 10 minute break, and makes a perfect 10" cut, then its pooped. camtech customer service is non existent btw, for anyone considering a machine from them.