Hello everybody!

I have been for a long time fighting with transferring a G-code into my machine (Bridgeport Heidenhain TNC355). I changed so many things in my Post processor to finally get the machine to accept the code.

But the problem is, my machine can only store 1000 blocks, any code larger than that has to be transferred 'blockwise' i.e. transferring and running the program at the same time so the blocks that have been executed are replaced by new blocks.

And when an error or a warning sign shows up at the top of the screen, the machine stops updating the block execution (although blocks still keep executing), which is fine by me, but it also stops transferring the code (new blocks). Now, this is the problem!

So in order to continue with the transfer I have to keep pressing the CE button to clear/acknowledge the message, as it reoccurs the very next second after clearing the message, I have to keep doing it manually which defeat the purpose of a CNC, right! :tired:.

As the title says; the error/warning message is "Spindle Drive Off". I have searched all the manual related to TNC355 but could not find this error message, hence don't know how to fix, ANY help would be appreciated!
