Hi All!
We have a new product up on Kickstarter and thought you may be interested in checking it out: Stepperature: Open Source Quadrature Hand Wheel by ProtoPlant INC. ? Kickstarter
It is also up on our website here: Stepperature | Protoplant

It is a small microcontroller circuit that converts the signals a stepper motor makes when turned by hand into clean, reliable quadrature for making your own MPG hand-wheels. We also have a discrete component version that we will post details on at the end of the kickstarter campaign for those of you who are hardcore electronics enthusiasts.

This has been tried before but we really spent a lot of time on the design and it works very well. Best of all the project is totally open source and low priced, $16.00 on Kickstarter right now for complete boards including shipping.

Good news, this is already funded on Kickstarter!! That means we are good to go for initial production runs of the boards. The fastest way to get yours is to use Kickstarter, but they will be up for sale at Stepperature | Protoplant after we ship the Kickstarter rewards.

Mostly we think it is a cool idea and want to get it out to the community!
Thanks so much for checking it out, happy machining!