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  1. #2121
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    “I think that those people are in such a tiny, tiny minority now with their point of view,” he told CBS. “They’re almost like the ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona and those who believe the earth is flat. That demeans them a little bit, but it’s not that far off.”
    --Al Gore on 60Minutes

    Anybody catch Leslie asking Al the "hard" question....saying that Dick Cheney is skeptical...she would have given him even more credibility by saying Elmer Fudd. I wonder what his response would have been if she'd mentioned Patrick Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer, or any of the host of people who are actually climate scientists??

    Now we know that the 19,000 scientists who've signed the petition questioning the rush to crucify man for the planet's warming all believe the earth is flat.

    I loved the part where Algore got credit for the energy remodel of his house. No mention of course that he didn't do it until after he was nailed for his energy usage.

  2. #2122
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    “I think that those people are in such a tiny, tiny minority now with their point of view,” he told CBS. “They’re almost like the ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona and those who believe the earth is flat. That demeans them a little bit, but it’s not that far off.”
    --Al Gore on 60Minutes

    Anybody catch Leslie asking Al the "hard" question....saying that Dick Cheney is skeptical...she would have given him even more credibility by saying Elmer Fudd. I wonder what his response would have been if she'd mentioned Patrick Michaels, Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer, or any of the host of people who are actually climate scientists??

    Now we know that the 19,000 scientists who've signed the petition questioning the rush to crucify man for the planet's warming all believe the earth is flat.

    I loved the part where Algore got credit for the energy remodel of his house.
    No mention of course that he didn't do it until after he was nailed for his energy usage.

    WHICH house? They own several and they all are energy pigs!!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  3. #2123
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Well I may as well state that today MARCH 31 2008 and here in Wisconsin we are getting 6 to 10 inches of snow and highs in the mid 30's! I would like a little warming as I and many others in this part of the country are tired of cold and snow! On another note why do all the car manufactures keep building 300, 400 and more horsepower vehicles? It is all about money! If there was less GREED and keeping up with the jones the world would be a better place!

  4. #2124
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    The manufacturers are building what we want to buy, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Imagine them building ONLY things THEY thought were what you needed?

    I think not!

    How often do you think they'd actually be doing, you know... what YOU want?
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  5. #2125
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GORDYKD View Post
    Just a little reading to make one wonder about the true legitimacy of all that is "Global Warming"

    Christopher Pearson | March 22, 2008

    CATASTROPHIC predictions of global warming usually conjure with the notion of a tipping point, a point of no return.

    Dear GORDYKD,

    Many thanks for that post.

    Could you post a link to the article?

    Best wishes,


  6. #2126
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Rekd View Post

    The manufacturers are building what we want to buy, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Imagine them building ONLY things THEY thought were what you needed?

    I think not!

    How often do you think they'd actually be doing, you know... what YOU want?
    Rest easy in the knowledge that if you're not sure what you want, an ad agency will TELL you what you want.

    Like Algore's agency of choice for his sky-is-falling...whoops, I mean Globull Warming Campaign. We should be expecting to see some very slick ads, with talking amphibians, extinct hominids, and animated polar bears all decrying the impending doom.

    How fitting. An agency made famous for farce, selling....farce.

    (note: The Martin Agency...they've also sold Coke, MBZ, and.....drum roll......Homeland Security)

  7. #2127

    The car you want is the Trabant:

    "The much-derided Trabant - which means fellow traveller - was first made in 1957 and they were produced for 30 years with little improvements.

    The pollution-producing cars were powered by smoky, two-stroke engines and went from 0-62mph in 21 seconds and had a top speed of 70mph.

    Their steel frames had roofs, bonnets, fenders and doors made from plastic that was strengthened by wool or cotton.

    It was the East German's People's Car and was incredibly basic, often having no brake lights or indicators."


  8. #2128
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    The point being that it is possible to manufacture compact fluorescents that don't remind one of a morgue. Why this isn't being done, I have no idea.
    Dear Donna,

    Unless I am entirely mistaken, there is a move afoot to ban all incandescent lamps in Europe within a few years, and replace them with "compact flourescent" ones. Filament lamps will be banned.

    This will include low voltage halogens I think.

    The planet-saving alternatives, (morgue lights), contain a small amount of mercury. The EU has just banned mercury. Well, it does not seem to be entirely "joined-up" in its thinking.

    There are many millions of low voltage tungsten lamps over here in small lamp fittings. They give off a pleasant light.

    There is no "compact flourescent" lamp to put into those many fittings.

    Conventional light fittings far out-number low voltage tungstens. Recent studies suggest that most people do not want morgue lights, even if given them for nothing.

    If you can come up with a lamp that gives a warm spectral response, and is compact, and has a beam that can be directed, if required, you will be doing mankind a massive favour.

    For myself, I think I will stock up with a huge pile of illegal lamps, and sell them at inflated prices on e-bay, before being dragged off to the Climate Change off-shore prison.

    Best wishes,


  9. #2129
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dear GORDYKD,

    Many thanks for that post.

    Could you post a link to the article?

    Best wishes,

    I believe it is this article: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au...9-7583,00.html

  10. #2130
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dynosor View Post
    Dear dynosor,

    Thank-you for that.

    Best wishes,


  11. #2131
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hi jhowelb,
    Did you catch TV tonight? Al Sharpton has teemed up with your hero, Pat Robertson, to do an ad for Al Gore's global warming initiative. It seems that Al is seeking out unlikely, diametrically opposed proponents to highlight his GW stance. I can't wait to see the commercial. They are saying that we all live on the same planet so we must take care of it. What a novel thought!
    Take care,

  12. #2132
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Hi jhowelb,
    Did you catch TV tonight? Al Sharpton has teemed up with your hero, Pat Robertson, to do an ad for Al Gore's global warming initiative. It seems that Al is seeking out unlikely, diametrically opposed proponents to highlight his GW stance. I can't wait to see the commercial. They are saying that we all live on the same planet so we must take care of it. What a novel thought!
    Take care,
    You have again leaped headfirst into an incorrect assumption. I view Robertson as an eccentric opportunist only slightly less demented than the other two you mentioned. I cannot take seriously anything uttered by any of them.

    But lets see, Gore has a much applauded book (Earth in the Lurch?) virtually indistinguishable from the Una Bombers Manifesto, a phony flick which is being force fed to kids world wide, an Emmy and a bogus Nobel Award and he STILL finds it necessary to spend $30 million on an advertising campaign? Business must be failing badly!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  13. #2133
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Caribou sets snowfall record
    By BDN Staff
    Saturday, March 22, 2008 - Bangor Daily News

    By Julia Bayly
    Special to the NEWS

    FORT KENT, Maine — It’s official. The 2007-08 snow season in northern Maine is one for the record books. Just in time for the start of spring.

    The old record of 181.1 inches of snow recorded in Caribou, set in 1955, was shattered by noontime Friday when the National Weather Service in Caribou recorded 182.5 inches of snow since the start of the season.


    Tons of Snow Test a Place Where Cold Is No Stranger

    OTTAWA — People here are divided between those longing for a few more inches of snow to set a record and others who think the 14 feet that has already landed, and mostly lingered, is more than enough.

    No one needs to ask Luc Guertin his view. His front yard on a suburban street here features his personal monument to eastern Canada’s unusually prolonged, relentless and snowy winter. A snow wall, about 18 ½ feet high, 6 to 10 feet wide and 30 feet long, rises along one edge of the driveway. Standing next to a flagpole at the top, a balaclava-clad mannequin holds a snow shovel aloft in “Rocky”-style triumph. A sign, decorated with fuzzy chickens, offers outdated Easter greetings to the steady stream of sightseers who make their way to Toulouse Crescent.

    Mr. Guertin, it should be noted, occasionally slips into an elaborate, homemade robot costume before picking up his extra-long snow shovel.

    “Once I got going, I figured, why stop?” Mr. Guertin, a carpenter, said of his snow creation, which was mostly shoveled by hand rather than raised with a snowblower. “This year was such a record year for snow, so who knows, next year I might not be able to do it. A moment like this doesn’t come very often. I’m hoping for a snow record.”

    The children wandering by one late March evening to poke and gaze at Ottawa’s newest attraction, as well as the drivers stopping for photographs, said that they, like Mr. Guertin, were hoping for another seven inches of snow. That would break the record from the winter of 1970-71, which meteorologists have called a thousand-year event.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  14. #2134
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hi Martin,

    Quote Martin: Unless I am entirely mistaken, there is a move afoot to ban all incandescent lamps in Europe within a few years, and replace them with "compact flourescent" ones. Filament lamps will be banned.

    Me: Bad idea. There are applications where incandescent would be better. I made the mistake of putting one of those mercury vapor lamps on our back porch. On a cold winter night it takes forever to come on and you can fall down the steps if you're not careful. I've learned to turn it on ahead of time if I'm wearing heels. It does save energy though and the bulbs last forever, we've never had to replace the bulb.

    Quote Martin: The planet-saving alternatives, (morgue lights), contain a small amount of mercury. The EU has just banned mercury. Well, it does not seem to be entirely "joined-up" in its thinking.

    There are many millions of low voltage tungsten lamps over here in small lamp fittings. They give off a pleasant light.

    Me: Mercury is bad for the environment. You don't want it in the fish you eat, that's for sure. Hopefully your government will provide a conscientious method of disposal so that public spirited people can get rid of the things properly. That hasn't happened over here unfortunately. I don't know where to go to get rid of old mercury filled neon tubes for instance.

    Quote Martin: If you can come up with a lamp that gives a warm spectral response, and is compact, and has a beam that can be directed, if required, you will be doing mankind a massive favour.

    For myself, I think I will stock up with a huge pile of illegal lamps, and sell them at inflated prices on e-bay, before being dragged off to the Climate Change off-shore prison.

    Me: Find a glass blower (neon tube bender) in your area. See if you can get him to show you a Technolux color chart or equivalent. You'll find some warm colors in there. If all they have to do is take a straight piece of glass, put electrodes on each end and pump it, the cost should be very reasonable. Several years ago it was about $2/ foot, probably a little more now. If pumped well they will last a long time (50,000 - 100,000 hours).
    I found this tidbit:
    "High colour temperature tubes (cool whites) (4000K and up) produce more brightness per watt than warmer whites (up to 3500K)." Apparently they are using the morgue light phosphors because of brightness per watt, it makes their efficiency numbers look better. The 4000K refers to the color temperature and I know that K stands for Kelvin but don't exactly know what this means.
    Take care,

  15. #2135
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hi Rekd,
    Quote Rekd:
    He "allows" that GW is happening? Isn't that special.

    Is he "allowing" it to happen on Mars too?

    Did he "allow" it to happen several times over that last several hundred thousand years?

    Did he "allow" the internet to happen too?

    Me: I'm just playing it for laughs. I've come around to Geof's way of thinking. It's probably happening and man is probably contributing to it in a small way, but there's nothing we can do about it.

    Quote Rekd:
    Seriously, Donna, he's a tool. He couldn't cut it as a politician so he invented man made global warming so he could sell carbon credits to unsuspecting fools who are all to willing to jump on each and ever band-wagon that rolls buy to separate the ignorant from their dollar. Very reminiscent of the plight of the Star Bellied Sneech's when Sylvester McMonkey McBean came by with his star adding/removing machines.

    Me: I can't argue with that. Although I've no idea what "Star Bellied Sneech's" are, or who "Sylvester McMonkey McBean" is.

    Quote Rekd:
    Besides, I thought you were leaving?

    Me: I tried but I just couldn't. jhowelb needed me.
    Take care,

  16. #2136
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Quote Rekd:
    Besides, I thought you were leaving?

    Me: I tried but I just couldn't. jhowelb needed me.
    Take care,


    (Like Batman needs the Joker? Like Superman needs Kryptonite? Like the Roadrunner needs the Coyote? Right, and I NEED a migraine headache and hemorrhoids!)
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  17. #2137
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hi Martin;
    I found this interesting tidbit from a guy's website: http://www.emanator.demon.co.uk/bigclive/joule.htm
    It's a good way to use up spent batteries. He claims the circuit will run continuously for a week on a "dead" battery. Might give the non-morgue lighting effect you're looking for. BTW, he's from your neck of the woods, Scotland I think.
    Take care,

  18. #2138
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it. - Einstein.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  19. #2139
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it. - Einstein.
    Got to laugh at the irony of that quote....since Al Gore has essentially concocted the whole AGW scare, and miraculously, he has the cure; Carbon Credits.

    That's the secret of a good snake oil salesman..create a disease, and sell the cure.

  20. #2140
    Join Date
    May 2007

    global warming+ozone destroyed=USA to blame!

    [QUOTE=Bluesman;312748]Round about the 8th grade I did a science project on the coming climate change that was to destroy mankind as we knew him. Yes as far back as 1973 we were taught of the doom and gloom of the coming climate change. "

    Yup, I remember for me it was 1972.

    [QUOTE=Bluesman;312748]"I was a scared ****less little dude. Oh you bet I was I had all the "Facts" from all the "Scientists"

    Yup, I wouldn't say I was scared but I was a very concerned little guy. And wondered why my dad said "they always come up with something like that to try to make us feel guilty" he wasn't too concerned about the coming ice age or the destruction of the ozone.

    [QUOTE=Bluesman;312748] "GLOBAL WARMING is new disaster" Actually I have come think it's more a religion for those who beleive it's fact.

    More to the point after 34-35years I'd say I think those disasters that crop up like global warming are just something the rest of the world pushes to make us here in the US feel guilty for the way we live. We have all the advantages so many others in the rest of the world crave for. We are a noble nation that always is first to come to the aid of people & places in need of help. But it always seems that the US is to blame for all these catastrophes. Funny how things come around, now after all these years I feel like my dad did back then!
    Rob Drummond
    Hillsboro, NH

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