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  1. #2261
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post

    Aw geez,.. please stop with the apocalyptic stuff already. It's been done better in a million sci-fi B-movies than what you are doing. Tiresome, trite and retread-tire boring.

    Hi Mariss,
    If it's apocalyptic you want consider this. Many in the world earn about $2/day. As the cost of food rises, it is approaching this figure to feed these same workers. Can you envision riots, revolutions and anarchy? I think this is what Geof alluded to.
    Take care,

  2. #2262
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Do something about it. DIY project.

    Hi folks,

    Interested in helping mother nature and saving yourself about 30-40+ ...... dollars a month? The price of natural gas and electricity isn't going to go down in the forseeable future...

    Got your interest.... For a small invetment less than 100 bucks you can build a hot water heater that is makes economic sense as well as one that helps the environment.

    Check out this website and do your own research. I did some experiments with a tank at the cabin and it works great. I'm currently in the process of building one for the house. No more monthly gas bills in the summer and if lucky the same in the winter.


    Don't think about it....Just do it.

  3. #2263
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Wxyz, untangling your thought processes is a daunting task and growing more difficult week by week. You really should see a professional about that!

    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    We "spoiled and narcissistic" hippies have been doing good for over 40 years now. We've helped clean up the environment, expand the national park system, save whales, etc. Not to mention avoiding useless wars. You should be very proud of your generation. It has helped make America
    Now there is arrogance at it's ultimate! Your generation is responsible for a blood bath in Southeast Asia that puts Hitler in league with amateurs. Further, because of your generation, the American blood spilled in that conflict was consigned to waste. You'd be well advised to just shut up on that score.

    As to the other outlandish claims, it will be generations before the economy can recover from the harm your generation has caused.
    Thank you SOOO much! You can QUIT already!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Hi Mariss,
    If it's apocalyptic you want consider this. Many in the world earn about $2/day. As the cost of food rises, it is approaching this figure to feed these same workers. Can you envision riots, revolutions and anarchy?
    The rising food prices are due to the quackery spawned by biofuels and alternatives real and imagined again brought about by YOUR generation. Not to mention all the ecofriendly, anti progress green weenie nitwittery already vested upon us.

    Quote Originally Posted by TomB View Post
    To spend a BTU to get a BTU? Aren't they doing that already with ethanol? Biodiesel from algae is a much more productive investment. You get a yield of about 5,000 gal/acre/year.
    And now you want to fill the Southwestern part of the country with cesspools filled with toxic waste to further some quacks get rich quick at the expense of the taxpayer scheme.

    The best thing your generation could do at this point is to sit down, shut up and just enjoy the blessings that all the previous generations fought hard to leave you. Your brains have been fried on drugs to the point that you really don't realize the harm you are doing.

    Enough, already!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  4. #2264

    Save whales? I didn't know you were that religious!


  5. #2265
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Hi Mariss,
    It does exist, and the "dark cabals" (conservatives) do suppress knowledge of it. That's because they don't want to fund it with their tax dollars. It will be developed as well when these "dumb, lazy, greedy" "knuckle dragging troglodytes" finally wake up to the fact that it's cheaper, easier and smarter than invading a country and stealing their oil.
    To fund this ersatz war we've run the national debt up to $30K for every man woman and child in the country. Think what we could have done with that money developing biofuels. Ah, but that would have been the smart thing to do, very unconservative.
    Take care,
    If ignorance is bliss, I would think donna would be happy as a clam.
    Obviously she listens to the "gore won" group that want to believe that we are at war for oil: that we are there to steal it from these poor people.
    Have you been there and seen the carnage laid into good people by the Taliban? or are you having your opinions spoon fed to you by Billary?
    Have you actually seen the difference in the lives of the people that are being protected in the US "war for oil"?
    ....of course not.
    Do you understand that the "Surge" is working, and that the US, has not been attacked for years by a group that "promised" continuing terrorist activities?
    Oh, let's concentrate on Global Warming (farce) and convince everyone that it's a fact and say that the US is bad because we are at war, and call it a war for oil.

    oh yeah...
    Billary was shot at by snipers, loves the yankees, and doesn't know what "is" is.
    Obama can't figure out where he was, or who his friends have been.

    and Gore invented the internet, and is a great scientist.

  6. #2266
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Hi Mariss,
    It does exist, and the "dark cabals" (conservatives) do suppress knowledge of it. That's because they don't want to fund it with their tax dollars. It will be developed as well when these "dumb, lazy, greedy" "knuckle dragging troglodytes" finally wake up to the fact that it's cheaper, easier and smarter than invading a country and stealing their oil.
    Take care,
    Gosh XY, I never looked at that way before. I think you right! You poor liberals have dragged the knuckle-scrapers to troughs full of billions of dollars of profit to be made from Counterculture Oil but the idiots just won't take the money! It's there; 5 bazillion barrels of Hippie Oil per acre all for the taking and these idiots won't sell it! All they want to do is invade other countries to steal their oil. The only thing left to do is have the taxpayers force these troglodytes to become billionaires selling the stuff. Thanks XY, I think I finally got it.


  7. #2267
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ummm, WHAT oil crisis?

    Huge Oil Reservoir Under Northern Plains

    Thursday , April 10, 2008

    BISMARCK, N.D. —
    The government estimates up to 4.3 billion barrels of oil can be recovered from the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota and Montana, using current technology.

    The U.S. Geological Survey calls it the largest continuous oil accumulation it has ever assessed.

    An assessment by USGS in 1999 found the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge had 10.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil, said Brenda Pierce, a geologist for the agency

    The Bakken Formation encompasses some 25,000 square miles in North Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

    About two-thirds of the acreage is in western North Dakota, where the oil is trapped in a thin layer of dense rock nearly two miles beneath the surface.

    Companies use pressurized fluid and sand to break pores in the rock and prop them open to recover the oil.

    Donald Kessel, vice president of Houston-based Murex Petroleum Corp., said he believes the Geological Survey's assessment of how much oil can be recovered in the Bakken may be a little on the high side.

    "That's a lot of zeros," Kessel said Thursday.

    Kessel said his company was the first to get a producing well in the Bakken in North Dakota three years ago. The company now has about 20 producing wells.

    The report released Thursday by USGS was done at the request of Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., over the past 18 months.

    A study by the USGS in 1995 found 151 million barrels of oil could be recovered from the Bakken using technology at that time.

    "This is great news," Dorgan said of the new report. "This is 25 times the amount of the previous assessment."
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  8. #2268
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tax rebate explained

    This is a great explanation of the tax rebate program recently enacted by Congress. If you don't understand how it will work maybe this explanation will help:

    50,000 people went to a baseball game, but the game was rained out. A refund was then due to the ticket holders.

    The team was about to mail refunds when a group of Congressional Democrats stopped them and suggested that they send out the ticket refunds based on the Democrat ational Committee's interpretation of fairness.

    Originally the refunds were to be paid based on the price each person had paid for the tickets.
    Unfortunately that meant most of the refund money would be going to the ticket holders that had purchased the most expensive tickets. This, according to the DNC, is considered totally unfair. A decision was then made to pay out the refunds in this manner:

    People in the $10 seats will get back $15. After all, they have less money to spend on tickets to begin w ith. Cal l it an 'Earned Income Ticket Credit.' Persons 'earn' it by having few skills, poor work habits, and low ambition, thus keeping them at entry-level wages.

    People in the $25 seats will get back $25, because it 'seems fair.'

    People in the $50 seats will get back $1, because they already make a lot of money and don't need a refund.
    After all, if they can afford a $50 ticket, they must not be paying enough taxes.

    People in the $75 luxury box seats will each have to pay an additional $25 because it's the 'right thing to do'.

    People walking past the stadium that couldn't afford to buy a ticket for the game each will get a $10 refund, even though they didn't pay anything for the tickets. They need the most help. They are either lazy or think that society owes them for just being born. Sometimes this is known as Affirmative Action.

    Now do you understand?

    If not, contact Representative Nancy Pelosi
    or Senators Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama for
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  9. #2269
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    [quote=jhowelb;437575]Wxyz, untangling your thought processes is a daunting task and growing more difficult week by week. You really should see a professional about that!

    Now there is arrogance at it's ultimate! Your generation is responsible for a blood bath in Southeast Asia that puts Hitler in league with amateurs. Further, because of your generation, the American blood spilled in that conflict was consigned to waste. You'd be well advised to just shut up on that score.

    As to the other outlandish claims, it will be generations before the economy can recover from the harm your generation has caused.

    Thank you SOOO much! You can QUIT already!!!

    The rising food prices are due to the quackery spawned by biofuels and alternatives real and imagined again brought about by YOUR generation. Not to mention all the ecofriendly, anti progress green weenie nitwittery already vested upon us.

    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post

    And now you want to fill the Southwestern part of the country with cesspools filled with toxic waste to further some quacks get rich quick at the expense of the taxpayer scheme.

    The best thing your generation could do at this point is to sit down, shut up and just enjoy the blessings that all the previous generations fought hard to leave you. Your brains have been fried on drugs to the point that you really don't realize the harm you are doing.

    Enough, already!
    Hi jhowelb;
    I'm the essence of simplicity, figuring me out shouldn't be all that hard. What you see is what you get, As Popeye says, "I am what I am and that's all that I am". Hmmm, the blood bath in S.E. Asia, the Vietnam war, yes that was foisted off on us by a liberal Democrat, LBJ, sorry about that. I protested it vociferously. As did many others from my generation, I don't think you should hold those of us who protested culpable. We did what we could to extricate our country from another vain endeavor.
    Well, before I fill the southwest with "toxic cesspools" I would try it on a smaller scale and see how it works. I would also see how the project could be scaled. But this is something that's being done already. Check this out:
    Quote: "If we were to replace all of the diesel that we use in the United States" with an algae derivative, says Solix CEO Douglas Henston, "we could do it on an area of land that’s about one-half of 1 percent of the current farm land that we use now." http://www.popularmechanics.com/scie...h/4213775.html
    So see jhowelb, it's doable. Get the biodiesel thing going, buy one of those new turbodiesel Volkswagens that get 75 mph and shazaam, the energy crises is solved! That was easy, what else do you want me to figure out?
    Take care,

  10. #2270
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post

    Save whales? I didn't know you were that religious!

    Hi Mariss,
    Yep, go to church every Sunday. Pray for whales, furry little critters, and downtrodden creatures of every kind. But you're right. I'm not really all that religious. But I am real honest. I have to tell my dear sweet 86 year old mom that "yes I went to church, yes mom I'm saying my prayers and reading my Bible", "oh mom, just a little nip every now and then, it helps with the digestion" (ya gotta lie about something).
    Take care,

  11. #2271
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    Gosh XY, I never looked at that way before. I think you right! You poor liberals have dragged the knuckle-scrapers to troughs full of billions of dollars of profit to be made from Counterculture Oil but the idiots just won't take the money! It's there; 5 bazillion barrels of Hippie Oil per acre all for the taking and these idiots won't sell it! All they want to do is invade other countries to steal their oil. The only thing left to do is have the taxpayers force these troglodytes to become billionaires selling the stuff. Thanks XY, I think I finally got it.

    Ah Mariss,
    I should have learned a long time ago not to match wits with you. You crack me up! Well, if it does start to pan out (biodiesel from algae) I hope you'll admit I was right. I'll confess that you're the funniest EE I've run across.
    Take care,

  12. #2272
    I'll happily admit you are right when someone invests hard-earned venture capital, the funded enterprise brings a product to market at competitive prices and not a single penny of taxpayer money and not a single legislative "inducement" is involved in the process. In other words, an honest, unskewed market-driven outcome. It is the only fair arbiter of the merit of any idea.


  13. #2273
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    xyzdonna, here's a link to that wonderful 75 mpg voltswagon. Sounds like it's ready to take the market by a storm. Or maybe not!

  14. #2274
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by arcticcat307 View Post
    xyzdonna, here's a link to that wonderful 75 mpg voltswagon. Sounds like it's ready to take the market by a storm. Or maybe not!
    Hi arcticcat,
    After reading that review it would seem that the VW is not quite ready for prime time. But consider this, if you're willing to drop back to 50 mpg you could probably put together a pretty comfortable, easy to drive diesel car. The fuel cost would not be a whole lot more. Suppose you drive 15,000 miles per year. At 50 mpg you'd use 300 gal. and at 75 mpg you'd use 200. Even at $5/ gal. gas that's only a $500 difference spread out over the whole year. Not too bad considering.
    Take care,

  15. #2275
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    I'll happily admit you are right when someone invests hard-earned venture capital, the funded enterprise brings a product to market at competitive prices and not a single penny of taxpayer money and not a single legislative "inducement" is involved in the process. In other words, an honest, unskewed market-driven outcome. It is the only fair arbiter of the merit of any idea.

    Hi Mariss,
    I think a little legislative intervention will be necessary since the hard-earned venture capital must not be subjected to the vagaries of the market place. Most oil now comes from states that aren't too friendly to the United States. If a synthetic fuel industry were seen to be developing and becoming viable, these states might decide it would be in their best interests to quash it. This could be accomplished by a precipitous and temporary decline in prices. Just long enough to put the offending companies out of business. A tariff on imported oil or a temporary increase in taxes on petroleum derived fuel would prevent this.
    Take care,

  16. #2276
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    A tariff you say, now where did I hear that phrase before.

    If a tariff were placed on ALL imported goods then you wouldn't have the problems you now bemoan about money going to third world economies that undercut your own and close your business platforms down.

    Before anyone says that it would affect your exports, think about this, if they want your goods they'll buy them at your price.

    There aint nothing the Chinese are making that you can't make just as well, the only problem is they work for a dollar a day, so if tariffs were in place those goods would be "taxed" to bring them up to the level of the home produced goods and so we get fair trading instead of empty workshops and closures.

    The botom line is if you like Chinese manufactured goods because they're better, then you have the answer in one then, it's not the price that kills your markets but innovative technology and new ideas.

    At the end of the day it's the government in power that decides if the country must be sold down the gurgler to appease some foreign exchange deals that only line the pockets of those in power, not the man in the street.

    It has been said that a conservative government would prefer to have everyone working on the land, that's because they're land owners at heart, and industry has no interest to a land owner.
    When you own the land you own the people.

  17. #2277
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    BTW, wouldn't it be a good idea to create a sort of home based industry that reduced the need to import so much oil.

    If the third world countries reduced their oil prices to drive you out of business, so what, when do you BUY goods, when they're sky high or when they hit rock bottom?

    If you don't know the answer to that one you definately need some professional help big time.

    Let the government of the PEOPLE support the people, that's why they got voted into power wasn't it, so if the third world dropped their prices, let the government subsidise the new and emerging technologies, so that one day when they're big and strong they will in turn support the government with their profitability by way of taxes, and the infrastructure for sustained viability will have been laid.

    If the oil prices plumetted then stop pumping your own and plough some of that export dollars into buying up the cheapies, once it's gone they'll be in a worse situation than anyone as they have no alternative industry expertise to fall back on, except for Dubai who are creating the base for a future that will not be framed in oil production.

    The plan is to REDUCE your oil imports, that is make the stuff last a bit longer by using enough alternative sources, this way the third world won't feel that you've got something against them and get touchy when they have to start paying more than 10 cents for a gallon of home produced petrol because their USA market has collapsed, commonly called "killing the golden goose", and what a golden goose you lot are.

  18. #2278
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    A tariff you say, now where did I hear that phrase before.

    If a tariff were placed on ALL imported goods then you wouldn't have the problems you now bemoan about money going to third world economies that undercut your own and close your business platforms down.

    Before anyone says that it would affect your exports, think about this, if they want your goods they'll buy them at your price.

    There aint nothing the Chinese are making that you can't make just as well, the only problem is they work for a dollar a day, so if tariffs were in place those goods would be "taxed" to bring them up to the level of the home produced goods and so we get fair trading instead of empty workshops and closures.

    The botom line is if you like Chinese manufactured goods because they're better, then you have the answer in one then, it's not the price that kills your markets but innovative technology and new ideas.

    At the end of the day it's the government in power that decides if the country must be sold down the gurgler to appease some foreign exchange deals that only line the pockets of those in power, not the man in the street.

    It has been said that a conservative government would prefer to have everyone working on the land, that's because they're land owners at heart, and industry has no interest to a land owner.
    When you own the land you own the people.
    Hi handlewanker;
    I don't think I've ever purchase anything made in China that was as good as what's made here in the USA. I'm sure the same could be said of your Australia. We purchase these goods because they're cheaper.
    This is something I wish Mariss would weigh in on. He manufactures products and I'll wager that he doesn't sell many of them in China. His products are of the highest quality, are very reliable and well designed. My spouse owns nine of his stepper drives and loves them. Our government is sending jobs overseas en masse. I don't feel that this strategy is good for our economy or our future. China has no qualms about stealing our technology.
    An interesting tidbit for you to consider. Awhile back we went to a conference in Knoxville, TN on the Mach2-3 software. There was a gentleman from Taiwan who was there. Now this guy flew halfway around the world to attend a little conference on the Mach software. I was amazed, but it shows that they have money.
    Take care,

  19. #2279
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xyzdonna View Post
    Hi jhowelb;
    I'm the essence of simplicity, figuring me out shouldn't be all that hard. What you see is what you get, As Popeye says, "I am what I am and that's all that I am". Hmmm, the blood bath in S.E. Asia, the Vietnam war, yes that was foisted off on us by a liberal Democrat, LBJ, sorry about that. I protested it vociferously. As did many others from my generation, I don't think you should hold those of us who protested culpable. We did what we could to extricate our country from another vain endeavor.
    Well, before I fill the southwest with "toxic cesspools" I would try it on a smaller scale and see how it works. I would also see how the project could be scaled. But this is something that's being done already. Check this out:
    Quote: "If we were to replace all of the diesel that we use in the United States" with an algae derivative, says Solix CEO Douglas Henston, "we could do it on an area of land that’s about one-half of 1 percent of the current farm land that we use now." http://www.popularmechanics.com/scie...h/4213775.html
    So see jhowelb, it's doable. Get the biodiesel thing going, buy one of those new turbodiesel Volkswagens that get 75 mph and shazaam, the energy crises is solved! That was easy, what else do you want me to figure out?
    Take care,
    I will readily admit that you are "simple" but your thought processes are scrambled eggs. As usual you conveniently "misinterpreted" the blood bath. It was AFTER the withdrawal that the killing really started, don't even attempt to close your eye to those millions of dead that your leftie buddies are responsible for!

    And then add to that the fact that all our dead were dishonored by that same withdrawal. Then add to that the disgrace you heaped upon those of us who were returning. Heros treated like trash! For SHAME! Hang your miserable head!

    And, by the way, I was sent there by John Kennedy! You can't get the facts straight to save your miserable a$$!

    In fact I will continue to force this into your face until you do see it. You ARE culpable and freedom is NEVER a vain endeavor. Until you see that and the fact that you owe your freedom to those guys in uniform you don't deserve to be called American. You wouldn't know patriotism if it bit your.......

    You make me want to vomit!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  20. #2280
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Freedom is worth what you're willing to pay for it.

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