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  1. #2561
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hi all, and to whom are very concerned, it is a fact that NOBODY hates the good old USA, maybe a lot of people loathe their attitudes to the rest of the world generally and can't bow to their weird type of political distribution of facts that is hipocrisy at it's very best.

    Coupled with that when you have a God fearing section of the population that is so blinkered by dogma that they form sects and armed camps for the "protection" of their way of life from their own people, what more do you want when you (by your very own descriptions) install a man who has no solutions for your salvation and can only drag your country into war zone after war zone and all in the name of Democracy, the method by which the many obtain power to rule and influence the minority.

    Face up to facts, as a species you are the only creatures that have no mind of your own, relying on the twisted ideas of anyone that can impress you, and giving them power of attorney to do whatever they want at your expense, which culminates in you with great monotony and regularity, installing someone else on that wonky throne you call the presidency, and on one side hailing him/her as the best thing since sliced bread, giving your very life if necessary, until they make a small error of judgement, like killing millions of people at the stroke of a pen and justifying it as the "only way to save the world".

    I don't think that ANYONE is going to save the world, it will still be there when your species is just a pile of sun bleached bones on some long forgotten piece of land you fondly call home.

    In the meantime in the name of environmental rectification, you have the absurb notion that you are going to "save the world".

    Take a look at the big picture, you do not have the power to save the world, not whilst you have a hole in your rectum.
    Incidently, what form do you want to save the world in?

    We all know that we live on a knife edge, balanced as it is by the temperature range we like to live in, too hot and we die, too cold and we die, too foggy with pollutants and we die, not enough O2 and we die, so why do you persist in adding to your woes by having all those polluting war machines that don't win wars, and only stir up resentment to promote other wars.

    To save the world you would have to love your neighbour, which to most people is like currying favour with a rich man because he might throw you a few crumbs whilst he is able to, after that when his fortune wanes he can go jump.

    When all the oil is gone, all of this will be like a nightmare, but made by your own hand at your own expense.

    I dislike people who just quote other people's ideas and try to impress us with their insight and knowledge, all they have is the ability to put two and two together and come up with an answer that is in vogue to the impressionable.

    I give you some words of comfort from a religion that is older than time itself:-

    "surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever".

    If you just absorbed the absolute commitment to dedication that these words mean you would save your world not just the world.

  2. #2562
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Hitting the turps again, are we?

  3. #2563
    That was piquantly incoherent with just a touch of messianic bombast. I think the meds have worn off.

  4. #2564
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    .....I wonder if there is a connection between this and the failed rice harvests this and last year or is it simply due to the EU's idiocy of mandating burning food as motor vehicle fuel to the tune of 20% food content in gasoline and diesel.

    I pointed out a long time ago the observed correlation between high wheat prices and sunspot (in)activity extending back several centuries. If a "Maunder Minimum" happened once it probably happened more than once and will probably happen again. However it is probably not the cause of the rice deficit; the drought in Australia has contributed to that very significantly. The EU biofuel emphasis is also probably not responsible because that is aimed more at biodiesel than ethanol.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  5. #2565
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I promised him that I would just ignore him. I still think that's the best way to quiet him.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  6. #2566
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    ...Face up to facts, as a species you are the only creatures that have no mind of your own....
    And Ian as a species is the only other creature with internet access.

  7. #2567
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sticks and stones etc etc.

    Otherwise stuck for words, are we?

    Or, when in doubt say nothing, no reply needed, If you've got nothing to say, you've made a whole lot of sense for today.

  8. #2568
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Folks with advice should lead the way by using it themselves first.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  9. #2569
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Sticks and stones etc etc.

    Otherwise stuck for words, are we?

    Or, when in doubt say nothing, no reply needed, If you've got nothing to say, you've made a whole lot of sense for today.
    Either that or, considering the source, it's not worth the time and effort. (nuts)
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  10. #2570
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Sticks and stones etc etc.

    Otherwise stuck for words, are we?

    Or, when in doubt say nothing, no reply needed, If you've got nothing to say, you've made a whole lot of sense for today.
    Actually, arguing with someone and their religion is a wasted effort. The singlemindedness and arrogance of a religious zealot is like exchanging niceties with an Al Queda representative. It doesn't matter which religion is espoused, it will always be the religious persons way or nothing.

    The arrogance displayed by the religious zealot is no different than those who say they can save the world from global warming.

    Your mindset is 2 dimensional and does not allow anything else to enter lest you be contaminated by what you think is evil, real or not. You say that we are being led around like sheep, what do you think organized religion does but pronounce edicts written in stone and if you don't follow these edicts, you will spend eternity in hell.. And of course, your religion is the only true religion, all other religions are false, heretical, and condemning those that are gullible enough to follow such false teachings.

    Nope, addressing your commits is not a loss for words, it is a waste of time.....

  11. #2571
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "Democracy" in action!

    April 24, 2008
    Categories: Campaigns

    Reid, Pelosi, Dean may intervene in nomination

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday that he may try to force undecided superdelegates to make their decisions in the Democratic presidential race if it stretches into June.

    Reid said he would consider writing a joint letter with Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) demanding that superdelegates make their endorsements public.

    “The three of us, we may write a joint letter [to superdelegates],” said Reid. “We might do individual letters. We are in contact with each other.”

    Reid's comments suggest that the party’s top three officials are contemplating a high-level intervention if the primary season concludes in June without a nominee and many superdelegates still undecided.

    Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's 10-point victory in Tuesday's Pennsylvania Democratic primary means that the contentious nomination fight will likely continue into the summer. As the race continues to tighten, the decisions of the undecided superdelegates could determine the final outcome.

    Both Dean and Reid have made no secret of their desire to see the nomination fight end by the end of June.

    Reid said he would not rush any of the superdelegates for now.

    "People will have plenty of opportunity after the last primary on June 2 to make a decision about what they are going to do," he said.

    However, when asked by a reporter if he would be forced to intervene if the undecided superdelegates do not make up their minds, Reid replied, "I might have to."

    The Senate majority leader also hinted that another high-profile superdelegate could be making an endorsement in the coming days.

    Reid said he met Wednesday with all of the Senate committee chairman, and that one one chairman told Reid he was going to make an endorsement decision "soon."

    When asked in the hallway if he was the committee chairman in question, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden delivered an emphatic "no."
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  12. #2572
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Just couldn't resist!

    Does this mean we are all "African American"? (see paragraph 2)

    Close Call?
    "Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer."

  13. #2573
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    I think the refusal of the tire company to be built is more about automobiles than anything else, at least, if it was proposed in my area, it would be. We had a small company apply for a permit to open an aluminum casting company. everything was progressing well, new jobs, increased tax base, etc, etc. Then it was found that one of the primary manufacturing items to be produced was to be replacement parts for classic and other older vehicles and the crap hit the fan. No way would this company be allowed to exist here..... Aluminum casting is a very benign process and as far as global warming is concerned, the only suspected effect would be the power needed to melt the aluminum.

    While this was going on, a company that smelts brass and it's various alloys was granted a property use permit. The reason ??? This company makes new designs and copies of existing bronze statues and sculpture for art collectors and public exhibitors. Smelting brass and it's various alloys is very noxious and as such, emits all sorts of material into the air even with high filtration.

    The reason that this company was accepted...it's for art and art trumps most anything....

  14. #2574
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post

    I think the refusal of the tire company to be built is more about automobiles than anything else, at least, if it was proposed in my area, it would be. We had a small company apply for a permit to open an aluminum casting company. everything was progressing well, new jobs, increased tax base, etc, etc. Then it was found that one of the primary manufacturing items to be produced was to be replacement parts for classic and other older vehicles and the crap hit the fan. No way would this company be allowed to exist here..... Aluminum casting is a very benign process and as far as global warming is concerned, the only suspected effect would be the power needed to melt the aluminum.

    While this was going on, a company that smelts brass and it's various alloys was granted a property use permit. The reason ??? This company makes new designs and copies of existing bronze statues and sculpture for art collectors and public exhibitors. Smelting brass and it's various alloys is very noxious and as such, emits all sorts of material into the air even with high filtration.

    The reason that this company was accepted...it's for art and art trumps most anything....
    Oh no! You misunderstand! The tire company won't be allowed to even lay a foundation because of the increased co2! The Endangered Species Act will be used to stop construction In Texas in order to "protect" Polar Bears at the phreakin POLE!

    All productivity will be crushed! Every where!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  15. #2575
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CNC_Programmer View Post
    Does this mean we are all "African American"? (see paragraph 2)

    Close Call?
    According to scientists, yes. Africa is supposed to be the beginning, the heart of all human existence. All peoples are supposed to have traces of African DNA in them...... I forget the name of the geneticist, but he had a two hour Nova special where he explained how we should all get along because we are all come from the same stuff. We are brothers and sisters all related to Lucy and a strain of monkeys from Africa....

  16. #2576
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    ...... We are brothers and sisters all related to Lucy and a strain of monkeys from Africa....

    Well, he is probably partly right, HIS predecessors may well have been monkeys!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  17. #2577
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Religious zealot? what's that doc? I don't subscribe to any religion you'd care to chant words over, too many nut cases in your neck of the woods for my liking.

    I might add that you'd better take care about mentioning religions, there's a lot of folks where you come from that would not take kindly to you "bashing the bible" LOL.

    As a consumer society you could go a long way to "saving the world" by putting your own house in order before you try to right the world on it's pedestal.

    Global warming is as much your problem as it is the low lying countries with dense seaboard populated cities.

  18. #2578
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    Oh no! You misunderstand! The tire company won't be allowed to even lay a foundation because of the increased co2! The Endangered Species Act will be used to stop construction In Texas in order to "protect" Polar Bears at the phreakin POLE!

    All productivity will be crushed! Every where!
    This is not in the same vein but it is just as stupid. Around 20 years ago, it was discovered that the Mexicans were dumping raw sewage into the waterways near Tijuana. The city of San Diego offered to put in a waste treatment plant that both Tijuana and San Diego could use. Environmentalists took the measure to court and stopped the project stating that the sludge and filth that is now collected is in itself a bio-environment and cannot be disturbed out of fear of destroying the life that now depend on it.

    I hope you don't have a puddle in your back yard.....

  19. #2579
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    This is not in the same vein but it is just as stupid. Around 20 years ago, it was discovered that the Mexicans were dumping raw sewage into the waterways near Tijuana. The city of San Diego offered to put in a waste treatment plant that both Tijuana and San Diego could use. Environmentalists took the measure to court and stopped the project stating that the sludge and filth that is now collected is in itself a bio-environment and cannot be disturbed out of fear of destroying the life that now depend on it.

    I hope you don't have a puddle in your back yard.....

    It exactly the SAME kind of illogic! These folks are unable to see beyond the end of their noses and the field of view is dead ahead.

    It's the same thought process that forbids drilling, refineries, exploration, construction of off shore wind mills, mining and taxes private enterprise to the point that they can't afford R&D and THEN screams "This administration has no energy policy!"
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  20. #2580
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Brundage Mountain extends ski season into May

    09:08 AM MDT on Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Brundage Mountain has received 10 inches of new snow over the past week and will now be open May 3rd and 4th.

    McCALL -- Near-record snowfall and low spring temperatures are creating ideal conditions at Brundage Mountain Resort. Resort officials announced today that they will be open for a third bonus weekend in May.

    The resort is currently closed on weekdays, and had planned this Saturday and Sunday to be the final ski weekend of the season, but that was before 10 inches of fresh powder fell this week. Now, resort managers have decided to be open on May 3rd and 4th.

    “Mother Nature has been extremely kind to us this year,” said resort spokesperson April Russell. “And our loyal visitors have shown that they are still interested in skiing and riding on the best snow in Idaho.”

    Resort operators are keeping a close watch on Mother Nature and customer interest to decide if additional weekends in May are possible.

    This is the first time Brundage Mountain has ever offered lift service in the month of May.

    Brundage Mountain has received 422 inches of snowfall this season. That makes this the second snowiest winter on record.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

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