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  1. #3161
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    What The Aliens Really Think

    Our stupid little inbred race is arrogant enough to think they didn't crawl out of the slime like the rest of the vermin on this planet. They are getting the idea that THEY are the aliens on this planet and that anything they do to alter the environment for their survival will harm 'nature' somehow. As if their pitiful little attempts to survive will leave any mark after they are gone, and as if anyone or any thing will care after they are gone.

    Now here comes a message from the REAL aliens. Zolgarg wants a report from his local agent. Urgent business is afoot, and he needs information. Here's the report:


    I wonder who will win out.


  2. #3162
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mike3701 View Post
    I have been a subscriber to "Imprimis", a monthly newsletter from Huillsdale College, the only College in The country that recieves no Gov. money, whatsoever.
    Within the last 6 mo. the hahe dedicated an issue to the money trail (power) trail, and largely agrees with you.
    Anyone can subscribe to a free monthly paper by requesting such from;
    Hillsdale College, 33 E. College St., Hillsdale MI 49242. This is one of the few pubs. that I look for every month. Very best regards to all.
    One of the few universities remaining that at least strives for intellectual honesty.

  3. #3163
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Polar bears have now been listed as threatened under the endangered species act in the USA.


    Never mind the fact that the population is increasing or at worst steady, and that the number is double what it was in the 60's. What's important is this computer model projection says that global warming will have harmful effects in 50 years. Let's not use actual empirical evidence, but some computer projection on what may happen, assuming our variables are right. Unreal. Now the American government and environmental agencies will be lecturing Canadian Inuit on how to treat polar bear populations...I mean how could they know what's going on with the polar bear, they only live in the actual habitat. Oh, and were the Inuit consulted before coming to this decision? Absolutely not.

    There is also talk by one of the political parties in Canada of imposing a carbon tax to largely replace income tax. So, all remaining industry here could be completely wiped out. Not only will this mean massive job losses, but more stuff will be made in Asia where they have no pollution regulation. So the net effect will be more pollution, not less. Let's not let actual facts or reason get in the way of decision making here. At least our income tax will be lowered... Yeah, right.(nuts)


  4. #3164
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Sudsjunkie View Post
    If Global Warming is real and not just another cycle in Earths long history,

    Global warming is real and it is just another cycle in the earth's history. Where did all the glaciers go that carved the valleys in Yosemite, for instance? It has been warming for a long time and it has been warmer than it is now.

  5. #3165
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Lightbulb Where did all the glaciers go?


    Please tell us where all the glaciers went.

  6. #3166
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dynosor View Post
    .....It has been warming for a long time and it has been warmer than it is now.
    It has also been colder on occasion, not Big Ice Age Cold, just little ice age cold.

    Given a choice I would prefer warmer, but I don't think we get to choose.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  7. #3167
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post
    Please tell us where all the glaciers went.
    The glaciers melted because of global warming before humans discovered oil. The meltwater probably ran downhill into the sea. But then you already knew that?

  8. #3168
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    What happens when the Sun burns out?

  9. #3169
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post
    What happens when the Sun burns out?
    We will not know because before that happens we all get roasted when it expands to many times its current diameter.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  10. #3170
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post
    What happens when the Sun burns out?
    When the sun burns out we can switch back to the vast stores of "fossil fuels" we saved now because we were petrified of CO2.

    By the time the sun burns out, I'll be on social security, so I won't care anyway. Most of my time will be spent meditating at the AlGore Temple of the Sublime Sucker.

  11. #3171
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post
    What happens when the Sun burns out?
    No more global warming.

  12. #3172
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dynosor View Post
    Global warming is real and it is just another cycle in the earth's history. Where did all the glaciers go that carved the valleys in Yosemite, for instance? It has been warming for a long time and it has been warmer than it is now.
    Formally an Ice Age is defined to be whenever the Polar Regions have year around ice. The earth has been in a deepening ice age since Panama closed the isthmus between North and South America. (That was continental drift and not the result of government policy.) Throughout that period of declining average earth temperature there have been warming periods when the ice recedes and cooling periods when the ice advances. Currently we are in a receding period but who knows if we have reached that peak and will start to get cooler or if man’s CO2 has reversed the trend and saved us from the decline. However, that may not be all good; our current lifestyle probably won’t survive a temperatures change to what was common in Jurassic Period.

    Saying anything about the validity of the global warming argument based upon temperature changes of a year or two is foolish. Yes the CO2 levels have increased dramatically over the last 100 years, but it is not obvious that CO2 levels in the past caused warming periods or that warming periods caused CO2 level increases. However the recent change in CO2 level are several times larger than any show in the multi-million year history of the planet’s measurable levels and are therefore not comparable with the historic record.

    But that all said it is irrelevant; we need to figure out how to drastically limit CO2 emissions because that requires finding an alternative to oil. We are undoubtedly running out of oil and we are being blackmailed by the oil producing nations.


  13. #3173
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NinerSevenTango View Post

    What happens is that this tactic reveals the hidden strategy.

    I'll be damned, a real, honest to goodness, intelligent, thinking person..
    I can see that with a patch over one eye. Congrats..........

  14. #3174
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    Sep 2006
    TomB, to what extent are we being blackmailed by the other oil producers?

    Surely they rely on the western world with all it's gadjets and gizmos to be solvent, so that they (the Western powers) can buy their oil and give them the dough to buy the gadjets etc.

    Don't tell me Saudi Arabia et al are making computers and software and all those digi cameras etc that we just love and so do they?

    Maybe I'm missing the message with all that background static, sounds like a lot of quacking going on....pleeeese put me out of my misery, I really would like to know as you seem to be well informed.

    I give everybody the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

  15. #3175
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    I'll be damned, a real, honest to goodness, intelligent, thinking person..
    I can see that with a patch over one eye. Congrats..........
    Very nice of you to say so!

  16. #3176
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    In order to be scared about global warming you have to cherry pick your data. In order to get the best idea of world temperature (a very slippery concept at best), satellites were launched that continuously log the temperature of the atmosphere. This gives the best coverage, because the satellites can measure temperatures around the globe instead of just where people are. And it gives the best accuracy, because direct measurements from space are not subject to error from the effects of urban heat islands or changes in the way measurements are taken.

    The satellite data has been consistently showing a cooling trend in the temperature of the atmosphere.

    That's my troll for the day.


  17. #3177
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Crystal Ball

    Would you like to see what's likely to happen in the next few years?

    Take a look at what the globalist 'new world order' elites are cooking up for us.


    Sometimes it takes longer for them than they like, but they have been making great strides in the last few years. They don't keep their agenda secret, they just don't report what their goals are in the media outlets they control.

    Bottom line: Policy makers and news organizations are planning for a carbon tax, bailing out the insolvent banking system with a decrease in your standard of living, and war with Iran.

    The sheeple are being prepared for this already through 'framing' in all forms of corporate media.

    Sorry for two trolls in one day; this was just too good to pass up.


  18. #3178
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Totally agree.

    There was a chap in another thread who said their state (in the US) spent stacks of cash on telling folk to reduce water consumption cos of environmental stuff and all that crap. Well, the people of that good state eventualy did loyaly reduce their consumption. The water company then said that their revenue had fallen so much since everyone had cut their usage they had to increase the charges otherwise they'd go bankrupt.

    Quack, Quack. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then in all probablility it is a duck.

    It's all a con.
    I love deadlines- I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

  19. #3179
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ImanCarrot View Post
    Totally agree.

    There was a chap in another thread who said their state (in the US) spent stacks of cash on telling folk to reduce water consumption cos of environmental stuff and all that crap. Well, the people of that good state eventualy did loyaly reduce their consumption. The water company then said that their revenue had fallen so much since everyone had cut their usage they had to increase the charges otherwise they'd go bankrupt.

    Anyone see any parrallells? Use less oil, use less oil... oh.. we're not getting enough money since they're using less oil. Let's increase oil prices. Man, must have earned my milliion dollar bonus this year huh.

    It's all a load of bollox.
    Water is one thing, but oil is another, being a worldwide commodity. Water is essential, but they haven't yet capped off all the local water wells (although there are plenty of do-gooders running around and trying).

    Oil consumption is up here and up wildly in developing nations, while production is down slightly. So while production improvements have slowed and demand is growing, we allow our government to borrow money from our central bank at interest that they printed out of nothing, and they spend a torrent of it into the economy every day, devaluing the dollar we buy our energy with. The price of oil isn't going down anytime soon. And since that isn't going to hit our productivity and standard of living hard enough, we have to keep working to prevent anyone from getting oil up from the ground we own. And add another huge tax on energy with a carbon tax - the open declaration of war against civilization. What the heck, it's only our well-being and our economy on the line. Care to guess how that will impact domestic industry?

    Here are the numbers for you to consider, along with the reason why you don't read about it too often in your local paper. Funny, though, the Thumb In The Eye trick never works for me, it's better if I try not to laugh too hard in the first place.



  20. #3180
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    That's the problem with private enterprise, no buffer zone (tax payer's input) to keep going.

    Just read the big expose on Ethanol, this is worse than Hydrogen, going up all the time.

    Well if the Ethanol market goes bust and nobody wants to buy the stuff, what do you do with all that corn you got?

    I'll tell you what, make pop corn, every one wants popcorn, they'll (the farmers) will make a fortune.

    Personally I prefer the caramel flavour, but then I make my own popcorn in a microwave popcorn maker and brew my own caramel.

    Where there's a will there's a way.

    BTW, seeing as how the paper money (fiat money) is going to paper the toilet walls soon, and you lot aren't allowed to buy or own gold, Roosevelt said so, (freedom?) perhaps you'd like to watch the prices of scrap copper, very interesting, nudge nudge wink wink.

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