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  1. #5161
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by phigit View Post
    Thanks to a lack of regulation, the US is in deeper and therefore had to focus on digging itself out before addressing the climate change issues. I look forward to seeing what Obama can do.
    Could you give some specific comparisons that show where the U.S. didn't have regulations that Australia did? Australia's per capita "carbon footprint" is on par with the U.S.'s.....so it's not clear what you're saying.

    As to the "climate change" issues, what issues are you referring to??

  2. #5162
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I'll put another snag on the barbie for Phigit, incidently, Fizzwizz or was it Dufa? A snag is a beef sausage, and a cray is a small freshwater crayfish....Yummy, and a schooner is a bucket with a handle on the side for when you have a serious beer drinking thirst and a stubbie just won't do.

    It's true Fizzwizz, OZ is the Lucky Country, I wouldn't lie to ya' mate, and when I stepped off'n the 'plane with my family in 1981, we were the last of the assisted passage Poms to make it to the Lucky Country, and I sang "land of Hope and Glory" with more sincerity than Flora McDonald in the film singing for Bonnie prince Charlie, "Will Ye No Come Back Agin' ".

    This just goes to reinforce the fact that with a smaller population of carefully selected migrants that make up the majority of the present day OZ population, great things can and are being achieved, no huddled masses allowed in here sport, yo' gotta qualify.

    I quite agree that there are a lot of contentious advocates for the anti Global Warming hypothesis, the same as those that declare the Holocaust never happened, whereas we all know without a doubt it did, and with the wealth of scientific data now abundent, it appears that the Global Climate Change is something to be very nervous about.

    The worst that can happen is that we'll get cleaner air, cleaner water, more alternative energy resources and an infrastructure that is able to sustain the ever increasing demand for food, that is worth getting hot and bothered about.

    Other than that it probably is a plot by the far right ( or left?) pressuring the government on to achieve what the Greens want, so it's win win anyway for the plebs.

  3. #5163
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yep Fizzwizz, re post #5161, In OZ yo' gotta have "Something In The Bank Frank", before you get to go big time spending, in other words yo' gotta be able to repay with interest what yo' done borrowed for all those foolish things like what yo'all been buying.

  4. #5164
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I'll put another snag on the barbie for Phigit, incidently, Fizzwizz or was it Dufa? A snag is a beef sausage, and a cray is a small freshwater crayfish....Yummy, and a schooner is a bucket with a handle on the side for when you have a serious beer drinking thirst and a stubbie just won't do.
    Lord of the Flies meets Dr. Seuss. Make up your own language because you're too lazy....or without the education...to speak plain english.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I quite agree that there are a lot of contentious advocates for the anti Global Warming hypothesis, the same as those that declare the Holocaust never happened, whereas we all know without a doubt it did, and with the wealth of scientific data now abundent, it appears that the Global Climate Change is something to be very nervous about.
    My uncle was one of the lead prosecutors at the Nuremberg trials. He was the lead prosecutor for the Malmady massacre trial. I know more than you do about the Holocaust, and for you to even imply that I deny that is ignorant and rude at best.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    The worst that can happen is that we'll get cleaner air, cleaner water, more alternative energy resources and an infrastructure that is able to sustain the ever increasing demand for food, that is worth getting hot and bothered about.
    The worst that can happen? Then why won't YOU do it????

    You asked for it....

  5. #5165
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Australian Coal Whores

    You Australians are as disingenuous as a whore standing on a corner campaigning against prostitution. You want it illegal so you can charge more.

    Australia uses about 150Million tonnes of coal/yr for it's own energy...about 83% of it's total power.

    Australia exports over 250Million tonnes of coal/yr...with China as it's single biggest customer...a customer with the fewest coal pollution standards, and now spews more CO2 than the U.S. ...thanks in large part to Australia.


    What this all means is that Australia is simply exporting its carbon emissions. To be more accurate, Australia's per capita CO2 emissions should really be the domestic comsumption of coal ADDED to its exports...so simply multiply the coal CO2 emissions by 2.6 and factor that into the per capita. That makes Australians energy PIGS by any standard.

    2000lbs coal = 5720lbs CO2

    "Australia has 0.32 per cent of the world's population, yet produces 1.43 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions. This means that, per person, pollution levels are 4.5 times the global average, just below the value for the United States, the analysis shows. Emissions have also been accelerating much faster here than in other developed countries, rising on average at twice the growth rate of the US and Japan, and five times the growth rate of Europe
    since the early 1980s."



    "The Minerals Council of Australia, an industry lobby, argues that the cost of complying with the emissions scheme means about 24,000 mining industry jobs would disappear by then. It wants auctions for the permits to be introduced in phases, and not started in full, as is now planned, in 2012. Mr Combet firmly rejects a delay."


    A nation full of handlewankers claims to care about the environment, yet won't act on it. You're all a bunch of drunk hypocrites. You're rude, arrogant, and worse, you're stupid. All you do is parrot some tripe you read in the paper from some scaremongering journalist.

    handlewanker, you HAVE YET TO REBUKE A SINGLE SCIENTIFIC CLAIM I HAVE MADE WITH ANYTHING RESEMBLING SCIENCE. All you can manage to do is insult me and my country. I'm tired of it, and I'm not going to let it slide.

  6. #5166
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Australia Wants it Both Ways

    Australia has the highest per capita level of greenhouse gas emissions in the developed world, largely because of its heavy reliance on coal to generate electricity, a report has found.

    Just days after the Prime Minister, John Howard, outlined an energy package which confirmed coal as the major source of future energy production, the Australia Institute revealed total emissions are now greater than those created by more highly populated countries such as France and Italy.

    Each person now creates 27.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent each year, or enough to fill 27 family homes. The figure is 27 per cent higher than the amount produced by American citizens and more than double the average figure for people living in industrialised countries.


    THAT'S FROM 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SYDNEY — Are we for real in all this talk about saving the world from pollution? Just as Australia announces it will slash carbon emissions, it prepares to flood the world with carbon-belching coal.

    True, no country is immune from hypocrisy when it comes to fighting global warming. But resources-rich Australia seems to be caught in a double bind. We are the world's biggest exporter of energy-producing, carbon-heavy coal....

  7. #5167
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oh Fizzwizz, yo' done got it all wrong my boy. I don't imply that bit about the Holocaust thing, saying you are also one of the deniers, I said there are "SOME", meaning there are some OTHER misbegotten no good cretins around the shop........whatever.

    About the coal thingy, yeah we got coal, lots of it, dirty great piles of it, and if'n it just lies there, well someone else someday just gonna dig it up and "glory hallelujah", there's black gold in them thar hills, LOL, so we might as well make hay while the sun shines.

    What yo' doin' with all yo' black diamonds?

    But correct me if'n ah'm all wrong and fuzzy, isn't yo'all saying that CO2 isn't making any impact on the global warming come climate change scene, and that, go right ahead, correct me once more, the sunspot prolification is actually giving us the crazy weather from time to time?

    I'll admit there are a lot of powerfull arguments for and against the Humanoid activty in this equation, it just depends on the individual taste or the flavour of the month regardin' the trend, but if'n the CO2 ain't a contributary factor, who cares if'n the OZ mob send valuable coal exports to China, it only affects their view of the horizon a bit and come the first rain the smoky residue gets wahed away, problem solved.

    In the meantime we'all bin earning lots of money selling the stuff, that's why we aint having problems money wise like yo'all seem to have, point taken?

    By the way, wouldn't it be cool if'n everybody could climb on the Global Warming/cooling bandwagon, they'd make a fortune just like Al Gore, but I expect it's easier to be pious and boy scout like and appear to be doing something when in reality nothing gets done, except maybe trading carbon credits, which is like sweeping the dirt from one room to another without getting rid of it, while at the same time being paid a bonus to do it, that's a job for life, as long as the dirt just circulates, LOL.

    BTW too, I don't think we are making a lot of impact with the coal burning seeing as we only have 20 million citizens compared to 300 million in your locality and the Chinese and Indian groups with about a billion each, and Europe all together is just too much to even think about.

    Come early 2010, our local energy group are claiming that the Ceramic Fuel Cell running on natural gas, will be in the showrooms, ready for consumer use, can't wait to get that 40% saving on my electric bill, and all the hot water as well, and you can't get much cleaner than that, (pun intended).

    If'n everybody gets on that bandwagon, then the coal fired power stations can shut down, which will mean more revenue from exports to China, win win, all the way to the bank.
    When yo'all gonna wake up to opportunities like that?

  8. #5168
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I quite agree that there are a lot of contentious advocates for the anti Global Warming hypothesis, the same as those that declare the Holocaust never happened, whereas we all know without a doubt it did, and with the wealth of scientific data now abundent, it appears that the Global Climate Change is something to be very nervous about.
    That is what YOU SAID.

    I am a contentious advocate for the anti Global Warming hypothesis, as we've all clearly agreed. You have been an outspoken advocate FOR the AGW hypothesis. You're back tracking, side stepping, denying, and now you're saying I'm wrong???

    In any case, you want it both ways. One one hand you claim that we need to stop AGW, and on the other you say it's ok for you to burn more coal and pollute more than any other southern hemisphere nation.

    You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.....

    ....Careful....the beer will leak out.

  9. #5169
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    To state the case plainly, I believe that Al Gore is correct in promoting the hypothesis of the eminent drastic climate change that is indicated by accumulated data, collected and researched by various scientists around the world.

    The fact that he's made a lot of money at it proves that there are supporters for the hypothesis as well, that put their money where their mouths are and also awarded him with that most prestigious prize, no one forced them to become an audience at the stage shows.

    Wheather or not it is Humanoid activity remains to be seen, (fossil fuel burning etc), but I wouldn't let a thing like a suspected climate change stand in the way of a nation's prosperity, when other nations are also prospering with similar methods, quickest way to go broke.

    We in OZ are not going to play God to the rest of the world or act as Pseudo policemen.

    That is up to the "boy scouts" of the world, who think it is probably important, but can't back it up with sufficient evidence to swing the case.

    Someone on an early post on this thread stated that their local authority had banned having backyard BBQ's due to the pollutents eminating thereoff, what utter crap.

    Which roughly translated means, as long as it don't happen in our backyard, who are we to condemm our neighbours with the big bankroll, that would sour a relationship big time, but then yo'all are masters at that.

    That is tantamount to saying they (whoever), can't run their own business, aint gonna happen in a million years, trust me.

    More broadly speaking, what evidence do yo'all have that Chinese coal smoke is causing yo'all a problem, and if'n it aint, why yo' getting so uptight 'bout a lil' 'ol bit of smoke, when it aint even anyway near yo' backyard.
    Yo' got more problems from crack cocaine smokers than a little bitty Chinese coal smoke.

    We in OZ are closer than yo'all to China, but it don't bother us none.

  10. #5170
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    To state the case plainly, I believe that Al Gore is correct in promoting the hypothesis of the eminent drastic climate change that is indicated by accumulated data, collected and researched by various scientists around the world.
    You profess to believing what Gore stands for.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    More broadly speaking, what evidence do yo'all have that Chinese coal smoke is causing yo'all a problem, and if'n it aint, why yo' getting so uptight 'bout a lil' 'ol bit of smoke, when it aint even anyway near yo' backyard.
    Yo' got more problems from crack cocaine smokers than a little bitty Chinese coal smoke.

    We in OZ are closer than yo'all to China, but it don't bother us none.
    Now you profess that what Gore says is meaningless. Which is it?

    What more evidence could anyone ask for to prove you like to argue for argument's sake? You're an absolute moron, and I'm through bothering with you.

  11. #5171
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    To state the case plainly, I believe that Al Gore is correct in promoting the hypothesis of the eminent drastic climate change that is indicated by accumulated data, collected and researched by various scientists around the world.

    The fact that he's made a lot of money at it proves that there are supporters for the hypothesis as well, that put their money where their mouths are and also awarded him with that most prestigious prize, no one forced them to become an audience at the stage shows.

    Wheather or not it is Humanoid activity remains to be seen, (fossil fuel burning etc), but I wouldn't let a thing like a suspected climate change stand in the way of a nation's prosperity, when other nations are also prospering with similar methods, quickest way to go broke.

    We in OZ are not going to play God to the rest of the world or act as Pseudo policemen.

    That is up to the "boy scouts" of the world, who think it is probably important, but can't back it up with sufficient evidence to swing the case.

    Someone on an early post on this thread stated that their local authority had banned having backyard BBQ's due to the pollutents eminating thereoff, what utter crap.

    Which roughly translated means, as long as it don't happen in our backyard, who are we to condemm our neighbours with the big bankroll, that would sour a relationship big time, but then yo'all are masters at that.

    That is tantamount to saying they (whoever), can't run their own business, aint gonna happen in a million years, trust me.

    More broadly speaking, what evidence do yo'all have that Chinese coal smoke is causing yo'all a problem, and if'n it aint, why yo' getting so uptight 'bout a lil' 'ol bit of smoke, when it aint even anyway near yo' backyard.
    Yo' got more problems from crack cocaine smokers than a little bitty Chinese coal smoke.

    We in OZ are closer than yo'all to China, but it don't bother us none.
    There is some convenient disconnect going on in that post. AGW is claimed to be man made GLOBALLY by burning fossil fuels and coal being the worst offender. You have put the onus on the US and several other countries for using oil or any fossil related energy as something that needs to be stopped or scaled back to Kyoto standards regardless of the impact on the economy because its the green thing to do. Supporting the scare mongering of the melting ice caps, rising seas, drought, famine and dirty air in general. Lock step with all that is far flung to mitigate the purported coming change. Yet, you don't want to start in your back yard and rail against all the "unlucky" socially inferior humanoids that pollute the earth. Then still deny you are a supporting part of the problem.........

    oh, for the winge'n blind irony! LMAOROF!


  12. #5172
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Convenient disconnect? LOL! That's a euphemism. (Euphemism is slang that means gross understatement)

    Here's some more slang you'll appreciate....

    Ad hominem. An ad hominem attack is one that avoids the subject, and is personal in nature. Like saying that someone who rejects a theory also rejects the Holocaust. Ok, well, just SOME people....

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
    That one describes saying that CO2 causes warming, when there's proof that that causality is quite the opposite.

    NOAA....becoming slang for a gov't sponsored Mother Goose writer...for example, they claimed last June to be the warmest June in 129 years, but that was based on surface stations which we now know to be extremely flawed as a result of Anthony Watt's investigations. Fact is, according to satellite data, which isn't subject to the same surface station flaws, shows last June to be the 9th coolest in 30 years of satellite records.

  13. #5173
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sure Fizzwizz, yo' got it in a nutshell.

    "Perhaps" the global warming thing is a bit man made, the jury is still out, but no reason to go overboard and ban everything man made, just things like unsustainable oil based products that cause so much polution on a broad spectrum.

    Gotta be a better way than allowing the air to be poisened by all those car fumes.

    When did you'all ever hear, EVER, as in ever in the history of the worldy, hear of a coal ship or carrier causing massive spill polution?

    One passing oil tanker can really cock up your day at the beach, if it accidentally discharges bilge water contaminated with oil, let alone if the same tanker goes aground and spills the lot.

    Nations never went to war over coal or invaded another nation on the pretext that it was planning to produce weapons of mass destruction, you get the drift....so nice friendly coal, the stuff Grandma burns in her open fireplace and also makes the balance of payments in OZ look very good on the balance sheet, has been the most widely used product since fire was discovered.

    Back to Global warming, if Humanoid activity is affecting the weather, I'd point the finger at the car, which has the capacity to produce polutants far in excess of that coming out of a coal fired power station smoke stack.

    Why so? because there are so many of the damm things and a lot of them are not in very good working order either.

    Yeah I know, I run one too, circa 1981 vintage, and it probably puts out it's fair share of gunk, but as I don't run it all that much, as I'm retired, I don't feel inclined to shoulder the blame and walk to the shops.

    However, I do go to some lengths to assist the polutant level reduction, by using unleaded fuel, making sure the motor is kept well tuned etc etc, but if'n I was really a boy scout, I'd convert it to run on LPG, and tolerate the slight reduction in performance, but It doesn't bother me that much, not at my age anyway.

    One thing I ain't gonna tolerate and that is having the BBQ off limits, that is going to the extreme.

    In my opinion Al Gore is right when he supported the Humanoid cause as being the most likely reason the weather is being affected, and a lot more knowledgeable people think the same way too, it just depends on which aspect of Humanoid activity is the worst offender.

    Anyway, all yo' Texas oil millionaires bin' doin' very nicely with all those oil wells they got, bin' powering a lot of gas guzzlin' cars too, so look closer to home if'n yo' want to help the planet.

    This time next year, when the Ceramic Fuel Cell comes on the market, I'll be giving it a very close scrutiny, so that old bean is putting my money where my mouth is, what yo' gonn' do sport?

  14. #5174
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    Convenient disconnect? LOL! That's a euphemism. (Euphemism is slang that means gross understatement)

    Here's some more slang you'll appreciate....

    Ad hominem. An ad hominem attack is one that avoids the subject, and is personal in nature. Like saying that someone who rejects a theory also rejects the Holocaust. Ok, well, just SOME people....

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
    That one describes saying that CO2 causes warming, when there's proof that that causality is quite the opposite.

    NOAA....becoming slang for a gov't sponsored Mother Goose writer...for example, they claimed last June to be the warmest June in 129 years, but that was based on surface stations which we now know to be extremely flawed as a result of Anthony Watt's investigations. Fact is, according to satellite data, which isn't subject to the same surface station flaws, shows last June to be the 9th coolest in 30 years of satellite records.
    I consider that Youfemisms, not grossly understate, but guarded as not to offend some fella's scent-thativites.

    I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the correlation between crack cocaine and nations coal exports as relative to AGW.........but I hear they are both extremely addictive, highly profitable; although somewhat toxic when inhaling.

    At least with crack, it is said to be refined with chemicals to remove all the bad stuff ya don't really want. We could lace our dollars bills with it! It is becoming the last export we have available, green and cheap to print!

    Given some thought, it's a fair trade for the toxic junk we get on some of the China imports.


  15. #5175
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Here is something to check out for green starters.

    Revenge Verde Super Car

    HP2g on E85

    Lots of positive press, but where are the realities that they decline to publicly disclose? Things this secret don't always live up to the claims 100%.


  16. #5176
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    Here is something to check out for green starters.

    Revenge Verde Super Car

    HP2g on E85

    Lots of positive press, but where are the realities that they decline to publicly disclose? Things this secret don't always live up to the claims 100%.

    I think your suspicions are correct. This smells more like the green of little flat rectangles in the making.

    ...and speaking of the green of money, the cost of stopping Gorebul warming is finally registering with people as they begin to take note of the truth of temperatures....

    From Anthony Watts, who's been investigating the weather stations..

  17. #5177
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    I think your suspicions are correct. This smells more like the green of little flat rectangles in the making.

    ...and speaking of the green of money, the cost of stopping Gorebul warming............snip...........
    I understand that he has netted $100 million since the election he lost. All in "green tech"!

    And you thought that crime doesn't pay!!!!

  18. #5178
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If climate change is man made, how come the surface temperatures on all the planets is rising like ours?

  19. #5179
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jam5295 View Post
    If climate change is man made, how come the surface temperatures on all the planets is rising like ours?
    Ever since we sent two SUVs to Mars their polar ice caps have been receding!
    Mars didn't have gLOBAL wARMING until the U.S. got there.......


  20. #5180
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Here is some food for thought wanker.....
    NASA seems to be taking the side of the "holocaust deniers".


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