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  1. #5341
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    CO2 Level

    Fizzist what was the world population pre industrle revelution V today's #'s I'm sure it's not the only contrubitor but the domestick livestock population has also grown If you want to feal good go vege they like co2 so I think that would help the proublem. I my self will chose to kill one of the methane prodoucing cow's and grill it and eat it I'm doing my part . Want to slow globel warming shut up al Frankin and Al gore I think they give enough hot air to offset several cow's !!! Kevin

  2. #5342
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Climate change is like the waves in the ocean. Look back in time and you will see the changes take place after so many years and then it changes back again! Global warming? hah, what a crock!!!!

  3. #5343
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by millwizard View Post
    Climate change is like the waves in the ocean. Look back in time and you will see the changes take place after so many years and then it changes back again! Global warming? hah, what a crock!!!!
    Glad to see not all Americans would drink the Kool-Aid!
    Who would save the world, if you all turn selfish Hippies?

    And remember, you don't inherit Democracy...

    You keep on fighting the same brand of Tyrant-peddling Bast**ds you grand pappy did, starting at Home.

    And the New World Order?
    A new name for the British Empire, IF Obama gets to kneel down to the Queen, and surrender your Nation's Independence.

    He kneels down very well... The Arabs can tell...

  4. #5344
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I don't know why yo'all are gettin' so het up about having a New World Order, when the alternative is Old World Disorder that was the daily occurence throughout the WHOLE of the 20th century.

    But I'm forgettin' one thing, supposing you had world peace for a 100 years.

    Who's gonna remember which end of the barrel the bullet comes out LOL, or for that matter which end of the piece you gotta ram the bullet down in, LOL.

    It seems that there will be a lot of millitaristically inclined people that won't be eligible for any campaign medals, and also a lot more people that have vested interests in weapon making and development, all dressed up and nowhere to go. LOL LOL.

    The good 'ol US of A would just have to keep shooting each other to test their new fangled weapons out, aint nobody else gonna be shooting at you in a New World Order.

    On the original topic of global warming, I can say, mainly to appease fizzwizz's peculiar forgetfull mind, that I fully agree that Al gore and co are probably just stretching the limits of credibility with the hypothesis that it's Humanoids that are the cause, if any, of the planet's problems, also if any.

    One thing also dear Fizzwizz, while the North is top side and the South is bottom side, the air that I breathe has no foul odour of Chinese coal smoke, so I suppose someone somewhere is fanning furiously to keep the stuff in the Chinese backyard, or are my olfactory sensors deceiving me?

    Perhaps the coal smoke gets washed back down with the rain into the soil before it gets to OZ, and that old bean is cool, problem solved, nature looks after their own.

    Down in the Lucky Country coal is a big dollar earner, and if'n the Chinese want it, good for them.

  5. #5345
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I don't know why yo'all are gettin' so het up about having a New World Order, when the alternative is Old World Disorder that was the daily occurence throughout the WHOLE of the 20th century.

    But I'm forgettin' one thing, supposing you had world peace for a 100 years.

    Who's gonna remember which end of the barrel the bullet comes out LOL, or for that matter which end of the piece you gotta ram the bullet down in, LOL.

    It seems that there will be a lot of millitaristically inclined people that won't be eligible for any campaign medals, and also a lot more people that have vested interests in weapon making and development, all dressed up and nowhere to go. LOL LOL.

    The good 'ol US of A would just have to keep shooting each other to test their new fangled weapons out, aint nobody else gonna be shooting at you in a New World Order.

    On the original topic of global warming, I can say, mainly to appease fizzwizz's peculiar forgetfull mind, that I fully agree that Al gore and co are probably just stretching the limits of credibility with the hypothesis that it's Humanoids that are the cause, if any, of the planet's problems, also if any.

    One thing also dear Fizzwizz, while the North is top side and the South is bottom side, the air that I breathe has no foul odour of Chinese coal smoke, so I suppose someone somewhere is fanning furiously to keep the stuff in the Chinese backyard, or are my olfactory sensors deceiving me?

    Perhaps the coal smoke gets washed back down with the rain into the soil before it gets to OZ, and that old bean is cool, problem solved, nature looks after their own.

    Down in the Lucky Country coal is a big dollar earner, and if'n the Chinese want it, good for them.
    You seem too far out in la-la land, But I'll give it a try;

    Old vs New World Order:
    -Not all of us enjoy bowing our backs like worms to the same Rule Britannia inbred idiots that wasted thousands of Oz and Kiwi lads on Gallipoli, you weren't one of them, so you don't give a damn, it's your privilege.

    Militaristic people;
    -If all people fought for were medals, there were far less wars.
    People also fight for their SURVIVAL, and it's not some Pacifist-brainwashed simpletons enjoying a Peace they obviously don't deserve, that will ever change that.
    My Nation was forged 800 years ago, in a bitter War with Muslims, it was not forged with UN's Army of Paedos's rulings, and i thank God, my God, not yours, Welfare and Beer, for that.
    For Muslims won't back away from a War at the first sign of trouble, as you "Lucky lot" did in Vietnam, they fight to the very END. They aren't very Civilized, but they have balls, can carry a pocket knife unlike Brutish SUBJECTS, and pee standing up. And we defeated them, not with know-it-all attitudes, but with weapons and grit, both of them you deplore.

    You lot probably just watch and laughed as helpless, disarmed-by-Idealistic-Idiots, Bosnians got quietly massacred, and if so, may you fry in Hell for that.

    As for Americans selling guns to poor, helpless Countries that would otherwise just eat, drink, and be merry, boy, you didn't study much History, now, didnt'ya?
    Americans also sell BOOKS, now what Tyrant-loving, Retarded Country buys those instead, huh?

    Obviously, not yours...

  6. #5346
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    THis Thread is EXACTLY why I pretty much Quit coming here, it seams there are too many Elitists here that put their Faith, and My Check book in in Al Gore's Pseudo Science of Global warming. Just because you fell for his inconvenient LIE doesn't mean I want to hear about it and give you the right to RAM it up my Back side !

  7. #5347
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rickard5 View Post
    THis Thread is EXACTLY why I pretty much Quit coming here, it seams there are too many Elitists here that put their Faith, and My Check book in in Al Gore's Pseudo Science of Global warming. Just because you fell for his inconvenient LIE doesn't mean I want to hear about it and give you the right to RAM it up my Back side !
    What all of this has to do with CNC, it just escapes me.

  8. #5348
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by edgarinventor View Post
    What all of this has to do with CNC, it just escapes me.
    Well if I can't Trust the Math or "FACTS" from Pseudo Science the Forum members here, How can I trust the "Facts" they try to expound about CNC?

  9. #5349
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Poo Poo Edgar, we'all don't bow our backs like worms anymore, that's old school, sport.

    BTW, most of the wars on Continental Europe soil were around that area you mentioned, so nothing you did then or now was gained.

    Looking at the results of militaristic adventures disguised as "liberation" expeditions, and all for the very "noblest" of reasons, I would be the first to advocate cutting the balls off'n some of those military orientated warmongers, if it just saves a few innocent lives that are considered "Collateral Damage" in the course of securing the high ground for a while.

    Incidently, I hear the Yanks are getting out of Iraq, seems like they did that in Vietnam too when things got a bit too hot for comfort.

    Now the Vietnames are their best buddies, my next door neighbour is Vietnamese, a regular nice guy too.

    You reckon people don't fight for war medals and glory?

    I suppose the troops in Iraq are all conscripts, or did they join the army, whatever, to kick a few arses just to please 'Ol Bush and Co?

    I would go so far as to say that ALL soldiers of all nations that are currently handling weapons of indeterminate destruction are doing it willingly, and enjoying every minute of it, otherwise why the bloody hell would they be there?

    If you hold life so cheap that it amounts to nothing in the destruction of it, why do you care about the aspect of Global Warming/Cooling, Variance etc, if it is going to affect life?

    Sometimes the hypocrisy of the Humanoid species is enough to make me puke.

    We enjoy our Beer and Welfare, and so do the other people that decided to apply for OZ status.

    Makes a lot more sense swilling beer than hacking our neighbours to bits just because they pray to a different image of creation.

    OZ can be proud of the fact that NO WARS WERE EVER FOUGHT ON OZ SOIL, EVER.

  10. #5350
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Looking at the results of militaristic adventures disguised as "liberation" expeditions, and all for the very "noblest" of reasons, I would be the first to advocate cutting the balls off'n some of those military orientated warmongers, if it just saves a few innocent lives that are considered "Collateral Damage" in the course of securing the high ground for a while.

    You just exposed yourself either as an Holocaust Denier, an Idiot, wanting to end a war by sending "someone" to do the dirty work, or a plain Coward, one of those that are proud of never standing up for anything.

    So the war against Hitler's Holocaust was a waste, huh?


    Proud of never, ever, fighting a war, on an Island no one cared to invade, YET, it's like an hermit boasting of not being a menace to Society.

    I had a loaded Assault rifle in my hands, guess what, I didn't went and shoot somebody. Didn't had to.
    You Socialist-pious disarmed Limeys, on the other hand, will kill for fun, and call it a brawl, 20 cowards against some Minority guy, or just one of the opposing Soccer team fans, those are the odds you Hooligans like. Or two 8 year old kids kicking a baby to death, now there's something to be proud of...

    Ah, and you're proud of a System that robs those that work hard, so those that don't can live at large, 'cos they're entitled, that's another rip-off only thieves are proud of.

    It's as plain as your nose you didn't had anything to do with either Schooling or Soldiering, so I'll waste no more time with Welfare State "Pass'em all" Education results, ALCOHOLIC COMA ignorance.

  11. #5351
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rickard5 View Post
    Well if I can't Trust the Math or "FACTS" from Pseudo Science the Forum members here, How can I trust the "Facts" they try to expound about CNC?
    That's easy, trust the documented results.

  12. #5352
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by edgarinventor View Post
    That's easy, trust the documented results.
    "Documented" has a whole new meaning, if you're using the "new" Thermoggedon math....

    Your Portfolio is "Better than You Thought""Pension funds all over the world - even university pension funds - are clamoring for the services of Rahmstorf and Associates as pension fund manager. No more Fidelity or Berkshire Hathaway. Yesterday's men.

    Confused by the market? Worried about your investments? Stop your worrying. Rahmstorf and Associates' portfolio managers will separate signal from noise using a proprietary smoothing method invented by two Arctic scientists....."



    Now, when the very few of you guys wade through the forum and see what Team GlobalAlarm is doing with the data, it oughta get your attention.

  13. #5353
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by edgarinventor View Post
    That's easy, trust the documented results.
    Documented by Who ? a bunch of Left wing Nut Jobs, who want to control my life because they think they are better than me and know better how to run my life ? You're Pseudo Science is no better than the Mid Evil Vatican's proof of Witch Craft! But I know Al Gore invented the innernet tubes thingy, so he knows what he's on about !

  14. #5354
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Edgarinventor is an ocean-going, tin-plated, glaring, troll. IMVVHO.

    Best wishes,


  15. #5355
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Well down here I prefer Coors Lite, just before it freezes, you know with all the ice crystals in it!!!!

  16. #5356
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If you're gonna drink something just like beer (Coors Light), but without the flavor OR the alcohol, then you might as well have something with some merit...

    We interrupt this regularly scheduled fist fight to bring you a recipe:

    1 12oz bottle of Crystal hot sauce (Tabasco is an ok substitute)
    3/4 TBSP salt
    2 doz chicken wings

    Mix sauce and salt in a bowl, add chicken. Marinate about an hour.
    Put chicken on grill and cook till skin is crispy.

    Drink beer.

    (these will amaze you....they are NOT hot, just tasty!

  17. #5357
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    "Documented" has a whole new meaning, if you're using the "new" Thermoggedon math....

    Your Portfolio is "Better than You Thought""Pension funds all over the world - even university pension funds - are clamoring for the services of Rahmstorf and Associates as pension fund manager. No more Fidelity or Berkshire Hathaway. Yesterday's men.

    Confused by the market? Worried about your investments? Stop your worrying. Rahmstorf and Associates' portfolio managers will separate signal from noise using a proprietary smoothing method invented by two Arctic scientists....."



    Now, when the very few of you guys wade through the forum and see what Team GlobalAlarm is doing with the data, it oughta get your attention.
    I guess Bernie Madoff had a smoothed graph just like that.......showing how many billions he "made off" with over the years. Some hockey sticks, ya just can't smooth out.

    150 years for 50 billion loss on a ponzy scheme? How much should Gore get for his incalcuble ponzy scheme or Obama for 2-9 trillion beyond the control of the shareholders? Err, liable citizen victims ultimately burdened with paying for these charades?


  18. #5358
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by millwizard View Post
    Well down here I prefer Coors Lite, just before it freezes, you know with all the ice crystals in it!!!!
    Crunchy Beer is absolutely the best, but Coors cans are so danty, something just ain't right. Unless I raise my pinky in the air holding one. Besides the fact after drinking one, European too!


  19. #5359
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rickard5 View Post
    Documented by Who ? a bunch of Left wing Nut Jobs, who want to control my life because they think they are better than me and know better how to run my life ? You're Pseudo Science is no better than the Mid Evil Vatican's proof of Witch Craft! But I know Al Gore invented the innernet tubes thingy, so he knows what he's on about !
    What the hell?
    I denounced Al Gore in the first place!
    Can't you read my posts?

  20. #5360
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post

    Edgarinventor is an ocean-going, tin-plated, glaring, troll. IMVVHO.

    Best wishes,

    1.Tell all Servicemen are warmongering criminals.
    I would go so far as to say that ALL soldiers of all nations that are currently handling weapons of indeterminate destruction are doing it willingly, and enjoying every minute of it, otherwise why the bloody hell would they be there?
    (Maybe to protect their Country, as they see it... But what do Autistic Idiots know about that...)

    2. Get an angry answer for it.
    3. Have a Troll to tell you're a Troll, not the first Idiot that said all Soldiers are Sadistic Criminals.

    WoooooHooo, I'm in La-la land, here!

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