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  1. #7061
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ....Playing the dozens?

    Ok. I'm arming myself....

    Arch City Home

    You know you're a machinist when you're dumb enough to argue with a lawyer..

  2. #7062
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    What do you call a stubborn fool who can’t get alone with others and is also a greedy pig trying to get rich off of the labor of someone else?


    Again you seem to come up short in the wit department - having lost the battle of wits when it comes to general knowledge, then lost it on specific knowledge of the constitution of the United States, and have proved you have no advanced education beyond high school social studies - lawyer jokes are the best you can do?

    I am disappointed in the quality of your attempted retort. I am not surprised just disappointed. It is not much of a test to beat up on someone of your mental caliber. Please get some help – maybe an on line course in debating techniques.

  3. #7063
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    Sep 2010
    The dozens was a game the slaves played with their children, but it was deadly serious. It consisted of insults which the recepient had to accept and not show emotion. Such as calling their mother a whore, etc., because showing emotion could get them killed.
    Here in America we still learn to play the dozens - well in black neighborhoods anyway, although there is no real reason for it now, and slavery ended in 1865, and jim crow in the 1950's and 60's.
    Some things last beyond their need, as in "playing the dozens."
    But once you have learned how to play it becomes a very useful life tool.
    end of lecture.
    have a good evening.

  4. #7064
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    A very interesting thread

    I truly enjoy this thread more than any other.
    The opinions and feedback are quite humorous at best. It has been said in this thread that the weather guessers cannot even predict what is coming tomorrow using “computer modeling” how can the future be foretold by the same means?
    Keep up the great posts I truly like to lurk in this forum.

  5. #7065
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    With irrefutable sources like Andy Revkin and Joe Romm, who could argue?

    Pretty robust newspaper articles.
    I thought a few would get a kick out of the attempt to deny that the Medieval Warm Period even existed. I think that a few warmers are afraid their grants will dry up, especially in this economy.........

    My neighbor told me that 'See, global warming is causing all this cold weather...' I told him that the feed back system must be working OK. He got angry again and stomped back to his house..

  6. #7066
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Novak Tim View Post
    It has been said in this thread that the weather guessers cannot even predict what is coming tomorrow using “computer modeling” how can the future be foretold by the same means?
    Well said!:cheers:

    Much like the track record of the US Govt. For example, postal service. And they want us to believe that it will be different with health care...

  7. #7067
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Just one last lawyer joke, and I do not intend to be personal, just funny Ha Ha....what does a shonky Lawyer say to the crowd when he's put behind bars....what'll it be, beer, whisky anything?...oh well.

    Back to the climate change....After the torrential downpour we had on Black Friday, 4th Feb in Melbourne, I just spent the best part of the day pumping water out from under my house....and I'm on high ground too....no, the others aren't under water, the builders neglected or didn't have to add under house drains when the house was built, subsequently as the block was leveled and the house was built on stumps, and is about 1 metre above the ground level, the outside walls, which in popular OZ style are brick veneer on concrete footings with hard wood flooring, and formed a dam, and when the rain pelted down it flowed through the property, but made a big puddle out back, got under the house and stayed there, slowly to seep away.

    The first thing I knew about the water was the underfloor heating ducting pipes were half full of water, and funny noises came from the heating furnace when we switched on to warm the joint as the temperature dropped to 18 deg C at night.

    So out with a sump pump and a long pipe and pump away for 10 hours...still going strong at midnight, and the pump shifts 150 litres (about 30 gallons) a min....I reckon I must be draining the neighbours property too...hmmmmm....lotta surface water in the ground.

    Being February, this is usually our hottest month and temperatures get to 40 deg C on occasion, but generally 35 deg C for days at a time.

    The last thing I want is a swamp under the house as the water evaporates and condenses on everything....three days and it'll stink like anything.

    Climate Change...yeah I got Climate Change.....give me some of Al Gore's 100million and I'll give you some Climate Change...LOL....oops.

    BTW Tim Novak, all you need is a barometer hanging on the wall, and if'n you read it every day and reset the needle, (don't forget to tap on the glass with your forefinger), you'll know how the weather is going to be for the next couple of days, and you won't need a degree in climatology to read it.

    When the barometer starts dropping fast, you're in for a blow big time, but if it just drops steadily over a couple of days it'll cloud up and likely if the clouds are black and the temp drops suddenly it'll rain....never fails.

    One things for sure, as soon as the barometer starts to rise it's guaranteed not to rain but you might get a bit of wind from the other direction.....this relates to the high and low weather patterns you see on the TV charts.

    High pressure coming in from the West means the winds are rotating anticlockwise, and a low pressure means it's t'other way round, so depending where you are you'll know which direction the winds going to come from.

  8. #7068
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    There is no global warming.
    "BYRD 2002: We need a climate change strategy badly. Look at the kind of winter we’ve had here in Washington. One snow, three inches? What can we expect for the spring and summer seasons? What’s going to happen to our crops, our livestock, our economy? This is serious. I’ve lived a long time, 84 years. Something’s going wrong out there. I don’t need a scientist to tell me that. We had better do something about it." Senator Byrd is the only known member of the United States Senate to have been a Member of the KKK and yes a democrat. Flashback 2002: Democrats Said No Snow Proved Global Warming « YourDaddy's Politics

    there is also Right Ideas: Snow = Global Warming & No Snow = Global Warming! Huh? - where some of the different opinions of global warming are discussed. unlike the man made global warming believers there are sites where you can debate these ideas. the only place you can't debate them is on the sites controlled by liberals, who are not actually liberal, but so dogmatic that they sound like stalin arguing that everything that can and does go wrong is the work of trotsky and his followers.

    here is another one - Blast from the Past: No Snow = Global Warming Theories | Crystal Clear Conservative
    looked at from a political perspective it is nothing but control. control of lives, taxing, redistribution of wealth.

    the last one is the best, it is a compliation of those who say the sky is falling, and their solution is government regulation and control.

  9. #7069
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    Apr 2006
    Green energy funds are testing investors’ patience

    "A less obvious question is whether mutual fund investors will have the patience to stick with green investing principles that have recently left them in the red.

    The stocks of renewable energy companies, such as wind and solar power providers, have been big losers. The Clean Edge Global Wind Energy Index, which tracks wind energy stocks, is down about 27 percent over the last 12 months...

    ....With a nearly 22 percent loss in 2010, the fund finished last among 83 funds specializing in energy stocks, according to Morningstar. The $38 million portfolio was weighed down by solar and wind energy stocks, most of which fared poorly last year. One of its biggest holdings, SunPower Corp., fell 46 percent.

    Meanwhile, another Guinness Atkinson fund, Global Energy, posted a nearly 17 percent return last year, thanks to gains for the oil and gas company stocks it holds. They benefited from an economic recovery in a world still hooked on fossil fuels.

    Meanwhile, solar and wind energy stocks have recently hit several obstacles:"
    .....read the rest at:
    Green energy funds are testing investors’ patience - The Boston Globe

    For those tuning in late in this thread, there's a few links well worth your time (if you're inclined to balance out the perspective of Real Climate and the other hard-core pro-AGW camps) and actually see the papers that don't make the mainstream...

    Pat Michaels
    World Climate Report
    (don't miss the turtle article....this is the ONLY place you'll see it!)

    General news

    Roy Spencer
    Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

    .....to be continued

  10. #7070
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Insurance Companies Profit from AGW Alarmism

    ....the pro-AGW camp will quickly point out (lacking strong evidence in the science itself to support their position) that people like Michaels and Spencer are "shills" of Evil Big Oil (EBO). This somehow explains their opposition to the "consensus" of AGW. But is there an opposing motive of profit from the AGW camp?

    We'd be naive to think that the pro-AGW camp was without a profit motive.

    Remember, in the field of scientific research, the adage is "No problem, no funding." Why else would scientists migrate en masse to testify to congress that we need to legislate based on their science? 18 of them just recently. The answer? To secure a steady income stream of grant funding from NSF, DOE, NASA, NOAA, NSA, and anyone else with deep pockets.

    But who, you wonder, could benefit from global warming alarmism?

    How about the insurance giant AIG?

    In its position paper on the environment, AIG said it “recognizes the scientific consensus that global climate changes is a reality, that it is likely in large part the result of human activities that have led to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere and that it poses risks to mankind.”

    Global warming: Now an insurance industry concern—Companies and groups join effort to effect change 07/07

    Any of you guys in Florida should recall not that long ago when hurricane insurance suddenly skyrocketed. Why? Because AIG funded studies to determine the risk assessment of increased hurricanes.....you remember, the ones that will become more intense and more frequent with global warming??


    coaps.fsu.edu | Ryan Maue's Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity Update

    (btw, Ryan Maue just happens to be a working climate scientist...in Florida)

  11. #7071
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    i like the idea of green - but i don't like the idea of governments forcing us to use it by taxing the hell out of anything that is not green. i don't like government "investing" in green, because every government program i have seen has been an open money pit that gets nothing back. well maybe nasa is ok, but not much else. and even nasa gets nuts at times. like spending millions to develope an ink pen that operates in space - the russians just used a pencil.
    we have known for centuries that mercury was a poison and we finally got it out of dental work. we have known for centuries that lead poisoning was a problem and we finally got it out of paint.
    so now what do we do in the name of green and fake man made climate change - the loonies want eveyone on the planet to use pig tail glass lightbulbs that are filled with - what? - mercury and lead in vapor form, for easy distribution when the bulb breaks, which they do.
    just a few years ago people were marching because of mercury in tuna; and earth day was concerned with GLOBAL COOLING - again allegedly man made.
    it is one fad crisis after another and this is their newest one.
    of course they do not actually force these "fixes" on themselves.
    my son in law is a devotee of the man made global warming god. he even rides a bike to work. but:
    when he bought a new car iT was a 180 mph v8 - his statement - well he was paying attention to man made global warming, he rode a bike to work, so this just evened it out.
    or when there was an opportunity to put a second floor on part of their house or adding in solar panels to reduce their "carbon footprint" - well they have a 2nd story now.
    funny it is always SOMEONE ELSE that has to sacrafice.

  12. #7072
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Local News Nonsense...

    This is what's going on in Reno....

    Cory Farley: Facts don't deter climate-change deniers | rgj.com | The Reno Gazette-Journal

    Cory Farley is typical of the journalism that spreads the alarmism.
    In this case, it's meant to simply boost circulation, but the problem is that it's presented as factual, and people just don't know the difference.

  13. #7073
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yeah, on the Cory Farley syndrome, it's a very effective method of B/S dissemination.

    A number of years ago when I was an apprentice, we used to indulge in a game that consisted of saying to anyone present in the gents toilet, "did you hear about the ......" whatever, then getting someone else to drop the same hint and so on....eventually the feather we spread around came back as a feather bed, best one was the increased hollidays 2 months every 2 years with full pay, called supplementry long service enitlement....LOL.

    BTW, Fizzwizz, thanks for the link to the "arch city home".....some very amusing CNC jokes there......."The most dangerous person in the World....a CNC OPERATOR with the password"....LOL.

    Isn't this tantamount to the newly appointed President with his itchy finger poised on the "fire" button?

    President Truman, the only man not kept informed of the presidential duties, and never destined to be king, was the ONLY man in the entire history of the World to actually press the green button he found on his desk, (the Nuclear ready to go), not once but twice in anger, and did more for the war effort in 2 seconds than Roosevelt did in 2 years.....possibly because Roosevelt didn't like the colour of RED flashing lights, having been "fooled" by Stalin on more than one occasion....LOL.

    If the "military solution to the Japanese problem" had been a flashing red light on his desk, Roosevelt might have had to press the green button , and so be the first man in the history of the World to make a CNC decision long before the word became a reality.

    In that case Roosevelt would have been designated an "operator" making executive decisions with the password, but without programming qualifications......the most dangerous man in the World...LOL.

    In my humble opinion, all future Presidents should have some very basic CNC operator qualifications, at least to year one level, so that they can be familiar with what the flashing red light might signify.....having worked in a hotel in his early days, B'OB might inadvertently just bang the Green button when the red light flashed thinking it was a call for the bellhop.....and a "Sorry Sam" might have been the last words from the Russians et al as they retaliated.

  14. #7074
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Gotta correct ya, HW..............B'OB never worked a second in his entire life. He's always been a leach!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  15. #7075
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    Gotta correct ya, HW..............B'OB never worked a second in his entire life. He's always been a leach!
    Less a leach than Jr. and you guys loved him. Amazing what skin color can do for a man.

  16. #7076
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    Less a leach than Jr. and you guys loved him. Amazing what skin color can do for a man.
    I don't like either of them... But since you brought up skin color, it must be important to you.

    Is that why you voted for him?

  17. #7077
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    I don't like either of them... But since you brought up skin color, it must be important to you.

    Is that why you voted for him?

    My thoughts exactly, I don't like Progressives of any color.

    Oh, and, Wild, what makes you think that I'm a white man?
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  18. #7078
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    My thoughts exactly, I don't like Progressives of any color.

    Oh, and, Wild, what makes you think that I'm a white man?

    first, you need to get your terms straight. the communists in the russian revolution of 1917 used the name Bolshevik, which means majority, when in fact the communists were a small minority, make that a very small majority of the russian people, but the name did sound good, and russians that heard it thought the Bolsheviks really were the majority.

    the same goes for the name progressive. there is nothing progressive about them, they are REGRESSIVES! a progressive would want to progress forward, and the REGRESSIVES, they want to move us back to a day when the central government ran everything. that everyone lived at the pleasure of the king, or that baron.
    now we have a progressive income tax - sounds regressive to me. and the king, ok now we call them presidents and the barons are representatives and senators, get to decide what we get to keep from our hard work.
    if that is not enough the current queen is going to tell us how big our portions should be when we eat out, how much gas can cost, and uses our money to buy votes for themselves.
    that is not progressive, it is regressive.
    wilson was the first regressive - yes an eastern college egg head, then we got that fool fdr, that really put it to us with Social security that was never supposed to have been paid out - you got it at 65, but most people died at 55. and fdr was as rich as god.
    then we kept getting worse and worse.
    now they want to tell us what kind of light bulbs to use.
    THAT IS REGRESSIVE, not progressive.
    once you get the terms right, you get a clear picture of what they want to do to us.
    personally i don't want to be a slave to the government.

  19. #7079
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    ...personally i don't want to be a slave to the government.
    Have you watched "The Matrix". We are all a bunch of coppertops to big brother.


  20. #7080
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Wow, colour consciousness at it's most virulent.....Perhaps 'ol JH is a Martian with "Green" skin....that would explain why he got excited at the inference of the Humanoid aspect....on the other hand he might be a "purple People eater", that is, he might be Purple and eating Humanoids or a Humanoid eating Purple hued people who, due to the bluster involved in overpromoting the Climate Change B/S, get overwrought and develop a purple hue...LOL....who cares...if'n you think the climate change hypothesis is AGW related then come the revolution you'll be the first one in front of the wall.

    I just listened to a program on the radio...yeah, the box without the moving picture in front that makes noises, and a guy was on promoting a concert and several debates with sombody or other in the Melbourne area on the "coming Climate Change" and the steps required to replant the forests to harvest them and bury the remains to lock in the Carbon Dioxide.

    As he glibly waffled on about Humanoid activity during the last couple of hundred years causing AGW, and the fact that this generation was the vanguard of the new wave of Carbon emmission repellers, I got quite choked up, (on my brekky stuff), the B/S has that effect when it's hard to swallow.

    There are two groups in the Humanoid Scientific "advisory" community, those that are out to MAKE money, these are the Baddies, and Al Gore is a prime example, and those that are out to GET money.

    The second lot are the "worstest" type you can get, and an Alchemist who is willing to sell his/her soul for vested interests falls into this category.

    Al Gore you can admire for simply having legally conned the system and made it pay.

    Not many jobs make it pay as handsomely as having the gift of the gab, and to cure this evil just takes a bit of "time doing" behind bars until a diferent point of view is realised.

    What I detest, like having an uninvited cockroach sharing my breakfast, is an Alchemist looking you straight in the face and pouring forth a spiel that you know, and he knows and you know that he is feathering his/her nest at your expense.

    It is practically impossible to cure the ills that this person causes, for like Cancer, which spreads and infects at an exponential rate, the AGW cure is worse than the AGW illness.

    The illness in this case is the outpouring of money required to "cure" the evil of AGW, and the cure a further outpouring of money to revert the measures the Humanoids have been "conned" into believing thay have.

    One can tolerate some of the Green measures being hoisted onto the firing line, reforestation, smog elimination by cleaning up coal burners, wind power when oil runs out, water initiatives etc, but taxing to redistribute actual money to undeserving causes is a pill too bitter to swallow and unredeameable.

    In this sphere of AGW control, Carbon taxing can never be reversed, once the money is gone it ain't gonna come back when sanity prevails.

    I would almost go so far as to say that the nation wide Revolution, that brought about ideology and social changes in Russia, would also be needed to change the "new to be" ideology of a World going mad on Climate Control hypothesis manipulation, but on a more Global scale.

    In years to come another generation will look back and say, "Never, in the field of Humanoidal activity, was so much Climate Control practiced by so many Humanoids on the advice of so few".....and all for a few dollars more.

    In desperation, Sir Al Gore the king of the New World order, seeing the interest flagging on the battlefield of Climate Change, leaps onto the barricade and shouts out......"Once more to the banks dear firends, once more, 'ere they withdraw the funding and we leave our empty cheque-books, and Gentleman in England, among other places, will think themselves accursed they were not with us, and hold their manhoods cheap when any speaks who rorted the system upon St Crispian's day"....LOL.

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