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  1. #8501
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Warmists hit back at Met office announcement

    No, Global Warming Hasn't 'Stopped' : Discovery News

    No, Global Warming Hasn't 'Stopped'
    clip============================================== ============
    "Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago, Says Met Office Report Quietly Released."

    It hits all the right notes: Global warming is a myth; and 'they' know it's a myth and are trying to keep it quiet. (The 'they' in this context - the Met Office - is Britain's national weather forecasting service. Met is an abbreviation for Meteorological.)

    The article, in the London tabloid Daily Mail, goes on to state: "The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week. The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures ... The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported."

    The key point here is in the arbitrary starting point. Climate scientists note that while the underlying long-term trend is unmistakable, it can be masked by short-term natural variations. And 1998 was an exceptionally hot year as a result of a very strong El Niño that created a lot of atmospheric warming. (In fact, it currently occupies the bronze medal position, behind 2005 and the race-leading 2010.) Move the starting point to 1999, and the picture changes considerably.

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    Rebuttal of the rebuttal


    Kevin Drum talks about global warming, shows why the Left’s credibility has collapsed
    17 October 2012
    snipp============================================= ==========
    Summary: These posts about the climate change debate not only provide little-known information about this important subject, but illustrate important aspects of US society. Many posts on the FM website have discussed the Right’s anti-intellectualism and emotional reasoning in pursuit of political goals. Today we look at the same dynamics on the Left.

    The Left’s long years making wild charges of “lies” and “racism” have burnt away their credibility, as we see in the example below. It’s sad, now that they can validly do so against the GOP — buy few beyond their fellow partisans believe them.

  2. #8502
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    Sep 2006
    Quite frankly 'ol sport, the majority of the gen public just don't give a damm.

    If you think Global Warming is a myth, ask Al Gore, he made a cool (or would it be more politically correct to say...HOT) 100 million by revving up the general unwashed to heights of frenzy, never before seen except when the Beatles visited America, and second only to the USA opening of the iconic Swedish IKEA trendy furniture and household solutions knick knack store a few years back.....they had a trafic jam lasting 3 days...LOL.

    To enable the parting of 100 million dollars from a very sceptical public took a lot of revving up......it's called public relations, or how much advertising does it take to make 100 million.

    The more the Global Climate Variation and AGW myth is kept in front of the Plebs the more you can see why a donkey will keep trotting to get the carrot, and that means Al has got phase 2 planned to support the hypothesis that Global Warming is over and now we must go reverse gear to prepare for the Global Cooling.

    I can quite see why Al Gore wanted to "lose" the presidentcy race.....he was too busy making the video and book writing in order to make 100 million than to "honourably serve the people of the USA"....that is credit to him for not going into the White House with false pretences which is more than can be said for some.

    Even Reagan had to give up acting to act out the real thing....missed the 100 million race by a few years though.

    So to sum up the progress so far, first we had "The sky's falling" by you know who, meaning if we don't stop burning wood, coal, oil, old bank accounts, and backyard BBQ's the consequences will be dire indeed.

    That could be interpreted, in the light of the present note in the modern book of revelations from the Met office, that if we go back to burning the aforementioned nasties, now termed goodies, the good ship Lollipop will once again ride on an even keel and all things will be bright and beautifull once again.

    This is the solution the Greens will have us now practice, seeing as how it was them who proposed the afore mentioned Anti AGW measures to "cure" the evils that have been practiced since the dawn of time.

    Once more dear friends, only once more do the Greens ask us to dig deep and cure their stupidity, seeing as how they are born stupid in the notion that anything Mankind ever did was for the benefit of the environment.

    If there's a buck to be made you can bet your last buck that someone with a Green aspiration will stick their finger in the dyke and save the day.....dyke plugging is a full time occupation, and well paid too I'm told.

    I never suscribed to the fear that Global Warming was a disater I had to eliminate....I like being warm, can't get enough of it, even to the point of having central heating as part of my comfort zone, and the Greens would have to prise the control button from my dead and twisted hand before I switch it off.

    So I never took measures to prevent global Warming, well maybe I did go and install a couple of dozen of the CF light bulbs the Government gave me for free and a water tank to offset the lack of rainfall we in OZ had in the early 2000's, but now it's damper than a Greek wrestler's jock strap, the water tank just saves me money on my water bill, nothing else, didn't save the environment from any Warming or Cooling, so I'm neutral.....never take sides in a bun fight.

    I get the distinct impression that I'm just a spectator in the greatest show on Earth, totally unable to understand the magic acts as they unfold, but being slightly amused by the antics of the clowns who make a 100 million just by jumping up and down on a platform.....the crowd has got a show, but for the money...I doubt it.

    Now act 2 is nearly on us, and the clowns are once again jumping up and down, only this time they're starting from the end, Global Cooling, and going back to the beginning......that's the Great Global Climate Variation Change put on by the clowns at the greatest Show on Earth forum....coming to all your local towns soon, like it or not.

    We are not amused, can't say I'm amused when someone who doesn't know what they're doing is trying to entertain me.

  3. #8503
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    Aug 2008

    Left wing (Gore) vs Right wing (Reagan)

    Search the web and you will find lots of reasons why they call some left wing and some right wing but in the end it can be simplified into two classes, those that take and those that don't.
    Left wing is mostly made up of those that expect someone to hold them by the hand and take care of them (70% of the US population), few paying taxes and most living off right wing taxes (30% US of the population).
    Government employees pay zero taxes (their pay is taxes)
    Welfare pay zero taxes
    Subsidized low income usually pay less tax than the benefits they receive
    Government supported drug addicts
    Long term unemployed
    Obama's unemployable disability
    Entitlement benefits without paying into it
    Benefits to illegal aliens that didn't work for them
    Anchor babies with free prenatal and natal care
    etc. etc.

    Right wing is mostly made up of those that take care of the left wing.
    Private sector businesses and their employees.

    If you don't have a job it is your fault! I am 70-years old, never been unemployed, and like most older people you see still working, employers want older people to come back to work because they know older folks are willing to work for their pay. My aunt is 86 and still working full time, not because she needs a job to but because she wants to and her company doesn't want her to leave.

    So what does any of this have to do with climate change? Climate change is left wing and the supporters are left wing. Most of the climate change 'experts' are government employees, worldwide. These are people that couldn't get a private sector job, a real job. There is no credibility when the source is from those that create a cause and milk it to death just to maintain their cushy job and over paid and over entitled paycheck.

    If you have a private sector job be thankful that your boss trusted you enough to risk his business on you. A boss is like a landlord, trusting their $200,000 house to renters for a mere pittance of rent. If you have a job paid with real workers and businesses taxes, shame on you.

  4. #8504
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hmmmmmm, seems I been voting for the right party all the time, I think I'll go join the mob down at the water hole, they got all the dough for doing nothing.......why do something when you can get paid for doing nothing, and it' s perfectly legal and encouraged by the Government.

    I just hope all those Righties keep on working hard so's we Lefties can enjoy the comforts that life has provided for us....... no sense in looking a gift horse in the mouth.

    I expect there will be a huge swing to the Left now the perks available have been revealed.......this means with out a doubt our man for all seasons Barak, will once again be dusting off the furniture in the oval office as if it was his home.

    Would it be a stupid move to swim against the tide and vote for the other side?

    One thing's for sure, the Righties aren't going to look after you like the Lefties do so why support them......is that too simple to understand?

    Barak Obama will get in, next election, trust me, I wouldn't lie to you, and judging by the way Mit Romney performed at the last head to head debate, he still thinks he's talking to a bunch of Mormon fanatics, and they can't see the wood for the trees.

    I think I'll stick with the Climate Change variations......it's so predictable....LOL.....nobody can foretell what the weather will be tomorrow based upon 10,000 years of data evidence.

  5. #8505
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    Aug 2008
    If you really want to know what is going on read the bible adopted by the one world government advocates in 1992. It is the bible for the UN and Obama.

    Understanding Sustainable Development - Agenda 21 - A guide for public officials

    In one sentence is says 'everything (including people) belong to the government'. If this doesn't scare you into dusting off your guns and stockpiling ammo it may be too late.

  6. #8506
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dhellew2 View Post
    If you really want to know what is going on read the bible adopted by the one world government advocates in 1992. It is the bible for the UN and Obama.

    Understanding Sustainable Development - Agenda 21 - A guide for public officials

    In one sentence is says 'everything (including people) belong to the government'. If this doesn't scare you into dusting off your guns and stockpiling ammo it may be too late.
    You did have to bring this up, didn't you.

    This is why we (at least in the U.S.) should be on high alert when our president says that “the government is the only thing we all belong to”...

    I've read Agenda 21 in its entirety. Alarming as it is by itself, the references and inclusion of other treaties, rules, and laws make all the more insidious. To those who think an obsession with the "New World Order" is conspiracy theorists with tinfoil hats... You're not paying attention.

    Man-made global warming aka "climate change" is just one powerful vehicle to achieve it.

  7. #8507
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    Sep 2006
    Hi to all, I get the uncomfortable feeling that one camp is supporting sustainable growth, whatever, and the other camp is all for "live for today, tomorrow will never come", so who can you really believe?

    You could put together enough examples of secret movements within a society, some even at the very highest levels, but in the end who do you believe?

    The examples could seem very plausible, and if you had enough years in your life, even from a very early age, to read and understand all the output from the anti sustainable growth society and then read and understand all the other output from the freedom of living society, in the end you would die a very old person, having studied all the various solutions to the modern world occurences that we promote as every day life, but never being able to do anything, without personal injury from public reaction to anything you might do to rectify the situation, and at the same time be lableled a terrorist or a hero, depending on who is doing the labeling.

    I would agree that, to someone with a certain point of view, it is a frightening thought that one rotten apple in his/her barrel can lead on to make more rotten apples, all smelling and looking the same, but if you were a worm in that barrel, the rotten apples are just what the doctor ordered, or that's your way of life, so why support someone who is going to fundamentally change your way of life by remove all the rotten apples just because that person has a personal vested interest in good apples, whereas as a worm you do not.

    In this case the worm, doing what worms do, is the average person who fears that his freedom is going to become history, and the apple barrel owner is the person who wants to have a barrel of apples all nicely polished and each of them conforming to a preset idea of the "ideal" apple.

    When the apple was on the tree, the worm had the freedom to promote it's lifestyle without hindrence, but as soon as the apple was plucked and placed in the barrel, the worm was subject to the whim of the apple barrel owner.

    The only choice the worm had was to not get into the barrel, and that meant not being part of the apple....too late once you are in the apple and it gets plucked.....you are automatically a posession of the apple barrel owner and therefor subject to his will.

    I don't think the "brave new world" of the perfect apple barrel is attainable without a huge outlay for measures to reduce the worm population at the start, or to create worm proof apples that will fight the worms should they want to do what they have always done, eat apples.

    The total solution would be to remove all the current apple trees and replant them with young trees that have been selected to resist the attentions of the worms.

    If the worms are wise they will depart to another orchard where the restrictions to their activities are not so strongly applied, and the percentage of apples that get wasted from worm activity is tolerated and factored into the final apple yield by the orchard owners.

    In all cases, the worms do not have right of tenure in the apple orchard, and the owners of the orchard can deny them that right even if the worms were there first.

    In the real world, Human activity has always reduced the value of real estate whenever it was unregulated.......the history of The Yosemite National Park's origins is a prime example of how mankind can reduce a wilderness to a mess without knowing why.

    I saw a very interesting program on TV obout the creation of the various wild life parks throughout the USA, and anyone who denies the value of a wild life park is a worm.

    I cannot support anyone who thinks that unregulated Human activity in the wilderness has been beneficial, and the same could be said for the Urban sprawl too.

    Regulation starts when you put up a fence to regulate the public's access to your possesions, and fences were never part of Nature's plan.

    Living in a Democracy means the majority will tell the minority how it's going to be, and if Agenda 21 is the key to future Human existance in the (Brave) New World, the voters had better be out and voting to make their voice heard as to how they see Agenda 21.

  8. #8508
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    Yes, I had to bring it up (agenda 21) with the hope that just one government loving fool would wake up to the realization that government wants their house, their car, their paycheck, their food, their guns, heck, their life (Obama's death panels). Every campaign, green, spreading the wealth, global warming aka cooling aka change, etc., are about conditioning, control, and greed.

    New World Definitions:
    Spreading the wealth means from the people to government
    Green means the color of the money
    Conditioning is the road government uses to create dependance
    Climate change aka frequent name change is one vehicle used to bankrupt the people
    Control means government slavery
    Greed if course means Michele Obama with her 22 servants (aka slaves)

    Only the climate change advocates benefit from promoting climate change. Tens of thousands of overpaid, over entitled, government employee livelihoods depends on the ever changing climate to justify their University paycheck, and government grant jobs.

    A life long job within the circle of government funded studies must never reach a conclusive conclusion or 'alas' no job. Lie, cheat, steal or whatever it takes to keep the scam alive.

    Ever wonder why it takes 50 PHD's + support staff, all at the same time, from 50+ Universities, worldwide, for 50+-years to study the sex habits of a south American tree frog? You must give them a A+ for creativity, their meaningless, worthless, overpaid, over entitled job.

  9. #8509
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    Sep 2006
    Dhellew2, I wonder why the "If you can't beat them join them" solution isn't adopted.......after all that is where the money is, so if you want to be part of the money train, join it.......evryone can join it....that's the only way to beat a situation, join it, flog it for all it's worth and it'll die a natural death.

    I can't imagine anyone getting rejected for supporting the "situation", you are after all showing that you are part of it.....you will get the thin end of the stick if you oppose it.

    It would appear to some that the Democrats are the "bad boys" in spending the nations money pile on promoting their socially inclined agendas, so become part of the system and you'll have money to burn too......it's so simple really, it was your money after all once......now you want it back????....voting for the Republicans won't qualify you as a Democrat supporter for money handouts, you have to be in it to win it.

  10. #8510
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    Though the story of the worm has merit, the worm was never out to destroy the rest of the apples in the barrel but only interested in supporting and feeding itself within the confines of the apple it chose for its home and provider.

    Socialism on the other hand sets out to destroy all the apples leaving only the barrel in which the apples have become hard cider making the owner (government) of the barrel rich, and the unsuspecting worm, unless fortunate enough to transform first, has become a casualty and part of the alcohol aka abuse rationed in exchange for their apple trees to the unsuspecting socialist controlled people.

  11. #8511
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    You can only join the money train if you are an attorney or a judge (preferably disbarred ore fake one like the Obama's), which is the first prerequisite to being a modern day politician.

  12. #8512
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    You can also stand in line and get a handout if the system is geared to do just that.....make everyone a handout partaker, supported by the system.

    If the system is hell bent on making everyone a member, enjoying all it proposes.....why oppose it?

    If you swamp the system with it's inadequacies it will through lack of ability fail to supply...read the fall of Communism in the late 20th century.

    You usually fight fire with fire.

    BTW, the Democrats (Obama) were the preferred party of choice BY THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE, voting in a free election, and by all indications the people will give him (them) the mandate too to rule as they see fit at the coming election.....are most of the people, most of the time, all stupid?

  13. #8513
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    There is one huge problem with joining the occupiers, every new member reduces the amount of benefits available for the ever expanding group of occupiers wherein sooner or later the entire system collapses, Roman empire, Russia, etc.

    Along with the 'joining' goes innovation, creativity, and the simple pleasures of life in trade for bread and soup lines, poverty and squallier. No thanks, I'll keep my guns and ammo and my freedom no matter what the cost. At least my life is my own as long as I can protect it. Freedom isn't free. Through out history, sooner or later the real people, the innovators, the working, the freedom fighters, and the entrepreneurs prevail.

  14. #8514
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dhellew2 View Post
    There is one huge problem with joining the occupiers, every new member reduces the amount of benefits available for the ever expanding group of occupiers wherein sooner or later the entire system collapses, Roman empire, Russia, etc.

    Along with the 'joining' goes innovation, creativity, and the simple pleasures of life in trade for bread and soup lines, poverty and squallier. No thanks, I'll keep my guns and ammo and my freedom no matter what the cost. At least my life is my own as long as I can protect it. Freedom isn't free. Through out history, sooner or later the real people, the innovators, the working, the freedom fighters, and the entrepreneurs prevail.
    Hmmmmm, a SWAT team will "take care" of you when you get too disgruntled.......waving your arms in the air only attracts attention.

    Better know which side your bread is buttered on.....if the system fails it will not be supported in the next election........problem solved....no blood shed.

  15. #8515
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    Aug 2008
    Obama was elected by the electoral delegates (78%) which are not elected by the people, and the presentational candidates are not elected by the people either.

    WHY IS IT THAT DEMOCRATS MUST CHEAT TO WIN? If you look at the peoples vote you will find that the only reason Obama prevailed was because of confirmed fraudulent vote.

    The same was true for the Governor of Washington State, Christine Gregoire. Gregoire lost the election, demanded a recount, caught in the act and video taped, democrat vote counters stuffed the ballet boxes but the judge ruled in Gregoire's favor saying the fraudulent votes counted.

    Historically the live long appointed judges have favored the democratic party agenda because the majority of the Presidents have been democrats, not by the will of the people but the electoral college, in fact 6 presidents served in office that were not supported by the vote of the people.

    In the entire history of the US only the democratic party has been involved in widespread voter fraud, none more than Obama. As recently as this month another liberal judge ruled that voter ID is not required, again a lawsuit filed by the democratic party. That makes two more states added to the list just this year that don't require voter ID.

    Illegal aliens can 'legally' vote in 4-states including Obama's fake birth state of Hawaii. Illegal aliens have voted in other states and were rounded up in Nevada and paid to vote for Harry Reid.

    In 2008 thousands of illegal voters were paid to vote in Michigan, ruled legal by a liberal judge, one man voted 78-times. Democrat voters include tens of thousands of dead people, living and dead pets, votes solicited from Alzheimer patients, etc.

  16. #8516
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    Aug 2008
    There has to be a reason why Canadians come to the USA for medical treatment. Could it be that socialized medicine lacks innovation? Capitalism may have it's faults, but progress and innovation are not one of them.

    The very fact that you and I can have this conversation are testament to a free society where folks are rewarded for innovation and entrepreneurship; the computer, the I-phone, the internet, etc.

    Socialism destroys the incentive to work, rewarding the lazy by penalizing the productive.

    I don't have a problem with welfare, but I would like to know which one I support because I have some work that needs to be done.:banana:

  17. #8517
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hi DH, that's quite a revelation....even more so if it is 100% true....I have no doubt that you are able to "reveal" all the devious practices by the politicians.....nobody will prosecute the politicians because those that accuse them are on the other side so automatically they are wrong by default.

    I can now understand why you don't HAVE to vote if you so choose not to, there would be an embarrasing number of votes cast otherwise, more than the entire population twice or more over....LOL.....I think that's funny......if you do too then you are a lost cause.

    I wonder how Bush got into the oval office......maybe the Republicans rigged the vote boxes too.....what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

    Hmmmm, that would seem like a logical explanation of the US political system, someone with vested interests decides which way the people are thinking and the votes get "adjusted" to show the "real" will of the people.....most people confronted by the ballot box don't know how to vote anyway, that's why they have to put a cross for their choice.

    In that case I wonder why the presidential hopefulls go on a vote catching round trip costing millions when the outcome is preordained by the rigged ballot boxes, it's probably to show the World that the US system works and is a model for all to emulate....LOL.

    I can now see how Al Gore worked the system so that he didn't have to get into office and so leaving him free to devote all his attention to making the 100 million from Climate Change revelations.

    Wow, that takes a lot of plot hatching to guarantee that you appear to be an "honourable man", whereas you really have a secret agenda to pursue.

    It then goes without saying, that if you put an honest man into the White house you are opening a can of worms in that it would be impossible to practice politics in the normal way.

    I don't think I'd be happy with a puppet government...I would have to know who was working the strings, as if it really mattered.

  18. #8518
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    Michelle499 is a spambot.

  19. #8519
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The Goracle himself blamed the size of hurricane sandy on climate change.
    I hope AGW does not become synonomous with AL Gore wins......


  20. #8520
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    If you can't prove it otherwise, it just ain't so!

    In the language of AGW, Al Gore vigorously promotes the theory that white is black.......in the absence of light, White is black, but who can disprove that hypothesis without adding light to the equation?

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