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  1. #1

    We’ve been using CatiaV5 for some time past and we’re searching for a database for processing tools to simplify the definition of tools and cut information.

    The only one that we’ ve found is a product of TDMSystems. It’s very complex and expensive.


    Regards, Frank

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    If you want to manage only cut information, Excel should be enough.

    May Catia input something like that?

    Grüßle<br />nebbe

  3. #3
    Hi nebbe,

    Yes, Catia can start something with excel tables, but it’s very pedestrian and it won’t work directly from CAM. It works only if one converts it with a script.

    Regards Frank

  4. #4
    Hello Frank

    WinTool could be a cheaper alternative, but I haven’t worked with it.
    If you use it, I’d like to know your opinion.

    Regards Uwe

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hallo Uwe (AMG_C30),

    WinTool can on its own admission process Catia’s tool databases; respectively WinTool-data have to be suitable for Catia. But I think WinTool is rather expensive.

    Unfortunately a simple Excel table can’t be used in CatiaV5. If someone has another info, I would appreciate learning it. This subject is up-to-the-minute in our firm as well.
    Allzeit gute Kommunikation wünscht euch<br /><br /><!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->singingSamson<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><br />

  6. #6

    WinTool? Haven’t heard about it. Must have a look…

    So far I know the TDM Systems are going to bring out a pared-down version. Probably it’s a good solution for us.

    I’m waiting for info from TDM regarding this.

    Regards Frank

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    We have together with our partner developed a cheap tool for creating and managing of Catia tools.

    If you are interested, contact me.


  8. #8
    Hello Frank,

    Unfortunately I’m late. You have probably found a solution.
    I located a tool database directly in catia. I saved each new tool with the right mouse button “send this tool to a tool catalogue”. So now I have some tools that I can choose for each new milling operation.



  9. #9

    We’ve been using CatiaV5 for some time past and we’re searching for a database for processing tools to simplify the definition of tools and cut information.

    The only one that we’ ve found is a product of TDMSystems. It’s very complex and expensive.


    Regards, Frank
    Hello everybody,

    Our customer has Catia V5 connection incl. connection to Zoller that works perfectly. If you are interested, I can try to get the costs of modulation.

  10. #10
    Hello Frank,

    Unfortunately I’m late. You have probably found a solution.
    I located a tool database directly in catia. I saved each new tool with the right mouse button “send this tool to a tool catalogue”. So now I have some tools that I can choose for each new milling operation.



    I wanted to try it in our case, because we, too, want to create a proper tool database with cutting values. Where did you click on the tool??? Directly in the tree after the creation or in the mask in which the tool is created?


  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Stardust2000 View Post

    I wanted to try it in our case, because we, too, want to create a proper tool database with cutting values. Where did you click on the tool??? Directly in the tree after the creation or in the mask in which the tool is created?

    OOOO My god how simple it was
    Ive been trying to do this for a while and i have used the xls csv method and its not a good way of doing it.
    Now i learned that i just have to use the right button......
    Make a toolchange build it as you want it
    Mark the tool in the resourcelist right mouse button and send to catalog

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