Following some threads started regarding known DX32 issues, I made a hard decision:

I had 2 options
- one was a purchasing a newer model VMC3020 with a Fanuc 21E control - but the machine was found to be in bad mechanical shape.
- upgrading the control to Numerix, this is what I decided to do.

It is a quite costly upgrade, but the Numerix is supposed to bring unbelieveable speed and 3D capabilities. After all, the machine is mechanically in great shape and I always claimed that what I like about BP is the relatively low cost and availability of spare parts.

Anyway, the Numerix control is replacing completely the bulky controller box with a slim one, the computer including the BMDC is also replaced with a new one (a lot of RAM, lot of hard disk space and ethernet connection) and the 3 IO cards.

If anyone is interested in some of these parts drop me an email.

I will post photos of the new setup in a few days.