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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    tosnuc 777 control

    Anybody with a post, or at least some programming info for a tosnuc 777 control please respond.
    We are purchasing a used toshiba next week, and of course, new programs are required immediately!!
    Any help at all greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have a machine with a Tosnuc 600 control. Most general G-codes will work the same, but the fixture offsets are called differently, and some other major differences. The guy you need to talk to for all your Toshiba needs is Paul at Dragan Industrial. He is in Canada. You can find him at www.draganindustrial.com or www.tosnuc.com

    Other than that, factory support is almost nil. Sorry...
    Carl Crawford

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Tosnuc Parameter

    Hi Carl,
    Could you please send me the Parameter of your Tosnuc 600m?

    Hi SIMONB,
    Could you please send me the parameter of your Tosnuc 777?

    I have a lost parameter Fine Sodick milling with Tosnuc 800D, hope your parameter can help me fix my machine.

    Thank a lot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The 800 is still suppprted by the manufacturer, I suggest you contact Toshiba and have them send you the parameters. Or, cantact your machine manufacturer and get it from them..
    CArl C

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I have Toshiba milling machine with tosnuc 777.2 control . the model of machin is VMC-55E with 3 axis .
    we confront with this alarm. <<Nc 4-14 encoder absolute position abnormal >>
    I have changed batteries in encoder for two axes (Y , Z) , And a battery connected to the main board (down battery). However the alarm don’t remove.
    and other problem , I don’t have any information about the parameters of the machine . I can see a limited number of Parameter of machine .
    How can I access the rest of the parameters?( And explanations of them .)
    could every body guide me ?
    how can i see all parameter ?
    how can i see program num 90000000 about ATC cycle ?
    Best regards

  6. #6

    Re: tosnuc 777 control

    am. mohammad

    How did you get this issue resolved?
    I currently have a Toshiba with tosnuc 777 control. Having the Nc 4-14 alarm.

    Battery on encoder has been changed. But still cannot set home position

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