Tree 425 with PC2100 controller and BOBCAD


Anyone have any experience with Bobcad and the PC2100 controller?

Trying to drill holes and keep getting a Peck Drill Flag.

FYI, I am a newcomer to the machining world. If you couldn't tell.

Peck Drill
> No feed increments for G83 deep hole drill.
> Cause: The G83 deep hole drill cycle requires a non zero value to use the
> feed increment. It looks in the following places in the order indicated,
> and uses whichever it finds first.
> 1 K word programmed in the G83 block.
> 2 Cycle modal set by execution of previous G83 block.
> 3 Compensated diameter of the active tool, which is the sum of two values
> from the tool data table and diameter compensation selected by programmable
> tool offsets.