CNC10 V1.21 on a hardinge...

When I type out a G76 threading cycle, it completely ignores the P word and will only run with the values set in params 49,50,51.

Those params are # of finish passes, threads to exit, and thread angle.

G76P030130 was ignored and and since my params were 0,.2,10 I got a funky thread. Only way to get the thread done with the right angle, exiting, and finish passes was to edit the params.

This was okay for this one thread, but the machine cuts a lot of other threads, like 29deg acme, 42deg buttress and the occasional 55dg whitworth.

I don't want to keep reseting parameters... Dont even like a G10 in the program.

Any thoughts?

N315 G76 P030130 Q.005 R.002
N320 G76 X.264 Z-1 R0 P.03 Q.01 F.0555