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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > univelop stepper driver board
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Unhappy univelop stepper driver board

    Im having a problem with my driver board.
    Im using a Univelop driver board and can not figure out why the motors wont reverse.
    All three axis act the same way. They will drive only in one direction.
    If I change the direction in the software the motor will move in the direction that it was reversed in.
    Example if I move the X axis to the left it moves left but when I move it right it still moves left swapping the a+ and a- is no fix.
    What am I doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Same Problem

    I am having the same problem.
    I am using Mach 3.
    I noticed another symptom when I switched to single step jog mode:
    The motor will turn clockwise(CW), however when I try to turn it counter-clockwise(CCW) it takes a single step CCW and then continues to turn CW.
    This tells me that the direction pin is being read correctly but something else is overriding it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Need help!

    Yes mine does the same also.
    When I switched stepper motors it did the same thing.
    I know my motors are good and I am using Mach 2
    The other driver I am using is a xylotex board and all motors work ok with it.
    so all thats left is the board. Or the way the software talks to the board.
    I sent a email to CNCGEEKS were I bought the board and have yet to hear from them.
    If anyone else has used this board Model: CNC3AIXS3
    Please let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Dear Victor,

    We are here to help,
    basically, this is the problem with Mach 2/3 configuration, because,
    Mach 2/3 in single step job mode, it only uses pulse to change the
    direction if you turn on the current model in Mach 2/3 ( which is
    default in Mach 2/3)

    That's why it works, at first go ccw (received CCW pulse from Mach) ,
    afterwards then go CW again (Because Mach didn't send CCW pulse any

    The solution is to turn off the pulse model in Mach 2/3, then should work fine.

    If this information is not enough, we will provide more detail later on.

    I have no idea what he is talking about!
    It would seem to me if you turn off the pulse mode you have have a electric motor that would run continuously until you tell it to stop.What kind of registration would it have? how could you tell it where to go if there are no pulses to count?

    Anyone have a idea what to do?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I think step pulses on one pin make the motor go in one direction., Pulsing the other pin makes the motor go in the other direction. Try changing the wires for step and direction and see what happens. Strange sounding board.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    pulse wires

    what wires and where?
    On the board or in the software?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    re: about univelop CNC driver board 3-axis 5-axis

    Here is the setup to test Univelop CNC board,

    It works for me in Jog-on model, both for forward (CW) and backward (CCW) continuously.

    The most important part is in part C:
    C. This step is the most important step

    In our computer the following setup for z-axis makes both “CW” and “CCW” to work.

    In order to turn a motor with MACH 2/3,
    1. click “z axis” button,
    2. move velocity make the following cover.
    You can also change the value of “steps per”, “accel”, “step Plus” and “dir pluse”
    3. click “save axis settings”
    4. click “ok”

    Because it tunes your motor with software and the driver, you really should try different parameters in this part C to make sure your motor is tuned to your computer.

    After tuning, the configuration in the cnctest.pdf does work for our univelop 3-axis driver board and Dell computer and a 4-wire bipolar step motor.

    Thanks lots,

    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you can also download it from


    Thanks lots,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    driver board problem fixed!

    Thank you for your help with the software to get the driver to work.
    It works fine on Mach 3 but I am still trying to get it to work on Mach 2

    Where is that site that you sent me the info on?
    Is there more information that I could read?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have the same problem in Mach 3 with the Univelop drivers - The motor always spins in one direction.

    I've tried changing the step / dir pulse lengths as suggested in the .pdf above but that didn't seem to help.

    I've sent an email to the creator and I'm awaiting a response- If anyone has any idea though please mention as I'd rather get the machine moving sooner rather than later.


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