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IndustryArena Forum > CAD Software > Solidworks > Where are my splines?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Where are my splines?

    I hoping someone out there can help me out. I just got a new copy of Solidworks Student Edition 2007-2008 and I'm having great difficulty in understanding where my splines are.

    If I select New/Part then choose front plane and then sketch, I should be all ready to go. Any of the other tools works fine (e.g. lines, rectangles, circles or whatever) but splines simply will not work. When I select splines, I do get the pencil cursor with the wavey spline looking line. When I click and drag, I get nothing. I have tried everything including re-installing the software and still no splines. The splines property box on the left side of the screen remains grayed out as if no spline have been drawn.

    Did I forget to enable something? Is there an option that is turned off by default that needs to be turned on?

    Also (maybe this is a clue) everytime I start Solidworks, I get a message that I have no license for COSMOS. I just haven't gotten it yet. Is this related at all?

    Please help before I go nuts!!!

    Thanks much,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hmm. COSMOS is just a FEA plugin for SW. To draw splines just click on the tool, select some misc points on the sketch then press "Esc".

    I have seen some PC's that don't have a good video card and can't work with SW, you could try opening some SW samples like parts or assemblies and see how it works. If it isn't a video card issue, i guess that you could try on another software (like SEdge or Rhino) or contact SW.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hey d8432,
    Thanks for the reply. I did a lot of stuff to my PC like updating video drivers, uninstalling SW and cleaning out the registry. After re-installing SW I seem to have found my splines.

    Doing it the way I did, I have no idea what fixed it but I'm back in business.

    Again, thanks for the reply,

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