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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Mastercam > Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    I'm sure I'm missing something simple but not being a professional, nor actually trained in Mastercam I'm lost as to where to make a change that will have T1 output with H1, T2 with H2, T3 with H3 etc.

    Humble apologies if this has been addressed umpteen million times, can't find it on myself.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions, remember, I'm not an expert in Mcam by any stretch of the imagination (but I'm having fun learning and turning big chunks of metal into lots of little chunks of metal!)

    BTW Using MPFAN as my post processor out to a GN-6B controller on my Mill.

    Any other info you need?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    Go to toolpaths/jobsetup look on right at tool offsets registry
    set boxes to 0 & 0

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    Thank you VERY much. Been beating my head against the wall for a while (am actually pretty good and going through my NC files and correcting but still!). Will this make it a permanent change or only for that drawing?


    Well, I went and tried it, maybe I didn't do it right or something but here is what I get:

    (DATE=DD-MM-YY - 11-06-14 TIME=HH:MM - 10:49)
    ( 3/4 FLAT ENDMILL TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 21 LEN. - 2 DIA. - .75)

    I went into toolpaths, then Jobsetup, over on the right side it had "tool offset registers" with the options of "add" and "from tool".
    Add is checked and it had 1 and 20, I set them to 0 and 0 and you see the result I got pasted above. What did I do wrong and how can I make a change so it is a default for all files I create?

    Thanks again for your help!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    If you "Set from tool", then the length & radial offset numbers will be the same as the tool number you assigned- best, if you can use the same numbers as the T#
    If you "Add", it will add the number you place in the appropriate fields to the tool number for the H & D offsets - good for if the numbers have to be different
    - ie Add to lengtH=0, Dia=30,.......so T1 will have H1 & D31

    Did you regenerate the toolpath operation after altering the parameters ?
    - best to adjust the tool definition and then it should filter into the toolpath operations ( you may have to select the same tool again to re-load the settings )

    Biggest problem is that you are using V9. which is nearly 15 years old ( about 2001, I think). New users may not know their way round in that dinosaur
    - I even struggle to remember how it worked.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    Finally figured out what I needed to do. Got the problem corrected by editing the mill.cfg file I believe. Anyway, got it done. Thanks for your suggestions and help. I know V9 is an antique but it is what I have and I'm just fiddling around, not a shop making money, soooo, I run with what I have. :-)

    The program fragment I posted below was from a new drawing, first time I'd ever run an operation on that drawing, after I'd tried to make the changes as suggested earlier, so there was no need to regenerate. Anyway, got it figured out because of some of your other posts and others too. This is a great site for helping even untrained beginners like me!

    Thanks again for your reply and help.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...


    (DATE=DD-MM-YY - 11-06-14 TIME=HH:MM - 10:49)
    ( 3/4 FLAT ENDMILL TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 21 LEN. - 2 DIA. - .75)

    N108G43H2Z2. ( This is how it should be if it is doing it like this the G43 call & the H should be on the same line)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...


    (DATE=DD-MM-YY - 11-06-14 TIME=HH:MM - 10:49)
    ( 3/4 FLAT ENDMILL TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 21 LEN. - 2 DIA. - .75)

    Sorry missed the boat on the last reply, When you select a tool just make sure that the Tool # & offset # match you can change these when you are selecting a tool, once they are set, in the tool selecting setup, they should stay the same in the posted code

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    Thank you sir!

    What I would really like to do is make it so that it comes up automatically doing T1 with H1 (not H2) and T2 with H2 ...

    Thought I had it fixed and it flipped back to doing what it was. Need to dig some more.

    Anyway, any help is most greatly appreciated!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    There are 3 ways of setting those particular addresses
    1- in the picture that "mactec54" posted,, it is for that operation only
    2- Define the tool fully & correctly. if you R-click on the tool & edit its' parameters, then it is carried onto following ops that you create
    3- Modify your post, but you will have no ability to do other variations, if the need arises

    eg you do a small & a large bore with the same tool, you can have a different offset number to control each of the bore sizes.

    You are setting a tool's parameters by the operation parameters.
    Each time you select the tool, you are re-setting it ( whatever you changed in the operation's page) back to what was set in the tool parameters area

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Why does My Mastercam V9 output T1 with offset H2, T2 with offset H3 ...

    Thanks! I appreciate the help.


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