Hi guys i am new to this site and to the world of CNC, for the last few weeks i have been researching on CNC mills and believe i have a fairly good idea and general background of CNC machines.

Getting to the point I am a case modder, I like to cut designs and do fancy cuts in my work, I make custom cases and engrave/cut symbols on my cases. Up till now I have been using a dremel which gives me a tacky job, so I want to move to something more professional such as a CNC machine.

The main material I am cutting is PVC Foam core, or Sintra, basically its a styrofam like plastic and is easy to route. I might also use engraving plastic for designs and stuff on top. I will also use this CNC to cut acrylic sheets (plexi glass).

My budget for this is about $1400, but I would love to save money...I dont really want to make it my self either, I perfer to get the machine nicely, professionaly done.

I saw Sherline has some good CNC mills I could purchase and are all in my price range, such as this:

I am assuming that a 3 axis mill is what I need, and perhaps the 12" base version. I also would like to find a package that has everything I need, including the stepper motors, etc...

Can anyone help me find a CNC machine that fits my needs here and price range (1400 USD)?

This is the place i have been looking for:

or another place I can get them for a good price?