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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > x axis will only move 1 direction
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    x axis will only move 1 direction

    I have recently bought a xylotex board and stepper motors etc. i installed all of these units and installed mach3 on my computer. configured the motors etc. all was working well. when i started the computer up the other day and tried to jog all the x,y, z\and z axis the x axis would only move in the + direction. The counter in mach 3 showed that when i used the x++ button the digits moved in the + direction. when I pushed the x- button the counter moved in the - direction. however, my router was still moving in the x++ direction. I treid reinstalling mach3 in case i had messed around with stuff i shouldn't have but still have the problem. I really don't know what i'm doing so rather than keep blindly bungling on, i thought i would toss it up to the brains trust that is in this forum.
    can anyone help me??
    Not sure if this is the right forum to post this as i don't know if it is a software issue or a motor issue

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I just had this problem yesterday in TurboCNC... For me, it was that I had the parallel port configured incorrectly. The new BOB for the Linistepper drivers that I was working on uses a slightly different pinout than then old one, so it used to be that pin 3 was the direction for the x axis, and now it is pin 6. The program was still set to put the direction signal on pin 3. Once I told TurboCNC to put the direction signal on the right pin, it worked correctly.

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