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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Haas Machines > Haas Mills > X,Y,Z warm up. I am not a programmer...
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    X,Y,Z warm up. I am not a programmer...

    I recently got a Haas VF-0E up and going. It had been in a government storage facility for several years (mfg in 1998, less than 2500 hours in operation).

    I can repair CNC machines but do not consider myself a machinist by any means. I found on here the programs for warming up and running in the spindle. What I would like is a program to do the same for the axis' (X,Y, and Z). Perhaps something like a figure eight with progressive speed increases.

    I have done a couple of quick searches for it but couldn't find anything except a mention of it.

    Does anyone have such a program they could send me so I can download it to a floppy and upload it?


    H. Howard

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I can write one if nobody else has anythign similar already jotted down. The only thing I don't know would be how long the machine should cycle around before calling it good, but I can estimate.

    What's the exact work envelope size on the VF0's? Also, what year is your machine? (the year influences the available feedrates) EDIT; oh nevermind about the machine year

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    see my reply post in " warm up cycle " thread
    moves table in a fig 8 as well as up an down

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