Hey all, hopefully someone out there has a good solution. I have been having a problem removing dust from crosslink foam after CNC routing it. The lighter densities 1 and 2 pound just hit it with the air hose and its fine. But on the heavier densitys it wants to cling to the wall. It is very conductive so i think that it is the electricity attracting it. I have tried a wide array of feed rates and rpms, that seems to only affect the cut quality (unless it is way off then it smolders, nastyyyy) not my dust problem.

I was thinking about a bathing solution. I was also thinking about hooking up an air nozzle behind the bit to blow air on the part into the dust collector hose as it is being cut, maybe control it with an m-code. just some ideas. If any one has any ideas or the same problem for that matter let me know.