Hi, I have no knowledge about electronics and need help for connecting my BOB, drivers and motors.
The BOB is a MPDX-122 http://www.pmdx.com/Doc/PMDX-122_Manual_111.pdf
Drivers: Gecko G203V https://www.geckodrive.com/upload/G2...V-7-MANUAL.pdf
Motors: Keling Technology, Inc part number KL34H295-43-8B http://www.kelinginc.net/KL34H295-43-8B.pdf
One of them will be connected parallel and the others unipolar on the motors there is 8 wires and most likely there are some of them that needs to be join together and after this witch one goes where. The wire that I’m thinking on using is a 20 gauge, 6 leads + a ground and it is shielded is this the right wire
The last thing I want is to blow some smoke and this is why I’m asking for help
Thank you