I'm using EMC 1.0-30 (at least that is the debian pkg version), based on BDI-4.30 I think. I downloaded the sources and rebuilt the modules so it would work with my new Xylotex (i didn't feel like firing up the soldering iron and making a cable or breakout this evening).

It works fine, just one problem: at the end of a program after the last instruction, the indicated positions on one or more axes will instantly change to some other value, although nothing actually moves. I think I've ruled out missed steps since the positions is just fine until the end of the program, after the last movement, it gets its position fouled up. This makes it kind of inconvenient to run a program multiple times!

Does this have something to do with the home switches? My old home brew driver had the home pins wired closed (i forget if they are active high or low). The xylotex, I think, doesn't do anything with them. I haven't cracked open the xylotex yet because it is new, has a sticker on it to detect if its opened, and I want to let it break in before cracking it open and possibly voiding the warranty.

I never had this problem with the old homebrew board.

I'm trying to avoid having to do a full OS upgrade, I'm aware there are probably much newer versions out.