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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Fanuc 6T - no feed per minute

    I'm trying to use a bar pulling cycle and I can't get the machine to feed in inches per minute even when using G98, G69/68 are chuck open and closed and the times are a safe number as I've never done a bar pull on this machine before. The program does not use a sub-program, I know it should but I'm just figuring out how to do the bar pull and the part is a soft plastic so no damage will be done if the last part comes out of the chuck. Anyone have an idea what is going on?

    Here is the program, middle part taken out

    :0007(SAMLE BAR PULL)
    (EXTEND 1.125)
    G00 G20 G40 G97 G99
    G00 G28 U0. W0.
    G50 X11.128 Z13.9007 S2000
    T1200 M8(GROOVE/TURN)
    G0 G97 X.84 Z.1 T1212 M3 S2000
    G74 Z-.275 K.06 F.02
    G0 X.9 Z-.275
    G28 U0 W0 T0700 M5
    G50 X13.4202 Z11.371
    G0 X0 Z.1 T0707 M8(BAR-PULL)
    G98 G01 Z-1.035 F20.
    G4 P2000
    G4 P100
    G4 P2000
    G99 G0 G28 U0 W0

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    You sure about the G98? My book shows G94/G95

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    For the record, when the program runs, I don't get any alarms, the green indicator light comes on showing the function is active but there is no movement.
    I've also tried moving the z axis in MDI with the results that it will move using G98 G1 w-1. f10., but only if the spindle is turning and of course that wouldn't really work well with a bar puller.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Just on an off chance, I tried G94/95 as well with no different results

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Don't you have M-codes for door-interlock or spindle interlock.
    Try to put a G1 for the W.8 and the Z.1 , some controls don't move after the G4 (dwell).


    The Netherlands.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    If you note in this line G98 G01 Z-1.035 F20. there is a G01 and there has been no dwell prior to that. I did try it anyway in he line with the W.8 and didn't get that far, it stalls at the first G98 line. As far as I know, there is no spindle or door interlock as an M-code. The door interlock has a keyed interlock over-ride and I tried with the door closed and the interlock off and it made no difference.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    You might want to try a M3S0, but make sure you dry run it to avoid issues first. Some machines will just not move with a spindle stop command. We have several machines like that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Are you sure that you have the G98 code.
    Most older controls (6T) without live-tools or bar-puller function don't have the G98.

    The Netherlands

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Underthetire is the winner:cheers:! I tried that and seems to work, BUT, even with M3 S0 the spindle still turns, maybe 1 or 2 rpm but it turns. Now the question is; with M3 active, I can't open the chuck. If I stop the spindle I can open the chuck and then I can't pull the bar because I can't turn the spindle with the chuck open and the fpm won't work. If I close the chuck the bar will be turning in the puller.

    I was trying to figure out if I had G98 as well, I looked through the parameters to see if there was a setting there, I couldn't find anything. I believe it's possible but can't understand why a machine would be made without this function though I suppose if it's made an option it's another way to make a buck! Does anyone know for sure if this is an optional function?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Here is what I use on our Fanuc 18-t.

    (***** BAR PULLER *****)
    G50 G54 S0
    G0 T1111
    G0 X1.5 Z1.
    G0 Z-1.609
    G98 G1 X-.348 F150.0
    G4 U0.5
    G1 Z-.450
    G4 U1.0
    G0 X1.075
    G0 X12.5 Z8.0 T1100

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Look on Youtube for [ Homemade pneumatic bar feeder ].
    When you use not to long bars, you can made something inside the spindle-hole with long steel springs, push or pull.
    Be creative and try to make something by yourself.

    Good luck,

    The Netherlands.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Well, you may have an interlock cancel M-code to run the machine with the spindle stopped. It would be builder specific, so may want to post what machine it is.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I called Fanuc and apparently it depends on how the spindle/chuck, etc. is interfaced and there are several different ways all require knowledge of the electrical system that I don't have. I've called in my serviceman to see if he can figure out how it was set up and maybe fix the issue.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    It's an old 1965 YAM CK-2. I'd really appreciate any help I can get to get this working

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    oh boy, so the machine was retrofitted in the early 80's, and with a control you cant display the ladder. Going to be tough.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    No, it's not a retrofit, it's a factory built slant bed lathe with 12 station turret and a tailstock. Because it has the tailstock, it looks like it was intended to be a sort of universal machine but then it has no provision for a bar puller and there doesn't appear to be anything for a barfeeder either. I've had a serviceman in recently and we could see the plc ladder and I do have the schematics for the machine, it's just that I know enough to stay out of there and leave that to someone more knowledgeable.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    is this a 6T or 6T-B? the B series should have IPM. there might be a parameter checking 'SAR' or spindle speed arrival you can turn off, i dont have a 6 book handy to look. if its a 6TB with pmc-A Ive got a program that can print out the mnemonics, if you have access to a eprom burner capable of merging hi-lo bytes into one file...my program dont work for pmc-B, tried it for the first time a while back...but if its pmc-A its a way to get the ladder if you dont have the paper copy...need to read/merge chips 251/252.

    I do have one of the few 'suitcase' programmers left on earth, but it really sucks to use...Ive loaded ladders thru it, then read/typed them into a P-G, then printed out, but its a really time consuming PITA just to get a paper copy of the ladder...my mnemonic program kinda sucks, but at least its better than nothing...ive posted the source before in here too in case someone feels like trying to make it accept the pmc-b chips too...the last dozen or so ladders ive printed out i used my program for mnemonics, then hand typed that into the P-G, takes about a day to do, but with undocumented old stuff, what else can you do...I have a hard time trying to debug stuff with just mnemonics, for me the graphical ladder is all I can wrap my little brain around- but its a real pain to get that paper if you dont have it in your old machine... if the ladder needs edited, the only way to do so is with the old suitcase programmer- I do know of a couple other guys out there with them, think ones in canada, ones in michigan, and there was one on ebay a few months ago...wether any of them still work, who knows...last i used ours was about a year ago, the 5v supply popped at bootup, had to bug in a external supply to use... a computer from 1981 might as well be from the stone age- amazed the thing still works at all.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    heres a link to my basic source code for the decompiler... memoryman said he wrote one also, probably a lot cleaner than my mess scroll down to post #27, copy/paste it into a shareware qbasic compiler to make a executable:


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Certainly not a 1965 machine then!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    boy...i type slow- missed the post about 'could see the ladder'...then its got a external PLC as the 6 cant display it- at least not that I've ever heard of

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