I am new to this site and have been reading through some of the great info. I'm sure everything I will need to learn, I can find here.

I have decided to jump in head first and build myself a 3 axis machine. I build custom woodwork of all types and for the most part want a machine to make custom grills out of solid wood and thin aluminum plate and simplify inlay work, but also want the capability to do some 3d wood carving..... and maybe an aluminum part or two every now and then. There will be a lot of common designs, where I'm hoping a machine like this will be indispensable.

I am currently trying to expand my business from a small 1 person shop, so am definitely on a somewhat limited budget. Overall I think a 2' X 4' cutting area will be ideal with a 6" or so z. I want to do it right and build a reliable machine, but also want to keep it as simple as possible. Precision probably only needs to be moderate.... I guess good enough to make clean cuts in aluminum. considering what I will be using it for the tolerances don't have to be the highest. I am definitely leaning towards all welded steel construction. Weight isn't an issue as it will sit on a concrete floor, actually I think the heavier the better with a tool like this. I will probably purchase a pile of surplus steel from a local supplier to start with. I think I want to go with a gantry arm construction, servos for the drive. controller....and everything else, I'm trying to figure out.

I definitely need something more powerful than a dremel or rotozip, so am thinking a 3 1/4hp router.... especially after looking at prices of spindles! Ive looked at prices of ready built machines and anything that is of any quality is out of my league. This is also something that I need to jump into and get the job done, that concept has never failed me before! I have a bit of knowledge in all the areas it will take for the build, from the fabrication end to the computer side of things, but am certainly no expert, so am looking forward to the learning experience and tying various skills together.

I have access to a machine shop if needed.

Any and all information that can put me on the right track will be much appreciated. I know it is probably here somewhere. I think the only problem with this site (if I can really call it a problem!) is that there is just too much good information!

I don't work from set plans very often and find most of my best work comes when I just wing it, so want to find a happy medium with this project, sticking with a good general plan, but still throwing enough ingenuity in the mix. I'm definitely not entirely looking for a plan to copy.... that's no fun. I want to take in a bunch of good ideas, mix them with my own and make it happen.

I will do my best to take many pictures along the way and post those as well as notes as things come together. I am a fan of the take a penny, leave a penny strategy, and will do my best to pass my acquired knowledge on and maybe a few wacky ideas along the way. For now though I need to act as a sponge and suck in all the info I can before the initial leap. Please give me your opinions, links to posts, parts selection, servo sizes, controllers ...ect.

Thanks, Jay