This is the new machine definition from the newest tutorial video, it is named different but it is the same definition.

Extract the enclosed .rar file to C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 8\Machines\Schemas

Now paste this line of text <SCInclude>$(SCHEMAS_FOLDER)\Tormach2012\Tormach20 12.xml</SCInclude> into the “machineslist.xml” that is in C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 8\Machines.

Right click on the “machineslist.xml” file and choose "edit" then paste that line at the end of the list.

Now go back into the machines library, then click on the disk drive icon that is in the left center of the box and next to the red X. then go into the Schemas folder and then into the tormach2012 folder and double click the Tormach 2012.xml file.

Now find the Tormach2012 machine in the upper list called the full machines list and highlight it, then click the green plus sign. Now the Tormach 2012 machine should be in the lower list called the used machine list.