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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    okuma OSP5020 RS 232 Settings

    Hi guys

    Im toubled that my settings arnt working... New old machine that we are trying to set up..

    What we show is parametyer #12 ( 00100010 )

    Pc Set at
    2400 Baud
    2 stop
    Even Parity

    Does anyone have the parameter settings and also the PC settings..

    thanks chips !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Okuma OSP5020M parameter settings are different from that one OSP5020L.
    there can be some differences from machine to machine depending on specification also.
    It's better if You look at parameters chapter at Your manual and describe here what You do and what happens,
    here is what I have for OSP5020M:
    * NC optional parameter (word) parameter #6, page 24 "NC baud rate for RS232C channel 0"
    Your setting 2400
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#8, bit#0 "stop bit of CN0: (RS232C) (1 1 bit/ 0 2 bits)" Your setting is 0
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#8, bit#4 "8-bit JIS of CN0: (RS232C) (1 there is, 0 there is not)" Your setting= 0, I would recommend set to 1
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#8, bit#2 "parity check of CN0: (RS232C) (1 execute/ 0 do not)" Your setting is 1
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#8, bit#3 "parity of CN0: (RS232C) (1 even/ 0 odd)" Your setting is 1
    There are also some more settings important:
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#0 "sets tape code. =1 ISO; =0 EIA" set to 1
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#2 "carries out a tape TV check" set to 0 (=does not)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#3 "there is a tape delimiting code" set to 1 (=1 ISO=%, EIA=ER; =0 feed hole)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#4 "verifies tape during reading" set to 0
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#6 "handles special code (other than $20 … $5F, HT) as an alarm" set to 0
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#1, bit#7 "does not store special code" set to 1
    * NC optional parameter (word) parameter #57, "designation of read device (no DC code control)" set to 1
    * NC optional parameter (word) parameter #103, "designation of punch device for outputting parameter files" is =7 for 7 BB1: bubble memory and =0 for RS232 port.
    * NC optional parameter (word) parameter #104, "designation of read device for reading parameter files" set to 1 for RS232 port
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#54, bit#4 "outputs file names to the communication output device" set to 1
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#8, bit#7 "file name present in reading operation at CN0: (RS232C)" set to 0 (1 present, 0 not present) no error if present with that setting.
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#10, bit#3 "NC file name is not output at DNC punch output" (1 not output / 0 output)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#12, bit#2 "file name output for tape punch out" (1 not output / 0 punched)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#12, bit#3 "end of record code for tape punch operation in ISO code" (1 only LF / 0 CR, LF)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#12, bit#4 "code used for tape feed for tape punch operation" set to 1 (1 space/ 0 null)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#12, bit#5 "specifies whether tape feed portion is punched" set to 0 (off)
    * NC optional parameter (bit) parameter#12, bit#6 "communication link is reset by pressingg NC reset button" set to 1 (reset)

    there are more relevant settings. Look at manual

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Steps to establish a communication between Okuma OSP5020L with PC

    1. Verify the Optional Parameter Bit

    LATHE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
    12 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
    13 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

    2. Verify the Optional Parameter Word


    1 1 FEED HOLES
    34 30 BUSY TIME
    39 4800 BAUD RATE
    44 1 PUNCH PORT
    54 2 READ PORT

    3. Verify the PC communication setting on the COM.EXE Program.

    BITS 7
    STOP BITS 1 or 2 (You can try with both)
    BAUD RATE 4800
    COMM 1 or 2 (Check the PC for the current COMM port)
    4. Verify the cable.

    OSP Control 25 Pin PC Control 9 Pin

    PIN 2 PIN 2

    PIN 3 PIN 3

    PIN 7 PIN 5

    PIN 4 short to PIN 5 PIN 7 Short to PIN 8

    PIN 6 Short to PIN 8 and 20 PIN 1 Short to PIN 4 and 6

    5. Connect the Laptop computer, with the proven RS232 cable, to the RS232 connector on the machine with power off. Power on Laptop and bring up COMM.

    6. Power up the control. Check all RS232 parameters for NC and COMM. Write down and change any wrong parameters. Check Table of settings. Remember press the backup and turn off and turn on again if you modify a parameter in the NC.

    7. Now push the Auto Mode button. Check the Directory, by pushing the program select soft key. Type PS * and press the write key. Write down a good file name.

    8. Now push the EDIT AUX Mode button. Press the PIP function key. This brings up a screen for Reading, Punching, Verifying, and Copying Programs.

    9. It is easier to start by transferring a program to the Laptop. This can be accomplished by pushing the PUNCH soft key. After pushing the soft key, type in the filename that was written down in step 7.

    10. Get the PC software ready to receive the file. In COMM should press alt and R at same time, and type the name of the received file.
    11. Press the write key on the control panel. The program should be sent out and the CRT will display this sign > when finished.

    12. Now rename the file that is in the NC. This will allow the file from the PC to be sent back in without disturbing the original file if you want so.

    13. It is time to send a file from the PC to the NC. The READ key allows this. Get the NC ready to read a file by pressing the READ soft key. The following sign should appear on the CRT: >R. Unless NC Optional Word Parameter isn’t available, then you must specify CN0: as your read port. CRT: >R CN0: (The parameters are set to Read and Write over the CN1

    14. Now have the PC send the program file to the NC using COMM, press alt and S at same time, and type the name of the file you want to transfer (Remember the file got to be in the COMM directory) . When the NC has finished receiving the file, the CRT will display this >.

    15. If any of the above does not work the problem could be cable, PC Com Port, COMM settings, NC settings or cable from machine panel to PCB. 90% of the time it is a cable.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    90% of the time it is a cable
    I would say "90% are wrong settings". Okuma's are the same, but PC's. It depends on PC hardware and software. The parameters to adjust are:
    data bit, parity bit and, of course, serial port number. These can vary from PC to PC and sometimes another communication program requires different settings.
    I also would suggest higher speed. 9600 baud for Okuma is the best. "slower is better" is a bull **** . Anyone can try with properly adjusted communication faster vs slower.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I have problem ops7000m I can transfer file very very slowly or not ,just one or two line transferred why

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Algirdas View Post
    90% of the time it is a cable
    I would say "90% are wrong settings". Okuma's are the same, but PC's. It depends on PC hardware and software. The parameters to adjust are:
    data bit, parity bit and, of course, serial port number. These can vary from PC to PC and sometimes another communication program requires different settings.
    I also would suggest higher speed. 9600 baud for Okuma is the best. "slower is better" is a bull **** . Anyone can try with properly adjusted communication faster vs slower.
    We had our OSP500L-G AT 2400, 4800 and got nothing, now with Baud rate at 600(max allowed in the Okuma manual) we can send programs all day long....it really doesn't take that long...

    Maybe it was the PC maybe the Okuma but now it works..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    now with Baud rate at 600(max allowed in the Okuma manual)
    there is impossible to use faster, than allows the slowest side, o course. It's strange, however, I have never seen the RS232 hardware limiting so slow.
    Maybe it was the PC maybe the Okuma but now it works..
    Can be cable and connector problem in case if it is not OSP nor PC

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I agree....it is strange. Now we will start looking to speed it up. But at least it works

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    it is strange.
    Maybe CPU and/ or memory channel and/ or memory cannot support faster. Its very likely for old OSP with some resource demanding features like User task 2, IGF ...
    we will start looking to speed it up
    It will be the maximum allowable baud rate even if You set the parameter to some higher speed. Suppose, that's the limit and it isn't worth to look for faster for this OSP.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I have problem ops300m error W02 bit am dont have catalog okuma osp 300M
    what this error if you konw?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: okuma OSP5020 RS 232 Settings

    Can anybody help me?
    I am new to okuma. I make a program ABC. MIN. I write M30 at the end of program. When I run this program it stopped at the end by M30. But now I can't run the program. When I select the program by pressing Auto mode>F1>*>select program >write. Then nothing happened. No program can run. Can anybody help me to fix this...?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: okuma OSP5020 RS 232 Settings


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by cic108 View Post
    Can anybody help me?
    I am new to okuma. I make a program ABC. MIN. I write M30 at the end of program. When I run this program it stopped at the end by M30. But now I can't run the program. When I select the program by pressing Auto mode>F1>*>select program >write. Then nothing happened. No program can run. Can anybody help me to fix this...?
    Hi use M2 insted of M30

  14. #14
    inspec Guest

    Re: okuma OSP5020 RS 232 Settings

    the way i have done is and none of these instructions here really worked for me was to

    first of all use DNC Precision software
    Choose the following in DNC:

    BITS 7
    BAUD RATE 4800
    COMM 2
    choose" TRANSMIT" (and not both) for transmitting , Receive for receiving

    Verify the cable. you have to modify your wires /pins on the 25PIN end in other words solder in different places. use an old laptop with 9PIN female port

    Change or check these on your OSP5020L
    Parameters Settings:


    1 = 1
    34 = 30
    39 = 4800
    44 = 0
    54 = 1

    then create your program
    To Transmit a file
    Control first: "Read"","" A.MIN" (A is name of your program)
    your program must be "$A.MIN%" pick any name but pick a letter. click transmit and your file and it should take seconds to transfer over the program.

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