hey guys, forgive my newbieness...ive been using solidcam now for about 6 months and really have only used the simple 2D or 2.5D operations..pocket, profile, face, drill...etc..

So my buddy asks me to cut him a guitar body...a very bowed surface guitar body...similar to a les paul in bow, only more complicated profile geometry

Ive been digging around in solidcam but cant seem to find the straight forward method of doing this. Ive tried HSM, and that immediately tries carving the pickup cavities, profile, neck pocket, everything at once..

Ideally, id like to have it rough the surface, then round it...THEN do the pockets...which operations would i be able to find this under is basically all im asking...

i know this cant be that hard! i'd like to do similar to how Vectrec 3D does their curved contours...

Thanks in advance guys!