Quote Originally Posted by kvom View Post
These parameters gave a more reliable start/stop operation of the spindle, plus full range of speed, but the commanded to actual is still way off.

At S100 VFD reports 106 RPM
At S200 906
At S300 1812

Reaches max of 4045 at about S555.

Each increment of 100 increases RPMs by ~900. After shutting down for the evening, I noticed that the MAX_MCB_FREQUENCY in the INI file is set to 10,000. I'll increment that to 25,000 tomorrow to see if that has an effect.

Read up on lincurve, so if push comes to shove I think that can translate between command and actual speeds.
Its probably mainly simple scaling, If you delete any additional scaling components it should be about right.

Do you have a two speed spindle? if not, I dont see the need for the Tormach spindle component or
any other clap-trap the M3,M4 commands RPM number needs to be fed through