Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

This is what I'm trying to find out, you don't need to read the rest of my post if you look at this.

What I have is a panel of circuit boards. I start with a 2d contour operation around each board, and leaving some tabs.
Then I would like to v-score all the tabs from the top and bottom, but the problem is fusion is not calculating the proper offset for me.
After some help on the autodesk forums, I almost have the correct offset, but realized I won't be able to do exactly what I want, without manually creating the tool path, using a sketch and some math(This is where you come in).

Before I had help, my 2d contour was basically just tracing because of the chamfer bit.

After I had help, you can see that the offset is correct, but only when I want to cut all the way to the bottom.

This is the same operation, but at 1/4 depth. As you can see its not in the correct place.

This is what I would like to achieve.