As mentioned in another thread, there should be a better communication somehow what is beta and what not.
For example i never realiced that the machine 3d Display is some kind ov preview and not official supported.

The same is also for the very latest version. You called it a beta in another thread, but it is not clearly visible.

Just for Understanding: I am using the software in productive environment on large scale CNC Machine and having unexpected behaviour confuses not only me, but my co-workers who are not familar with programming or any special knowledge.

On the other hand, compared your software to others. There are many abilitys and I realy like the way it is working. Even if its not industrial style. And i knew from own projects how frustrating it could be if updates are not working as expected or customers are not satisfied. .

Maybe you could think of something like an extended support for an annual fee or something like that to separate industrial customers from hobby.Because your software and devellopment is realy worth more than just a single payment.