
Is that your board? It's executed very neatly. I especially like how you compacted the high current section of the board layout. This shows thought about keeping high current traces short to minimize inductance.

I don't see your current sense resistors in the picture but I assume you know the significance of forming a good Kelvin connection ground.

For those that don't, the ground ends of the sense resistors have to be as close to each other as possible. That also is the only place you make your connection for all the low-level circuit ground returns. Think of your ground connections as being separated into two regions; noisy grounds (power section) and quiet grounds (low-level section). The meet at only one location, the ground ends of your current sense resistors.


P.S. Like you, I'm also a grandpa. That means I'm old enough to reserve for myself rights I don't accord to my younger relatives; it's up to them to resolve the unfairness of the blatant hypocrisy.:-) Having said that, I do use a piece of paper on the wall but only because marks on the wall from repeated experiments confuse subsequent data-sets.