Quote Originally Posted by CNC-Dude View Post
Intriguing... I thought I heard only people with one of the latest TMC's could acquire the upgrade. Will check directly with them and straighten this misconception of mine.
Daniel Rogge looked kind of unsure when he answered this question, and almost seemed to contradict himself, so maybe what he said was not the official line.

What I got out of it:
1. They will only sell the PP software to verified Tormach machine owners.
2. They will sell software to Tormach machine owners with homebrew computers, but will provide absolutely no after-sales support. Since they are charging $10, that isn't really "selling" in my book, more like giving away...
3. You can buy a 5i25/6i25 direct from Mesa, and the PP will download the right pin settings into it on startup.

I am not sure why you want a "Open Source" group for a commercial splinter of an Open Source project. Just join the LinuxCNC group.

The PP software as I understand it by the requirements of the LGPL license is not "Open Source". LGPL allows incorporation of open-source libraries into commerical proprietary code, and companies are not required to release source code for the proprietary components. Tormach is required to release the source code for any portions of the code that are modified/adapted from the open source code, and has met that obligation by releasing the trajectory planner improvements source code. Don't expect to see source code for the proprietary portions like the conversational screens, ATC, probing screens, etc.

The "Open Source" elements of PP will be in LinuxCNC releases; nowhere else.