The time has finally come for the manufacturing run of ODrive v3.1. They are now on the way, and should arrive early to mid January.

At this stage, around 20 board kits are going out the people who signed up to the "Inital development" phase. They have not been all allocated yet, you can signup here.

Since the boars are going out to just a small group of early developers, I will have the time to personally get you up to speed with the codebase and help to get going with the hardware. Then, together, we can prepare some stuff that is a bit more stable and a bit more documented for when the alpha testing begins.

The cost for me to get this small batch of boards manufactured was $96 per board, so that is the amount I need to ask for a kit, plus shipping.

The kit involves basically everything seen in the above picture, and consists of:

  • ODrive v3.1
  • USB Programmer
  • A set of the optional large gauge wire screw terminals
  • A set of pin headers
  • Some nylon standoffs

I hope that ODrive will be able to help you make an awesome robotics project, thank you so much for your contribution to helping people have access to open robotics hardware and software.