Hello Mr. Green0,

The FANUC Memory Card Progam Edit Tool is not a new product for Fanuc.
The Help-PDF from the Fanuc CD I attached is from the B-66484EN-06 Operators manual, the 30i-31i-32i series Model B.
I found it also in the B-64484EN-03, the same series but earlier date, see in the attachment the Version 3.0 of the PC-Tool.
The 30i-32i series started in 2004 I think, I don't know when they released the first version of this PC-Tool.
Which Fanuc control do you have ?
Why can't you download this software and pay it on-line, the complete CD contains only 3 files,
an English and Chinese Help-file, and a 600Kb exe-file, total 1.5Mb ???
You don't have to install the program, only make a folder on the HD and copy the 3 files from CD to that folder and make a link to your desktop.
The copyright in the attachments says it started in 2003.
I wonder and want to ask Mr. DouglasR, Doosan / Fanuc expert on this forum, did you ever heard of this Fanuc PC-Tool ?
