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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > In one year I will gradeuate with an industrial management degree.WTF is this degree?
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  1. #1
    KyleH2 Guest

    In one year I will gradeuate with an industrial management degree.WTF is this degree?

    I am in school for mechanical engineering. however before going to school for that I got my full OCP A-D machining certifications, however I am not particularly attracted to the salary and an entry level machinist makes/does so I have chosen to run my small online business instead. However with those certifications also came 27 credit hours towards an A.S. Degree in Industrial Management. This required about 6 extra classes over my normal engineering degree and I figured I would eventually want to move into management in engineering so this will give me a leg up over the next guy.

    However I figure I can probably use it towards something in the three years or so between when I earn it and when I graduate with my BSME.

    Would any of the places you guys work for hire a certified machinist with just a 2 year management degree to do any kind of management? I had a job every day from age 16 until 18 when I quit it to run my own business. I have run my own small business, and my references are the former CEO of a large food can company, former employer, teacher, and mayor of my city. I can also use your typical manufacturing/business related tools. Solidworks, Camworks, AutoCAD, Excel, Word, Quickbooks,etc. I am 19 now, I will be 20 when I graduate.

    Think I have a chance getting a decent paying (minimum 15/hr) job with this degree. Has the company you worked for hired similarly qualified people historically? I took a look on the local craigslist but most wanted 5+ years experience.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I took a degree in Industrial Manegement too many years ago. I'm sure it was considered in my promotions after I graduated. The courses were good at informing me on the generalities of other disciplines (data processing, accounting, production control etc.) so I would know how to "team-up" with them.

    I believe nowdays a BS with Industrial Management is a good base, BUT to be promoted above a lower management level a post grad degree is politically required.

    ps: I don't like it either, I'm glad I retired and can pick and choose my projects.

    Dick Z

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Notice that Mr Zastrow said: "I'm sure it was considered in my promotions after I graduated."

    'Promotions' implies starting at a lower level and moving up.

    Hypothetically speaking; I would start you as a Parts Loader, (especially as you will take $15 an hour which is less than my normal starting rate ). I think you will find most companies would offer something similar given your lack of experience.

    I know sometimes it is tough getting the first jobs to gain the experience but if you set your sights too high you will increase your chances of being turned down. Aim for something lower down and spend a few years gaining experience.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  4. #4
    KyleH2 Guest
    Yea the reason I took the extra classes to get the extra degree was to help me as an engineer. Where do you work that you have entry-level parts loaders and button pushers making more than $15 an hour? Around here, at a local aerospace tool manufacturer people with their OCP A-D in machining, guys get hired in starting at $12 or 13 as button pushers. A local tool manufacturer was paying a bit less. Again thats for certified machinists, guys off the street or Machine Operator/Operator Assistants start with less.

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