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  1. #1161
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    Why on God's green earth would someone support the questionable and unproven concept of GW or a specific method of correction but ignore the greater evidence that pot has a fairly proven association to mental and physical disease.

    God's green, I like that but I know it is not the "green" your refering to. I agree with the questionable and unproven concept of GW/Climate change or whatever they are calling it today. Likewise for 70+ years we have been lied to and had blatant propaganda forced down our throats at our own expense no less about the evils of a dried plant material. Total BS lies made up again and again to this very day about the affects of marijuana. I always like to consider the source when such data is made public. If you'll notice most every case study was performed by some government agency who has it in their best interest to make sure the findings are BAD BAD so they can justify their miserable existence trying to force their moral values down the rest of our throats. These studies are also done by researchers who owe their jobs to the drug warriors and will guess what always find that the people paying them are correct, go figure.

    The bottom line is that for a drug to make it through 3 phases of clinical trials and pass FDA approval for sale to the public only a few thousand people at most are tested with the drug. Out of those few thousand if only as many as 30% showed positive results from taking the drugs the drug is then considered a success and made available for public consumption.

    I would contend that no DRUG has EVER had a larger test pool or as many hundreds of years of efficacy testing as marijuana has had since man has been using it. Find me ANY drug that has had more users (besides alcohol although even it was not around till long after marijuana was in use by man) test it out before it was put up for sale. You will be looking a long time because none exist.

    The problem with the war on drugs is that its a moral war. People say oh alcohol is legal pot is not so thats that. This is to simplistic a viewpoint in that I make no distinction between the two since they are both inclined to impair you in some fashion. One poster said he prefers reality and only has a glass of wine once in awhile. While I have no issue with that I wonder if the poster would consider themselves an alcoholic as well? The reason I ask is that according to the anti-pot crowd ANY amount of use makes you a drug addict. Thus using this logic one can only conclude that any amount of alcohol intake means you are an alcoholic.

    If your ever debating the War with anyone and they drink alcohol ask them if they are alcoholics and see what happens. Also ask them if the government was to suddenly today decide once again that liquor and beer are illegal if they would rush home and drain every last bottle of booze and beer down their sinks? Nothing like showing the hypocrisy of the hypocrit to them. Although it will be usually for nothing because they only care about what YOUR doing not what they are.

    Until everyone is ready to let me come into their homes and tell them what they can and can not do or can or can not own, they pretty much just need to shut the hell up. If your a working upstanding citizen that happens to endulge in things others do not and you bring no harm to others knock yourself out what do I care. I care more that there are those who would strip me of my rights in order to attempt to stop someone else from using a drug then I will ever care about that person using the drug. You pay your own way in life and it should be no ones business what anyone else does in their own homes. Why this is so damn hard to understand in a country thats supposed to be the most FREE country of all is beyond me. America can be free or it can be drug free there is no inbetween. In order to be drug free you will have to forfiet your rights as a citizen and in fact you already have in MANY instances in the name of this war. Now how much closer are they to winning it exactly? Is 0% a success? One could even argue its WORSE now then when they started. So free do what you want or militant no rights drug free. Sounds so North Korea like to me.


  2. #1162
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Likewise for 70+ years we have been lied to and had blatant propaganda forced down our throats at our own expense no less about the evils of a dried plant material. Total BS lies made up again and again to this very day about the affects of marijuana. I always like to consider the source when such data is made public. If you'll notice most every case study was performed by some government agency who has it in their best interest to make sure the findings are BAD BAD so they can justify their miserable existence trying to force their moral values down the rest of our throats. These studies are also done by researchers who owe their jobs to the drug warriors and will guess what always find that the people paying them are correct, go figure.
    Do you really want to argue the logic of sucking noxious vapors into ones lungs with one who as I write can see the day of my demise, must use oxygen therapy 24-7 and is breathless after a trip down the hall to pee?

    You need fresh air, leave everything else in the plant!!!
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  3. #1163
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    I think this would suit for anyone that can't grasp reality or web pages or drug laws or voting laws or basic laws of physics for that matter. The difference between right and wrong do not compute on an internal level. Everything external must be changed regardless if unsubstantiated evidence conflicts with reality.

    Why on God's green earth would someone support the questionable and unproven concept of GW or a specific method of correction but ignore the greater evidence that pot has a fairly proven association to mental and physical disease.

    The least common denominator must be IGNORANCE to all of the above! Then to lay claim on the opposing view as morons and idiots is just beyond comprehension.

    And these people vote to run the country on their terms? EGADS!


    When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead
    And the white knight is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen's "Off with her head!"
    Remember what the dormouse said

    Feed your head
    Feed your head
    Reality isn't a prerequisite? That explains how you can buy into the GW scare campaign.
    These are common threads running through the liberal position from start to finish. "Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up! And besides, if I close my eyes it isn't really there. So I reject your reality and substitute my own which I like better and better suits my agenda!"
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  4. #1164
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post


    When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead
    And the white knight is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen's "Off with her head!"
    Remember what the dormouse said

    Feed your head
    Feed your head
    Dear One of Many,

    The Airplane did some wonderfully edgy stuff.
    Everybody is getting excited about the US elections, but I rather gloomily feel the Who came as close as it gets with an ancient UK perspective of the nature of "democracy" ..Oh lorks, oh lorks..

    We'll be fighting in the streets
    With our children at our feet
    And the morals that they worship will be gone
    And the men who spurred us on
    Sit in judgement of all wrong
    They decide and the shotgun sings the song

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again

    The change, it had to come
    We knew it all along
    We were liberated from the fold, that's all
    And the world looks just the same
    And history ain't changed
    'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    No, no!

    I'll move myself and my family aside
    If we happen to be left half alive
    I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
    Though I know that the hypnotized never lie
    Do ya?

    There's nothing in the streets
    Looks any different to me
    And the slogans are replaced, by - the - bye
    And the parting on the left
    Are now parting on the right
    And the beards have all grown longer overnight

    I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
    Take a bow for the new revolution
    Smile and grin at the change all around
    Pick up my guitar and play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I'll get on my knees and pray
    We don't get fooled again
    Don't get fooled again
    No, no!


    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

    We don't get fooled again...?

    Yeah, right......

    Best wishes,


  5. #1165
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Election? Is that what it is? How come I feel unrepresented? Now just get ready for MORE taxes! Wasn't there a war fought over just that?
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  6. #1166
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    ACTS 2:38

    An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of Church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38! " (Repent and be baptised, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven.)
    The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you."
    "Scripture?" replied the burglar. "She said she had an Axe and Two 38's!"
    and remember knowing scripture can save your life in more ways than one
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  7. #1167
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    Do you really want to argue the logic of sucking noxious vapors into ones lungs with one who as I write can see the day of my demise, must use oxygen therapy 24-7 and is breathless after a trip down the hall to pee?

    You need fresh air, leave everything else in the plant!!!
    The argument is not over the vapors but the mere freedom to do with our own bodies what we please. The consequences of our actions are ours alone to bear this is self evident in that no one can die so that someone may live. While I understand your opinion and outlook on the usage of said things I will never be one to live in fear of the unknown for tomorrow I may get killed by a dumbass teen driving to work for all I know. No one knows their fate but we will each have to cross that bridge when we get there on our own. Anything in excess is most likely not a good thing, even those so called good things.

    Everything in moderation with consideration but never left to others for deliberation.


  8. #1168
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bowman View Post
    The argument is not over the vapors but the mere freedom to do with our own bodies what we please. The consequences of our actions are ours alone to bear this is self evident in that no one can die so that someone may live. While I understand your opinion and outlook on the usage of said things I will never be one to live in fear of the unknown for tomorrow I may get killed by a dumbass teen driving to work for all I know. No one knows their fate but we will each have to cross that bridge when we get there on our own. Anything in excess is most likely not a good thing, even those so called good things.

    Everything in moderation with consideration but never left to others for deliberation.

    We can't be allowed to traverse the freeways at 200 mph not because anyone wants to deny freedom. I am the greatest proponent of freedom you are likely to com in contact with. I have already risked and nearly lost my life defending your freedom.

    You freedom ends where the safety and well being concerns of others begin. Laws are masde to regulate certain substances that have been found by our freely elected representatives to be hazardous or detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of all.

    If you don't like a law, work to have it overturned. If it remains the will of the people you must submit or begin the search for a society which will allow the behavior you to pursue. It's the American way!

    Dope addicts are a hazard to the wellbeing of my grandchildren and thus are in extreme jeopardy of their own.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  9. #1169
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I stumbled on this from Jefferson Starship...1970's stuff
    Jefferson Starship Eskimo Blue Day Lyrics

    Snow cuts loose from the frozen
    Until it joins with the African sea
    In moving it changes its cold and its name
    The reason I come and go is the same
    Animal game for me
    You call it rain
    But the human name
    Doesn't mean **** to a tree
    If you don't mind heat in your river and
    Fork tongue talking from me
    Swim like an eel fantastic snake
    Take my love when it's free
    Electric feel with me
    You call it loud
    But the human crowd
    Doesn't mean **** to a tree
    Change the strings and notes slide
    Change the bridge and string shift down
    Shift the notes and bride sings
    Fire eating people
    Rising toys of the sun
    Energy dies without body warm
    Icicles ruin your gun
    Water my roots the natural thing
    Natural spring to the sea
    Sulphur springs make my body float
    Like a ship made of logs from a tree
    Redwoods talk to me
    Say it plainly
    The human name
    Doesn't mean **** to a tree
    Snow called water going violent
    Damn the end of the stream
    Too much cold in one place breaks
    That's why you might know what I mean
    Consider how small you are
    Compared to your scream
    The human dream
    Doesn't mean **** to a tree

    Leaving aside how this may turn out after the CNCAdmin filter, (LOL) the lines

    Consider how small you are
    Compared to your scream
    The human dream
    Doesn't mean **** to a tree

    might just suggest that we, wee, humans are pretty insignificant in all this.

    Maybe LSD wasn't all bad..

    Best wishes,


  10. #1170
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    ....Laws are masde to regulate certain substances that have been found by our freely elected representatives to be hazardous or detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of all....
    If you really believed this you would be agitating for Prohibition again; or are you one of the hypocrites who goes on about dope fiends while knocking back your booze?
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  11. #1171
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    We can't be allowed to traverse the freeways at 200 mph not because anyone wants to deny freedom. I am the greatest proponent of freedom you are likely to com in contact with. I have already risked and nearly lost my life defending your freedom.

    You freedom ends where the safety and well being concerns of others begin. Laws are masde to regulate certain substances that have been found by our freely elected representatives to be hazardous or detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of all.

    If you don't like a law, work to have it overturned. If it remains the will of the people you must submit or begin the search for a society which will allow the behavior you to pursue. It's the American way!

    Dope addicts are a hazard to the wellbeing of my grandchildren and thus are in extreme jeopardy of their own.
    Hi jhowelb,
    No one gets addicted to pot, it's not an addictive drug. Second point, yes it remains the will of the people who don't understand the issue. Pot is a lot more of a benign drug than alcohol or cigarettes for instance. I'm not going out looking for a society that approves of pot. I'll just buy what I need from my neighbor and to hell with society. Working to overturn the law is futile. Conservatives (and that's about all there is around here) are to stupid to support any policies that make sense. Hazardous and detrimental? That's stretching logic to the breaking point. I go out on my back porch and burn one and come back in and watch a movie. I'm not usually driving on the stuff and when I have been I've not had an accident. No, your logic doesn't float.
    Actually the American way is if you don't like a law, just quietly bypass it.
    Take care,

  12. #1172
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ahh, booze aint so bad, it's those cuhnts smoking that stinking weed that gets me, same as the cuhnts blowing their minds on crack whatever that is........

  13. #1173
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    XYZ, so you're a pot head too, always thought there was something weird in pothead logic. I won't take a word you say seriously.

  14. #1174
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Your disregard for the rule of law is "shocking"! (Right in line with your liberal friends, really) Not only are you an election fraud , you are a scoflaw on anything about which you disagree. We have places for folks like you!

    Ah, Geof! Always eager to accuse others of what you do yourself. My, my!

    Well let me put your feeble little mind to rest. The profession from which I am retired?
    Witness below the news photos taken as I received the Policeman of the Year Award from The Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter.

    Pack your accusations into any orifice that gives you the most pleasure. You are WRONG again!!! (Just like Wxyz)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails award2.jpg   Award3.jpg  
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  15. #1175
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    ....Pack your accusations into any orifice that gives you the most pleasure. You are WRONG again!!! (Just like Wxyz)
    How so? Can you not read all the words? I gave you a choice, either you support prohibition or your condone the use of a mind-altering drug...ethanol.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  16. #1176
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    We can't be allowed to traverse the freeways at 200 mph not because anyone wants to deny freedom. I am the greatest proponent of freedom you are likely to com in contact with. I have already risked and nearly lost my life defending your freedom.

    You freedom ends where the safety and well being concerns of others begin. Laws are masde to regulate certain substances that have been found by our freely elected representatives to be hazardous or detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of all.

    If you don't like a law, work to have it overturned. If it remains the will of the people you must submit or begin the search for a society which will allow the behavior you to pursue. It's the American way!

    Dope addicts are a hazard to the wellbeing of my grandchildren and thus are in extreme jeopardy of their own.

    Ok Riddle me this Batman. I take a seed I grow it and I harvest the plant. I dry the plant and I smoke it. I then empty the ashes back into the garden. All this happens at my house and never leaves the property. How is this a hazard to anyone? PLEASE TELL ME HOW?

    You are taking the actions of some and lumping everyone into the pile. Once again ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC bars and alcohol should not exist. I don't want to be killed by a drunk driver but people DRINK at bars they DROVE too. If they want to stay home and get hammered more power to them. Your freedom requires bowing to the know nothings in government, mine is just plain freedom much less complicated as I don't try to change people into what I THINK they should be. Try it sometime you will find your life is really no different not worrying yourself with what everyone else is or isn't doing and your a lot more stress free. Why worry about that which will never change? You worry about you and I will worry about me how about that?


  17. #1177
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bowman View Post
    The argument is not over the vapors but the mere freedom to do with our own bodies what we please. The consequences of our actions are ours alone to bear this is self evident in that no one can die so that someone may live. While I understand your opinion and outlook on the usage of said things I will never be one to live in fear of the unknown for tomorrow I may get killed by a dumbass teen driving to work for all I know. No one knows their fate but we will each have to cross that bridge when we get there on our own. Anything in excess is most likely not a good thing, even those so called good things.

    Everything in moderation with consideration but never left to others for deliberation.

    The context of my position wasn't to argue the finer points of cannabinols in leaf form or how some choose to pick their poison. Any character that (fictional or otherwise) comes here espousing do or die government mandated pay to play toxic emissions as a means to correct GW while ignoring proof to the contrary is odd enough. Then with their hypocrisy in simulcast to purposeful intake of toxins for fun. Then become braggadocios with working the voting system to their advantage and complains of the current administrations elections. It just removes all credibility when it comes to posting derogatory labels against Conservative or Christian views in previous posts! In all honesty, this is way beyond selfish righteousness I could ever conjure an imagination for, let alone the type of personality to befriend without being constantly on guard.

    Since you brought it up.....

    Some women use the same freedom of choice argument for killing the unborn when there are other options that include personal responsibility of prevention. I only bring that into the picture for the consequences of unchecked freedom. Stupid is as stupid does. Wearing it as a badge of courage and pride is no excuse to set it free to flourish on its own questionable merits. Moderation is left on the doorstep to become a curse!

    Suppose the teen that hypothetically helped meet someone's demise is stoned or influences the early death of a friend that uses it as a gateway drug. Will there be 70 years of evidence to back up your reasoning that it is perfectly safe? There are studies that show the reality, not just hype. Life is a gamble and that includes all links in that chain that that life touches. How it effect the person directly may or may not be that relevant.

    Self medicating for intentional inebriation/intoxication and having a beverage to enhance a meal or quench ones thirst do not even intersect. Personal responsibility and the average human mental condition is a bad combination IMHO. The psychological and extraneous effects often do not stop at one time or periodic use for all.

    So let me consider some folks right to do what they please with their own body, money and life potential. Ignoring risks regardless if it is lawful or toxic poison. It is only a FUN and an enjoyable act of freedom if one can make it out the other end alive repeatedly? The side affects be damned, later on in life despite the other ailments that can befall you to exacerbate the quality of life from what we did while young and short sighted. Statistics can show the scenarios of either they become a ward of the state entitlements or dead at an early age when periodic just wouldn't do. The surviving preponderance may skate by to hype the tales of what they got away with in moderation........ throwing away precaution on those they influenced onto the same path. The dead can tell no tales of shoulda-coulda-woulda if only they'd seen the obvious a bit earlier in life.

    Could it be that yee of little faith prefers "comfortably numb"?


  18. #1178
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post

    We don't get fooled again...?

    Yeah, right......

    Best wishes,

    That is exactly why us right wingers here in the US don't have the enthusiam the left has now. It may just be someone elses turn to get fooled again! From the look of the choices, I'd wonder if I'd hire any of them to handle my taxes let alone security detail!! I'm sure we will get more of one than the other and nothing to show for it.........

    This election farse has turned into a media darling popularity contest and nothing to do with being qualified for leadership. We have lost the means to identify one if they entered the race anyways.


  19. #1179
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    XYZ, so you're a pot head too, always thought there was something weird in pothead logic. I won't take a word you say seriously.
    Hi handlewanker,
    I can't remember you ever taking a word I said seriously.
    Take care,

  20. #1180
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    Your disregard for the rule of law is "shocking"! (Right in line with your liberal friends, really) Not only are you an election fraud , you are a scoflaw on anything about which you disagree. We have places for folks like you!

    Ah, Geof! Always eager to accuse others of what you do yourself. My, my!

    Well let me put your feeble little mind to rest. The profession from which I am retired?
    Witness below the news photos taken as I received the Policeman of the Year Award from The Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter.

    Pack your accusations into any orifice that gives you the most pleasure. You are WRONG again!!! (Just like Wxyz)
    Hi jhowelb,
    There was a time in this country when the rule of law required blacks to seat themselves at the back of buses and attend segregated schools. That law wasn't changed by people who obeyed it. Ditto with prohibition. There are some really bad drugs out there that do people a lot of damage and should be banned. Crack, methamphetemine and tobacco come to mind. People can misuse drugs that are relatively benign, like coffee. When used with restraint pot doesn't do much harm, a few beers are alright too you just have to monitor the quantity. Alcohol can get out of control for a lot of people.
    Take care,

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