Let me just preface this with some important information.*<br />
i have to get this bad boy to fit in a 2nd garage that has an 8 ft entry 9ft ceiling and 10ft walls (side to side) and will have to pay a rigging company to move it given my 45 degree angle cursed driveway and some other things that arent so "friendly" when it comes to this project. Im going to go for a retrofit, since i have nothing but time and im not on a time is money basis for this project. Ive been thinking of some form of a knee mill because i dont have the room or power supply for a VMC but still want something more than the CNC'd grizzly g0704 which i had but sold to put funds towards this project. This will be used to engrave, as well as cut aluminum 90% of the time and steel maybe 10% of the time. I am going for a PC based retrofit versus a Centroid control or similar, since i dont need the machine up and running ASAP and i already have Solidworks and a CAM integration for Solidworks. I know that the Knee mills arent as rigid as a VMC and cant cut as fast, etc. but coming from my CNC'd Grizzly, it sure has to be a step up. Id prefer something catastrophic like a dead control or similar that way i could get it for near scrap cost, but still have a good base to build off of. My time frame for this project is going to be over 6 months if thats realistic enough with my 5-7k budget. Im looking for something that provides a good, finished product vs. something with speed, if it takes longer to make, so be it, so long as it looks good*[http://www]*As far as what i know of thats out there, the bridgeport BOSS's are what ive researched the most, but i know there are many, many other brands/ models out there, just trying to figure out whats better off as scrap and what machines are worthy of a retrofit.*<br />
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As far as why i dont purchase a tormach and call it done? I figure dollar for dollar, a good retrofit will be more capable than the Tormach and i dont necessarily need a turnkey system right away.*<br />
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What im asking for: Advice mainly, im here to listen and learn, not to waist peoples time, advice on what type of machine (is there something besides a knee mill i should be looking at)?, where to look at besides fleabay and craigslist, your experiences, what to look out for, and what makes a good candidate and a bad candidate for a retrofit.<br />
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