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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    I am going to be in need of a new home computer very shortly.
    The one that I am currently using is around 12 yrs. old and is ready to quit on me.

    I was recently talking to a friend about this and he recommended getting a laptop.
    He has no background in machining ,so really could not give me any insight into how it would workout.

    Could someone recommend to me what would be the best way to go.
    The machine I have is a 1997 vm16, so we are talking programs with floppy disc's.

    I need to know what operating system is best, if there is a choice, and what other addons that I need to get.
    I guess you can pretty much tell that I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to computers.
    It's the, teach an old dog, new tricks type of thing here.

    My shop is 200ft. from the house and the more I thought about it, having a laptop seams like a good choice.
    All thoughts and recommendations on the matter will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Dave

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    The answer here is: It depends.

    You are not going to find a new laptop with a floppy drive, but external floppy drives might be available. I would replace the floppy drive in the machine with a USB adapter. Something like this. USB Floppy Drive Emulator for CNC Machine, Wire EDM Advanced EDM Supply - EDM Supplies and consumables for Wire EDM

    The other question is what operating system is compatible with the software that you are using? Will it run on Win10? All new computers are going to have Win10 installed. It's not even possible to install WinXP on some of the newer computers, Win 7 will install on most, but not all.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    What software are you using to program your machine?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Windows XP server sp3 on an older 32 bit Dell workstation. zero problems, and a sloppy floppy for the 1998 Fadal. i have a pair up and running, home and shop. and 3 spares they were $75 each when the architects office upgraded, and these were the most expensive at the time of new.
    Gotta have that 32bit.......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    I can see that I did not provide proper information with my original request.

    I have a 1997 vm16 that I program manually by hand. Yup, I stand in front of the machine and punch the buttons, this is slow and tedious and prone for errors. I sit and do the math by hand to figure out my program paths and also a little help from BrianL.
    I know there is a better way, and that is what I would like to achieve.

    My own personal computer needs to be replaced very very shortly, if not sooner. Since I have to buy a new computer I was hoping to be able to also get CAD CAM software of some sort along with the computer to help me with the programming.
    My question should be. What are you guys using for a computer... and your CAD CAM and programming needs??
    If I bought a laptop, would I still need an older computer with an old operating system in order to be able to communicate with my VMC?

    Am I clear as mud in my needs??? I really need some guidance here in what I need to do.
    Not having ever used any CNC equipment before it's difficult to even know what questions to ask.

    Thanks again, Dave

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Dave, what work do you have for the machine?,
    it can be a real money maker.
    software is the easy part.
    tell us about the machine and what you want to do with it.
    Been doing this too long

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    OK, that kinda changes the question. Fusion 360 is a full featured, professional CAD/CAM program that runs on Win7 or Win10. A bit of a learning curve, but it's free to hobbyists, students, and small businesses making under 100K/year.

    A laptop would be fine, but get one with a decent graphic card, and a large screen for CAD/CAM work. We'll worry about how the get the programs from the laptop to the machine later, there are USB floppy eliminators and other hardware available.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    I use a Dell Inspiron 1500, run Fusion 360, Sheetcam and Alibre on it with no issues. For communication I use One DNC and you can use a USB cable wired to the RS232 port on the machine. Cable connections can be tricky, but I suspect Sporty Bob can help you with that. Unless you plan on running mb length 3D contouring programs, this will be sufficient for your needs. Transferring large programs or running drip feed over the cable can be slow... but in my shop programs that large are a rare thing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Bostosh, I have a vm16 vintage 1997 with a 12tool toolchanger and a 6" riser in Z. It's in good condition. I live in rural Southwestern Ontario ,so my jobs are agricultural in nature and my own motorcycle projects. Basically a bit of everything... in steel and alum.

    Jim Dawson, I have read about Fusion 360 and that was on my radar to look in to. Free always seems to be very attractive to me!!
    Could you be more specific about the graphic card. What it does? The size I may need?? Why I need it??
    When I go to purchase a lap top I would like to appear that I half ass know what I need and what I am talking about.

    Brian, what operating system do you run on your Dell? And when I buy a new computer do I have a choice in what to get, and is there a preference?
    My machine already has a USB cable run to the RS232 port........ or at least that is what I think it may be, as I was told from the shop that I bought it from that they downloaded programs to the machine from the office. I have never used it and right now would not know how to anyway.

    Is there any particular name brand laptop to look at..... and to stay away from?
    Is there anything else that I am missing in what to look and ask for in concern to the computer specs?
    Are they all wired to run discs and printers and such or is that something that I have to ask for and is extra?

    Please chime in with suggestions as to what else I need!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Here are the system minimum requirements from the Fusion 360 web site. I'm not sure what they mean by ''except Intel GMA X3100 cards''

    I would go with 16GB memory, and a video card that exceeds the minimum requirements. Many new laptops come standard with 16GB memory, but sometimes the video cards are a bit lacking.

    System requirements for Autodesk Fusion 360
    Operating System Apple® macOS™ High Sierra v10.13; Apple® macOS™ Sierra v10.12; Mac® OS® X v10.11.x (El Capitan)
    Note: Mac OS X v10.10.x (Yosemite) is not supported.
    Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 (64-bit only)
    CPU Type 64-bit processor (32-bit not supported)
    Memory 3GB RAM (4GB or more recommended)
    Graphics Card 512MB GDDR RAM or more, except Intel GMA X3100 cards
    Disk Space ~2.5 GB
    Pointing Device Microsoft-compliant mouse, Apple Mouse, Magic Mouse, MacBook Pro trackpad
    Internet A DSL internet connection or faster
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Dawson View Post
    Here are the system minimum requirements from the Fusion 360 web site. I'm not sure what they mean by ''except Intel GMA X3100 cards''

    I would go with 16GB memory, and a video card that exceeds the minimum requirements. Many new laptops come standard with 16GB memory, but sometimes the video cards are a bit lacking.

    System requirements for Autodesk Fusion 360
    Operating System Apple® macOS™ High Sierra v10.13; Apple® macOS™ Sierra v10.12; Mac® OS® X v10.11.x (El Capitan)
    Note: Mac OS X v10.10.x (Yosemite) is not supported.
    Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 (64-bit only)
    CPU Type 64-bit processor (32-bit not supported)
    Memory 3GB RAM (4GB or more recommended)
    Graphics Card 512MB GDDR RAM or more, except Intel GMA X3100 cards
    Disk Space ~2.5 GB
    Pointing Device Microsoft-compliant mouse, Apple Mouse, Magic Mouse, MacBook Pro trackpad
    Internet A DSL internet connection or faster
    Thanks for the info Jim. Maybe what I will do is take this info with me when I go to see about a new laptop.

    Now for my own education...... What is a video card and it's purpose?
    Is it used to help with the drawings?

    Thanks Dave.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    The video card is what ''paints'' the screen on any computer, and all computers have one. In other words it takes all the little 1's and 0's in there and converts it to something you and I can see on the screen. It doesn't take much of a video card to read email, but CAD and CAM programs work the video card pretty hard, and it requires a pretty good one to 1) get any speed out of rendering, and 2) be able to display drawings with good detail. Many are built into the main board and use shared memory, but the better ones plug into the main board and have their own on-board memory.

    Getting some advice from the computer store would be helpful, if you can find someone there that actually has a clue what they're talking about and not just trying to upsell you. And by all means, take the specs to the store with you.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Dawson View Post
    The video card is what ''paints'' the screen on any computer, and all computers have one. In other words it takes all the little 1's and 0's in there and converts it to something you and I can see on the screen. It doesn't take much of a video card to read email, but CAD and CAM programs work the video card pretty hard, and it requires a pretty good one to 1) get any speed out of rendering, and 2) be able to display drawings with good detail. Many are built into the main board and use shared memory, but the better ones plug into the main board and have their own on-board memory.

    Getting some advice from the computer store would be helpful, if you can find someone there that actually has a clue what they're talking about and not just trying to upsell you. And by all means, take the specs to the store with you.
    Thanks for that Jim and I quess this why I have so many questions before hand.
    I would kind of like to have a little bit of a clue as to what I need, to avoid being snowballed into something that is not right for my needs.

    Again, for my own sake. Should I have to ask whether the video card is built into the main board or a plug in. I am assuming that the higher end laptops are the latter style, or is that a false assumption. Will it even matter in my case.?

    Thanks, Dave

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    That's a good question, and I really don't know the answer. I haven't bought a laptop in a number of years and haven't kept up on the latest goodies. You might take a look at the Dell website and just do some comparison on the specs, just to see what is available. The Best Buy website might be useful also. Also you want at least a 17 inch screen on a laptop or at least a 24 inch screen on a desktop, for CAD work.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Jim, thanks for the help. This time of year there may be some sales happening....HO!HO!HO!
    I live in Ontario Canada so there would not be much sense in trying to get a price comparison.
    A friend who just bought a new laptop, mentioned the local Staples store does their own repairs and warranty work, so I may start there.

    Thanks, Dave

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Well I had a chance to go to a computer store about 20 mins. from home. I did not know what brand they sold until I was inside, and talked to a salesman.

    They had a 15" laptop that was $2489.00 out the door. Considering the fact that at that price, it is about 25% of the cost of my VM16, I told them I would have to think about it.
    So tell me are Mac that proud of their laptops or is there that much value to their product....... And why?

    I have not been anywhere else yet........ still suffering from sticker shock I guess!!!
    I am curious as to what a ballpark price I would be looking at for my computer needs.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Man, that guy saw you coming! I got a Dell about a year ago on a really good sale, but here is a comparable model, mine has a solid state drive instead of the hard drive, so it boots faster, but either way, this is a i-7 processor, with 12gb of memory, way better than what you would really need and you can get it online from Sam's Club for $699.


    I would not go Mac.... I'm a die hard Mac fan, but the troubles you will have because most CAD/CAM software is written for Windows PC's will drive you nuts with an Apple product. I use an iMac, but I have to run software called Parallels and then run Windows on the Mac that way, it's a kludge and it slows everything way down.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Macs are nice machines, but the prices are crazy compared to Windows machines. On the other hand they do graphics very well.

    I would think that a new equivalent Windows machine would be half of that or less. Buying a late model used machine would be worth looking into. Check your local Craigslist or other online buy/sell source.

    I have a Windows laptop sitting on the bench that belongs to a friend of mine, runs MasterCAM and SolidWorks just fine, I think he paid about US$500 for it used from a little mom & pop computer store.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  19. #19
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    Brian, I don't know if he saw me coming, but he sure saw me leaving. The next machine up from the one he quoted me was $3500.00

    Now just for clarity, I have read about the Windows operating systems and I recall there was a windows 7 and a 10 Is that correct? Is there a choice?
    If there is a choice, which is the better to have?

    Jim, do you think USED is the safe way to go for me? Man I'm struggling to get my head wrapped around a new one.
    I read what the basic requirements for Fusion 360 where and all I could think of was WHAT the hell do all these numbers and letters mean.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Need recomendation for a computer to program vm16

    New is Windows 10 only, Windows 7 can be had on refurbished or used computers. I would to with Windows 10 as you don't want the non-support of 7. The unit I linked to will run Fusion no problems...

    You have to have a 64 bit processor, all new computers are. 4GB of Ram, the one I linked to was 12gb and the hard drive needs to be 2.5gb and the one I linked to was 1000gb (one Terabyte). So it more than qualifies.

    You are way over thinking this... just about any $500 laptop is going to easily do the job for you.

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