
I hope I am posting this in the right section.

After browsing this forum, Googleing, daydreaming, spending nights thinking instead of sleeping I have decided to build a small CNC. I have completed the X and Y axis and I am ready to get started on the Z axis. What I've built so far looks really ugly but both axis are straight and there is nothing loose. I am using this project as a learning process with the projection of building a bigger, better and prettier CNC at a later date.

The main material I am using is MDF and I have never realized before how much nuts and bolts can be so expensive but I managed to find everything else on eBay between China, USA and Canada and the complete project is now up to under $320, all electronics working well and I have 95% completed.

The only thing I am stuck with at the moment is the lead screw/motor shaft coupling. I bought some hose and clamps but I feel it doesn't make a rigid coupling, the hose had to be flexible enough because my lead screw is 1/4" x 20tpi and the motor shaft is 5mm (0.1968") so there is a big difference in size.

I tried to search on this forum using "coupling" as a search word but it returned 100s of threads and I admit not reading all of them but I could not find an answer.

I am hoping not to pay $20 each for such a small item. Can anyone make a suggestion?

Thank you
