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  1. #8141
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    SPAMmer is back - no he's off again...

    Quote Originally Posted by ERRod43h View Post
    but blocked off here.
    Ian.but blocked off here.

  2. #8142
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    yeah another spammer....oqkj941uty..... sh!t for brains.

  3. #8143
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    yeah another spammer....oqkj941uty..... sh!t for brains.
    Not for long...

  4. #8144
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    Oct 2006
    Everyone has a right to say what they want, but I get tired of those who engage in name calling and disrespecting people than discussing the facts. Can we all agree to this? Post information that is relevant. Ignore all posts that use name calling etc. There are paid agents of the govt who's only job is to come into blogs like this and disrupt it so that people turn away from the truths being told there. Just ignore them.
    On the possitive side Ive listened to Professor James McCanney for about 6 years. He has been right about everything so far. From the solar flares to the destruction of the space shuttle. He told NASSA not to unfurl that long antenna in space because it would attract an electrical discharge, it did, they nearly died. Years later he told NASSA not to bring the shuttle in on such a steep angle because of the same thing. NASSA ignored him and the rest is history. Our atmosphere is electrically charged, not much of a statement there, we can see the lightning grounding. But did you know that Space is electrically charged? Unfurl a long foil antenna and see for yourself. We didnt go to the moon. Not one single NASSA scientist has EVER come forward to tell us HOW those ships got through the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The Russians gave up trying after they fried 3 of their cosmonauts. Ever wonder why the Russians didnt follow us???

  5. #8145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael4yah View Post
    He told NASSA not to unfurl that long antenna in space because it would attract an electrical discharge, it did, they nearly died. Years later he told NASSA not to bring the shuttle in on such a steep angle because of the same thing. NASSA ignored him and the rest is history.

    No wonder NASSA ignored him: NASSA ~ North American Shetland Sheepbreeders Association

    As for ignoring certain posts; it is human nature to ignore people who make no sense or who disagree with us on what we consider fundamental principles. What is truth and what is fiction is for each one of us to figure out for ourselves.

    The idea is to present a logical argument based on facts. The problem comes in when the facts are in dispute.

    As for paid posters, I have not been able to identify any on this board - I have my suspicions on some other boards.

  6. #8146
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    Well Michael4yah, I hope your faith in prof James McCanney isn't faulty seeing as how you follow every word he utters.....if'n the guy knows more than he knows, or has a crystal ball bigger than NASSA's, then NASSA will tremble in their boots, especially when you've made a statement that NASSA didn't go to the Moon....probably took a wrong turn somewhere and couldn't admit to the "truth".

    So can we can put you down on record as one who is for or against Global Warming/Cooling, Climate Change, Moon Walking, Green Initiatives, Windmills, PV panels, electric cars, Population control, Cheap Chinese Imports, Coal Fired Power stations, Nuclear Power Plants, strip mining in the Antartic, Old Growth forest wood chipping, O'Bama for a second term, Kyoto Protocol revisited, Fracking, Occupying Wall Street, US's continued presence in Afghanistan for the next 10 years, the great Hockey Stick conundrum, finite oil, Carbon Credits/Tax.......

    All very hot topics that will get you either hot under the collar as you debate/argue with the fellow members that have all gone down this path before....8,145 posts before in this thread if'n you care to "refresh" your knowledge of what has been said.

    Other than that...let's have some real news, backed up with references to support any hypotheses you might like to air......we will give you carte blanch opportunity to wow us with your knowledge.....ain't nobody gonna tell youse to shut yo' trap boy.....but it's gotta be Climate Change related.

    BTW, if'n the space shuttles (watched by thousands of telescopes) didn't get to the Moon.....where did they go?

  7. #8147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael4yah View Post
    ... There are paid agents of the govt who's only job is to come into blogs like this and disrupt it so that people turn away from the truths being told there. Just ignore them.
    On the possitive side Ive listened to Professor James McCanney for about 6 years. He has been right about everything so far. From the solar flares to the destruction of the space shuttle. He told NASSA not to unfurl that long antenna in space because it would attract an electrical discharge, it did, they nearly died. Years later he told NASSA not to bring the shuttle in on such a steep angle because of the same thing. NASSA ignored him and the rest is history. Our atmosphere is electrically charged, not much of a statement there, we can see the lightning grounding. But did you know that Space is electrically charged? Unfurl a long foil antenna and see for yourself. We didnt go to the moon. Not one single NASSA scientist has EVER come forward to tell us HOW those ships got through the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The Russians gave up trying after they fried 3 of their cosmonauts. Ever wonder why the Russians didnt follow us???
    You're hysterical!!! :banana:
    NASSA??? LOL!!! (or should I spell that LLOOLL?)

    I just happen to have a good friend who worked on the grounding issues for space docking. The charge differential between spacecraft was a serious issue...one that was successfully dealt with.

    I happen to also have worked under someone who did "unfurl a long foil antenna (it wasn't foil) from the shuttle. It was miles long, and he was doing remote sensing...successfully I might add. Nobody came close to dying.

    ...And we never needed a NASSA scientist to tell us how those ships got through the Van Allen Radiation Belts. Everyone knows that Admiral Nelson fixed them with a missile from the submarine Seaview.

    You and handywanky must be buddies.

  8. #8148
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    Sep 2006
    You didn't answer the question.....mate.

    Er, I did notice that the shuttles, which were capable of going into Earth orbit and are also capable of going onto Moon orbit, stayed in Earth orbit, even though they had huge capacity to carry the extra fuel needed to nudge them along.......maybe the radiation was too much for them.

  9. #8149
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    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    You didn't answer the question.....mate.

    Er, I did notice that the shuttles, which were capable of going into Earth orbit and are also capable of going onto Moon orbit, stayed in Earth orbit, even though they had huge capacity to carry the extra fuel needed to nudge them along.......maybe the radiation was too much for them.
    Having worked on the shuttles in the past I will put my 2cents in on this. I have a car that is very capable of driving to Florida, but I only go to the store and back home because there is a river in the middle of the country that I would have to cross. Mine makes just as much sense as the one above!


  10. #8150
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    Larry, I won't get into the did they or din' they get to go there syndrome......there seems a lot of ifs and why nots that very "gifted' people have collated to "prove" that the whole show was a movie set, somewhere in area 52 or thereabouts....LOL....but it WOULD seem that if you were almost there, why not go a bit further and have a peek at the other side, maybe even drop a robot with a camera to prowl about and take pictures.

    For my money, I read a part about the Russians have decided to go back to the Moon to create a Moon base to help with a shove off to Mars in some years to come.......how come they didn't get put off by the first time when their Cosmanauts are supposed to have got fried in the radiation belts...oops did someone forget that bit that the Russians never actually went to the Moon, but now they're "going to go back there".....maybe they mean area 52...LOL....same setting, different actors......never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

  11. #8151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larry83301 View Post
    Having worked on the shuttles in the past I will put my 2cents in on this. I have a car that is very capable of driving to Florida, but I only go to the store and back home because there is a river in the middle of the country that I would have to cross. Mine makes just as much sense as the one above!

    ...And then there's those silly mission parameters...

  12. #8152
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    Sep 2006
    Fizzwizz means "Those silly mission achievments"...... went there, jumped up and down, picked up a bit of dirt, didn't do much, cost an arm and a leg, gotta go back there again someday.....when area 52 opens for the new season.

    It's a fact that they (NASA) have sattelite mounted telescopes that are so powerfull they can read the name on the shirt collar of someone at ground level from an Earth orbit in space.....but they could not see a single footprint on the moon of anyone that's been there......must have been a dust storm.

  13. #8153
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    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    It's a fact that they (NASA) have sattelite mounted telescopes that are so powerfull they can read the name on the shirt collar of someone at ground level from an Earth orbit in space

    There's a reason the Hubble gets better pics than terrestrial telescopes, the atmosphere gets in the way.

    It also gets in the way when you are looking down, the light gets scattered, particularly at the blue end of the spectrum. Names on shirt collars is a problem.

    No atmosphere on the moon, but the camera wasn't Hubble sized, not enough resolution for footprints.

    As conspiracy theories go, I'd rather believe in the tooth fairy :cheers:

  14. #8154
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Huh, that's another myth busted....I read a story somwhere that they identified Saddam Hussein by the laundry mark on his shirt collar and placed him in a certain place at a certain time, all from an orbiting space sattelite....LOL.....it was probably his handle bar moustache that was more prominant.....more than likely it was an unmanned drone aircraft flying at 10,000 feet which would have been invisible to the naked eye.

    I still think that a satellite orbiting the Earth would be half way to the Moon and so without the atmosphere to interfere would be able to pick up detail such as a footprint relatively easy.....maybe the radiation fogged the film.....next time they'll go digital.

    If'n you want a conspiracy theory before it happens, check the first man on Mars when he comes back (from area 52) and lives to tell the tale.....Mars has no magnetic core so you get full solar radiaton 24/7, full dosage.....one of the reasons the air (and water vapour) was stripped off by the solar wind.

  15. #8155
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    Apr 2006
    Insufferable morons. They just don't know when to quit.

    Incapable of a bit of trig, a simple understanding of resolution, and comparing apples and oranges. (never mind classified vs. unclassified)

    200-400 miles vs. 240,000 miles just for openers. (that's an order of magnitude, or two, maybe three)

    Like taking a picture of a playing card at 10 feet in one direction, then taking a picture of the same card at 10,000 feet in the other direction....

    Starting to wonder if someone here doesn't have the scientific knowledge equivalent of Yahoo Serious trying to put bubbles in beer....

  16. #8156
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Aother one bites the dust...

    Quote Originally Posted by Elsie851 View Post
    It's a fact that they (NASA) have sattelite mounted telescopes that are so powerfull they can read the name on the shirt collar of someone at ground level from an Earth orbit in space.....but they could not see a single footprint on the moon of anyone that's been there......must have been a dust storm.

  17. #8157
    Let's see: A shirt collar is 1" long and is viewed from 240 miles. Using the same resolution, a footprint would have to be 1000" long to be seen from 240,000 miles away.

    I did some checking; Bozo the Clown isn't listed as one of the Apollo mission astronauts. He couldn't go because his 83-foot long clown shoes wouldn't fit in the Lunar Lander.

    These are sad times when the US cannot cannot send a man into orbit, let alone to the moon. Today NASA's "astronauts" are hitchhikers who beg the Russians for a ride into space. Also sad is people denying the 1969 accomplishment of sending men to the moon. In an era of utter mediocrity some people feel better by denying history of past greatness. The "dust storm" isn't on the Moon but here on Earth; dust is all that's left of NASA's era of scientific exploration.

    40 years ago NASA sent men to the moon; today NASA sends us global warming pseudoscience.


  18. #8158
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post

    40 years ago NASA sent men to the moon; today NASA sends us global warming pseudoscience.

    WRONG! Our dear leader has a better mission for them. Read this quote from the Washington Examiner -- "NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Not one thing about SPACE!

    Read more at the Washington Examiner.

    Great way to use the space agency. NOT!!!!!


  19. #8159
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    Mar 2007
    I think NASA lost public attention when it failed to keep up with Star Trek, that which was possible became boring.

    Today's real space exploration is at Cerne.

  20. #8160
    Join Date
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    North America Socialist Administration

    Wow. I'm just dumbfounded.
    The more I read about this moron, the more I want to move.

    "Of those three goals, Bolden said in a recent interview with al-Jazeera, the mission to reach out to Muslims is “perhaps foremost,” because it will help Islamic nations “feel good” about their scientific accomplishments."

    Wouldn't gold stars for their foreheads be a lot cheaper?

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