TDM Systems

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Overview of the Crib Reduces Machine Downtimes

MarketingTDM Systems GmbH on August 3, 2015 at 12:00 AM
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The TDM Tool Crib Module organizes everything that is in stock for tools and production resources. Even tools that are located off-site are recorded. By doing so, the module flexibly adapts itself to each crib structure. TDMstoreasy, the intelligent software for tool cabinets, supports this in praxis. The TDM Tool Crib Module can map each physical crib and adapt itself to the customer," says Regional Account Manager Andreas Maier from TDM Systems, adding: “The software offers all of the possibilities." At the same time, it integrates easily in terms of Tool Lifecycle Management into higher level systems. 

Different Crib Systems
The positive aspect for the software's flexibility is that it is able to cope with the most diverse crib systems. Essentially, there is a distinction between electromechanical and conventional systems; the latter is also divided into "controlled" and "guided" withdrawals. Controlled, individual withdrawals of tools allows for what is known as vending machines, similar to vending machines for food. Maier: "They have experienced a boom in recent years and are mainly used for round-the-clock supply in multi-shift operation." Here, it depends on the shortest possible access times.

Learn more about the TDM Tool Crib Module in the latest TDMessage 05-2015.

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