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European Hydrogen Bank

Michael Herrmann
Michael Herrmann on May 21, 2024 at 2:29 PM

The EU Commission has recently awarded 720 million euros to 7 projects in four EU countries in the first auction of the European Hydrogen Bank. The successful bidders (more details here) in the significantly oversubscribed auction will produce hydrogen or H2 derivatives from renewable energy sources in Europe and receive funding to cover the price difference between production costs and the market price of hydrogen. With the lowest production price at the top of the list: A project in Lahti/Finland. The financial injection of 45 million euros is intended to enable Nordic Ren-Gas to expand the production of renewable eMethane and accelerate the development of the decentralized eMethane production network. This is quite a surprise, as people in Germany have so far been very skeptical about SNG, at least at a political level.

Picture: Shutterstock



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